it's officially my 200th post today..
phewwww i never thot dat one day i cld post as much as now, currently...
i started blogging because i love to write.
i love the feelings when i can speak to the monitor, all my heart out.
i started w my friendster's but i think its lame u see..
sometimes ade la problemnya n nak add pics tu amik bertahuunnn lamanya.
a fren of mine introduced me to the and i found it interesting..
so mulaa la start blogging last april..
u can browse n read how naive my 1st entry cld be..
and now after 7months being a kinda-tegar blogger, i have lots of cyberfriends..
not really many tapi adeeeelaaaa..heh.
and i decided to keep on blogging.sharing my ups and downs.
my everything.
ops..i ade satu pending entry kan..
told u guys in this entry yg i akan update pasal me nieza g mane aft kenduri..
well, we went to d spring for window shopping..
g padini, fos, face shop..
i wore my brown vincci high heels and my feet berdenyut2 jek.
sakit ok..[org plus size cam ai nang xkan tahan jln k heels.beban trun ke kaki.heh]
after tgk2 mekap kat mac, i told nieza yg i x tahan dah jln2..
so we went to big apple donuts to get a bite.
tgh ai amik pics ni kan, tetibe yg tgh uli tepung tu wink+senyum2 kat ai..
sogaaann yo den..hhaha..
nk sgt jd blogger kan, belasah jek. ;P
no pic of me this tym sbb dah over exposed.
over exposed ka?shheeggaaann sebenanya. ;)
ni 1st tym aku dtg lepak minum.
salu mmg tapau je then balik..
nieza la yg promote apple ice tea kat cni sedap.
if u purchase a drink, u'll get a piece of glaze donut, foc.
since we both ordered drinks, we got 2 donuts.
tp x puas ati lagi we ordered lagi 2.
and x jugaaakkk kenyang2, tmbah 2 lagi.
mmg addicted la..once dah stat susah nak berenti.
for me laaa..hahha.
last2 we both mkn 3 pieces donuts sorang okkkkkkkk..
mmg naik la sugar level ni kang.
eh, its ok laa.bkn salu pownn..
nak tau which one is my fav?
say cheese la of course.
i can eat dat 3 pieces in a row.hehe..
while im updating this, i received an sms from my fren, mus.
he invited me n other frens for dinner tomorrow nite.
actually its more to farewell dinner la cos he'll fly to miri this weekend and will start working for shell nxt week.
the venue x confirm lagi so stay tune for more updates!
--looking forward to see how my 1000th entry will be.
say cheese la of course.
i can eat dat 3 pieces in a row.hehe..
while im updating this, i received an sms from my fren, mus.
he invited me n other frens for dinner tomorrow nite.
actually its more to farewell dinner la cos he'll fly to miri this weekend and will start working for shell nxt week.
the venue x confirm lagi so stay tune for more updates!
--looking forward to see how my 1000th entry will be.
congrats sis!!
kmk ajak jd 1st komentor..
hahaha... gila kuasa ai ni kan
keep on blogging..
blogging rowkkk...!
thanx kitak!!
nyza gik lam pantang yala nya jarang dah komen.mun sik, nang nya jak2..ehehe..
i'll keep on blogging w/out fails.hhehe.
eh, so do u ok..
ekot jak makan esok aa..kmk dtg jugak..*eh, tiba2 kuar bahasa melaya, jugak indah...
rasanya makan kat top spot..bok kak berym tek..makai nyamai, yezzaa!
baru aku tau apesal Big Apple donut dia lembut. Sebabbbbbbbbbbbbbb....dia banyhak yeast okkk.
Menggumokkan okkkkkkkkkkk.
ktk ada juak ooo..harusla ada.ehems.haha..
tops spot ka?waaaahhh tetiba imej butter prawn nmpak d mata. ;)
kak green,
wpun meng'chubby'kan,fza ttp gak suka xleh salu muak lak.sebln sekali okla..
hi yee!!!
I love Alien!!!hahahah!!!macam bom coklat!
alien tu bile mkn kan, sure mate ttp n say eemmmmmm eeemmmmm...hahhhaa..mmg heaven!
oo adala org complaint mek lmk dah xkomen blog oo..hehe mek selalu baca blog ktk & mengikuti p'kembangan tp lately mek mls kit nak type tok x entahla fieza..sory hehe..pastok mek akan try komen selalu k hehe tp make sure ktk update everyday atleast semangat mek nak bc hehe ;)
xda la mek majuk oo.hehe..suka jak nyuroh org komen bah..
kmk nang daily updates nek tok ko..rajin ada. :)
kmk nang suka la baca blog ktk. dahla ktk rajin update.
setiap pagi dtg ofis,on pc nang blog ktk org lah dolok dibaca mek sambil makan biskut.dh jadi rutin.
yg pasti baca blog tak org nang lagik best dr baca journal.
thanx a lot for reading.btw, ktk nang x balit kch ka?oon dah abis dah masternya..mun balit buzz me k..
Tahniah.. sik sia-sia ktk blogging hehehe.. Kmk suka maca blog ktk dari masa ke semasa.. kipidap!
Yobihh.. entry yang ke 200?? shiohhhh...speechless mek eh :|
thanx!kmk suka juak baca blog ktk.. :)
aok yg ke 200.ya pun dkit mek asa.since aug mek dah stat rajin hapdet..
hujung taun tok kali... mudahan jak dpt balit.mun mek balit lak mk padah k. za, mek sekda no tepon ktk.brapa no tpon ktk bah
come to kl n i'll bring u to donuts. they really make big apple like a kid's stuff!
xpat mek expose numb mek ctok.x kongang mek nyaut calls by my fans kelak.aiseh..
email kmk kat mek reply, mek merik numb mek k..
i dah g dah jco kat pavilion.mmg gebu donut dier.ok, nanti i g kl u tlg bwk i g sane k.x takut gf marah ke?ahaks!
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