just so u know,this wednesday i will attend a teambuilding course organized by my department..
x jaoh, dekat jek ngan umah..
kat MMC, semariang..
tapi kaaaannnn, yg x bestnya, xleh drive sendiri n i need to stay there for 2nites.
3hari 2mlm to be exact..
transportation semua disediakan..
kena g ofc dulu then ramai2 berangkat kat tpt kursus..
owwhhhh im gonna miss my car.hahha..
and most of all..MY BLOG!
kat sana of course la xleh nak online..
celah mana laaaa nak online kan..
lainla kalo aku ni berani nak masok lab sorang2..
takut mak! ;P
the best part about this course is; i dont have to work!
boleh la rehat dgr suara customers for 3days..
then sabtu plak my offday.heaven!
esok nak keja sungguh2 laa..
k la peeps.it pasts midnite dah..
p/s: to my good friend; mas---thanx for fixing my blog columns..really appreciate dat!
p/s/s: to those who wondering what happen to d b/ground, well..emmm i accidentally deleted the html again.for now, just enjoy my pale-boring-pinky one k..
muah muah!
boleh la rehat dgr suara customers for 3days..
then sabtu plak my offday.heaven!
esok nak keja sungguh2 laa..
k la peeps.it pasts midnite dah..
p/s: to my good friend; mas---thanx for fixing my blog columns..really appreciate dat!
p/s/s: to those who wondering what happen to d b/ground, well..emmm i accidentally deleted the html again.for now, just enjoy my pale-boring-pinky one k..
muah muah!
kursus elok elok sis...
hee hee... first I thought Saya Akan Berkurus... hah haa. mata dah singit!
gonna miss you!
Selamat berkursus Fieza... kelak cerit-cerit lah apa nok di kursus ya.. :)
selamat berkursus fieza
time kursus kekadang best juak owh..dah la makan free..ngeh..ngeh..
kak ida,
hehhe..berkurus indah.lom mek tok kurus.hehhe
thanx btw!
beau disaster,
3 ari jek.hehhe..today i wil post sumore la b4 berangkat esok pg.
cam nak pegi jaoh je kan..sdgkan dekat jek ngan umah.hehe
thanx!kelak mek polah special entry aa ;)
semua dak senior mek madah gya...mkn sik alah2..kakya it'll be fun. :)
excited tok!
yahh..g kursus dah nyaa... all the best! gonna miss uuu... :)
lom gik mek pegi.pg esok bok mek pg deng.dont miss me yet ;P
esok kita kursus zaaa... yibaa.. yibaa..
jangan lupak hp..pakei nangkap gambar kenang2..ehe! XD
yorrdeh dah tukar 3 coloumn.. congrat! hehe
selamt g kusus
bait2 ktk tdo sia, za. byk kes. hehe..
oh how i miss MMC. the place where i fell in love. ;)
mdm nyza,
sama la ta kursus isok.rindu blog!huhuuuu
seharusnya ngambik pics byk2 k blog.boh rindu indah ngan kmk.. ;P
blog ktk juak kacak.hehe..
aok mek berkursus esok..kelak ta kuwa sama aaa :)
mesti teringat ngan b*din nak oo.waaahhh mudahan ada juak muja2 sia lak.heheh..
ptg agak kmk aa yerr..
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