asyik kuwaa je kan..
mlm2 lak tu..
my mum pun dah bising.
ok laa esok ai dok umah diam2.hehhe..
me, zillah n nieza g tgk cite ni..
shows at 830pm..

b4 masok wyg beli snacks dlu..
sempat jugak nak amik pics kat depan kaunter.
hihi..blogger tegar ni tau.harus!
cite underworld 3 ni sangaaaaatt la best!
nak ngantok pun x boleh okkk..[bkn cam inkheart, nguap manjang!]
ai suka watak sonya dlm cite ni as a vampire.
sangat2 lawaaaa..
n cinta hati dier, lucian the warewolf pun ensem thp gaban.
for me lain aku x tau..
kalo rate over 5, i give them 4.5.
x caya?pegilaaa tengok..
* i miss toby.entah tetibe boleh tingat lak.ko la ni fadd tgh2 mlm chat ngan aku dok tanye n cite pasal dier ni.benci okkk..hahha..
nak ngantok pun x boleh okkk..[bkn cam inkheart, nguap manjang!]
ai suka watak sonya dlm cite ni as a vampire.
sangat2 lawaaaa..
n cinta hati dier, lucian the warewolf pun ensem thp gaban.
for me lain aku x tau..
kalo rate over 5, i give them 4.5.
x caya?pegilaaa tengok..
* i miss toby.entah tetibe boleh tingat lak.ko la ni fadd tgh2 mlm chat ngan aku dok tanye n cite pasal dier ni.benci okkk..hahha..
i pun sik sabar nak tengok underworld 3
pegi la!
ktk bkn nya nk ajak kmk..jaik ktk o..
bah tok nieza pun plan.kelak aaa ta ngga bride wars sama k..ayangnya! ;P
less movies, more money.... hee hee... u know it's funny. I met lots of new younger friends when I was working, my staffs asked bout the jeweleries I wear. 'are they real kak?' they asked me. I said of course. So, I advised them to save up bit by bit. Make a target.In 9 months, you can wear a new jewelery for Raya. Not for show, but for yourself. And I always ask them, how many years dah kerja? Ada nampak harta kah? So,start now dearest, by the time u're married, dah mandi diamond, yes, it's possible! I have 4 kids to feed, dapat beli diamonds. U can do better!!
kmk plan nak dtg kch marek tapi kensel last minute. alu terkubur hasrat maok nangga bride wars..:(
~ best ekh citer nih?? dah lama tak layan movie. ~
yah2..besh x??...xgugok jntung tak dgr sound epeknya ya?..ehehhe..:P..
Aieeee!!! mek sik saba2 gik nak nangga Rise Of The Lycans tok eeEEeee weekends tok mesti nangga!! :|
best x za...? berjalan jak2 org dara tok eh... hehehe... xda hal, gik single, jln jak puas2, lak dah double, triple, ne pat gik.. huhuh..
kak ida,
i will try!slow2 la oo kumpul duit.cgek gik impian kk selain dapat beli diamonds, mek mok handbag LV.cgek pun jd la..
ompuan kak.yalah napsunya 9.hhaha
tedah ktk.mek pun x sabar mok ngga cita ya ko..dtg la gik ke kch lynn..hehe
best sangat.pegila tgk.highly recommended by me. :)
nang best cita ya.x sia2 mek la mek xtauk ktk sapa nak oo.hehe
harus tak pegi ngga.hehhe..
kmk nang salu kuar selagik RM ya ada.heheh..bkn ada can mok embak jln nak.nasib ada kereta dikpun.dapat kuar bila2 masa.hehe
fieza dear, got my dream hand bag. I bought a classic chanel handbag years ago. ya lah, cgek cukuplah....
sis ida,
waaa a chanel?waaahhh salute eh.cgek jak pun dah bermakna. :)
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