hows ur friday so far?
i wanted to go out after work but nieza is not here, temporarily.
she's now in kl attendin her bro's house warming at bandar putra mahkota.
she'll be back to kch this sunday..huhu...
so, i spent my nite w ida n fatin watching nanny diaries at star movies.
mmg best sangat cite ni..for me la..
x tau la korang nye komen camane.
but i just love the story..
nak tau cite ni pasal ape?
rajin2 la google ek... ;P

ai melekat depan tv tgk cite ni bkn saje pasal scarlet ni best n bdak tu kiut semata2 ok..
ai keep on watching pasal this one guy..
this one hot, gorgeous, fair, tall n handsome guy..
chris evans aka harvard hottie@hayden
ai keep on watching pasal this one guy..
this one hot, gorgeous, fair, tall n handsome guy..

such a cutie kan?
i wish my bakal bf adela mirip2 this guy.sipi2 pun xpe. ur dreaaammsss la fieza oiii..
ok back to reality..
dlm cite ni scarlett n chris evans are a loving kapel..
mmg shweeettt laaa..
aku siap imejin2 ok..
wishing i was the one dat he kissed in dat movie...
auuuuuwwwmmmm hhahhaa.adoii merepek la aku ni kan..
my fav scene
i wish my bakal bf adela mirip2 this guy.sipi2 pun xpe. ur dreaaammsss la fieza oiii..
ok back to reality..
dlm cite ni scarlett n chris evans are a loving kapel..
mmg shweeettt laaa..
aku siap imejin2 ok..
wishing i was the one dat he kissed in dat movie...
auuuuuwwwmmmm hhahhaa.adoii merepek la aku ni kan..

cite ni ade happy, sedih, marah all in one la..
i even shed my tears ok..leh lak layan emo2 ni..
dlm kol 1145 citer ni abis td n ai terus g hapdet blog dgn gigihnya..
this weekends ai free saturday n sunday for me.. :(
wandy ajak g kenduri pun xleh nak g tau.huhu.
i hate my schedule rite now.hate it!hate it!
this is d downside keje shift.haih.menciii tp wat to do?
terima je la kan.u gain some, u lose some..
k la peepss...
its time for me to hit the sack now..
gd nite!
*nieza smsed me dat she sat beside kenny sia during the flight to kl this evening.
i was green w envy.
well, she knew dat i love reading his blog so much..saje jek nak bakar line kan nieza? ;P
i even shed my tears ok..leh lak layan emo2 ni..
dlm kol 1145 citer ni abis td n ai terus g hapdet blog dgn gigihnya..
this weekends ai free saturday n sunday for me.. :(
wandy ajak g kenduri pun xleh nak g tau.huhu.
i hate my schedule rite now.hate it!hate it!
this is d downside keje shift.haih.menciii tp wat to do?
terima je la kan.u gain some, u lose some..
k la peepss...
its time for me to hit the sack now..
gd nite!
*nieza smsed me dat she sat beside kenny sia during the flight to kl this evening.
i was green w envy.
well, she knew dat i love reading his blog so much..saje jek nak bakar line kan nieza? ;P
kmk mok tgok cita tok... mek belom tgokmek tau cita tok best..hehe
best aie..diat sapa heronya.leleh aek lior ngga.hhehe.
*nang xpat ngga org ensem la oo*
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