date: 4th april
venue: atmosfera[depan the spring]
disebabkan ada g 2 tpt dlm mlm yg sama so i create two entries la..
senang nak view and baca.
atmosfera ni ada 2tgkat..
n we chose to sit upstairs sbb lagi best.
and dok kat luar so boleh tgk view jln besar n bangunan d spring kat seberang..
there were 7 of us..
me, nieza, bobet,sue, jijie, a-p and the bday girl;juzz
we just had mkn2 n lepak,sembang n gelak..
hathsey xleh nak join sbb balik kpg..
mkn2 here was nice, sedaaapp n berbaloi ngan harga..
air pun sedaaap..
paling best the ambience laa..
rasa cam lepak kat hotel..
designs kat dlm ni lawa..
layan pics je la eh..
sori pics x clear sbb guna my camphone jek..
now tgh berangan nak beli t-900.ehems.hahha
x sangka geng sekolah boleh jd couple.hiks~

a super-soft towel.
ya jak mek mampu least berguna nak oo..hehe
pas mkn2 the girls minus the boys went to the bing for another episodes of poret gossip.
nxt enry puhleaasseee..
nxt enry puhleaasseee..
x cita hal waiter kurang ajar tek?
maok kmk tp yalah it'll spoil the whole story..tauk2 kita jak la sue.mun mkn sik nyaman tek cita mek.hehe
x cita hal boyak juak tek? haha..
chirake juak hawuu eh..sak daie ko mirah.hahha
xpa za,bait jak ada urg mrk hadiah nak?mun sekda?k ku g kk la towel ya.haha..brani takorg ngn boyak ya.mirah suma daie ta klak.ahahaha..
mena ya deng..bkn murah ya.hehe.
mek 2 nieza mok g sia gik ko..dah beraie tok.aaha
beraie? ngan boyak ka? haha..
sik.mek beraie ngan tukang polah aek..hahha
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