since tgh break tym so layan je la ye..

1. 1st, insert this badge or the pic above to inform u have been awarded
2. Make sure you take the pic and said it is from PULAS PERUT
3. You should tell 10 facts or hobbies about yourself ...
1. i have a stage-fright syndrom.ngeh ngeh..i m soo lousy in talking to a big crowd, singing or dancing depan2 org ramai.sungguh pemalu..
2. i can live without TV but i cant survive w/out my streamyx or internet..i love internet so much.thanx to the inventor.heheh
3. suka swimming n good in it tp salu xde teman nak g swimming pool.ada sapa2 nak jd swimming buddy tak? ;P
4. i m verrryyy goooooodd in betolla.salu my mum la yg mintak massage ni. :)
5. 25thn dahulu saya dilahirkan songsang, my bum-bum yg keluar dulu then my mum ckp i la yg paling seksa kata yg lahir camni degil eh?sooo true!
6. i love driving n singing in d car like nobody's business..
7. i have 8 ex-boyfriends.such a long lists huh?im not proud of it okkk..some of them still frens but most of them go to hell.hahha.
8. i love make-ups.u hardly see me without them. ;P
9. i heart hypnose by lancome and jadore by dior.
10. i cannot eat cheese by itself.boleh muntah okk..kalo dah dlm burger reti plak mkn..same goes wif milk..mmg x reti.. :(
4. You should choose 5 other bloggers (easier the ones who follow u) and mention their names in your blog
- mdm nyza
- mummy syafie
- dida bumblebee
- nieza
- hathsey bronson.
8. i love make-ups.u hardly see me without them. ;P
no 8 tok sama kamek.. jahahhaha
ryn pn ade stage-fright syndrome yg teroook!
kwang..kwang..mek kenak juak owh fieza..akan mek polah secepat yang mungkin k.
kelak massage kamek Za aaa
boleh ta duak karaoke dalam kereta, kmk suka juak telalak while driving ...
doh, sik dptlah ktk mkn cheesecake kmk??
hehhe..sama indah ta 2 eh..kuwa umah kompom mekap nak oo.kita org kacak harus! :)
beautiful disaster,
ish mmg penakut kalo naik atas pentas kan?penah sekali dlu masa dinner kena panggil main game..huhu..mmg terus senyaaappp x reti nak buat apa..
thanx cos layan tag tok sis :)
mun kita sleepover dapat mek massage.rugi sik kenak urut ngan kmk..hehe
kak ida,
mun ciskek dapat mek mkn..mun mkn gya jak x pndei..
cis tuka jd cisburger dapat juak..mun mkn mentah cam cis slice cisdel ya x pndei mek sis.
bila mok cia mek ciskek?heheh
adehh..kepak eh..mintak urut..p xpat mok sleepover umah ktk.haha..8 ex?wow..raminya..
hehhe rami oowwhhh tapi yalah tek..byk nya nok main2 jak..seriously in love rasanya gak 2 kali..
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