yesterday i went to watch bride wars w nieza n suesie.
actually pg semlm nk bekpes w nieza tp x jd sbb takut air naik.
[fyi, kt kch byk kawasan dah bnjir semlm.]
so bila dah ptg ckit semua dah ok then i n nieza kuar.
ai teruja sgt nak tgk sbb kate hudson n anne hatheway yg berlakon.
ai loike so much!!

the beautiful brides
i loike each n every scenes ok..
paling kelakar bila dorang ni gado nak kawen d tpt yg sama.
dari bestfrens terus jd musuh paling ketat..
paling ai suka is the wedding preparations..
the gowns, the flowers emm sukaaaa laaa.
nak kawen jugaaakkk.puhhhleaaaseeee!!
i fell in love w this white vera wang wedding gown.
i fell in love w this white vera wang wedding gown.
can i have these during my big day?

walaupun single lagi but im sure every girl have their own wedding dreams.
me included.
agree w me girls?
how's my dream wedding wld be yaa?
emmm i wont say much cos i havent met the potential groom-to-be yet.
let me keep it to myself and when the time comes, i will share it w u.
:: za, xpat mek imejin mun ta duak brebut mok kawen kat four points sheraton tek nak?aiseh.LOA za!
mun sik brebut four points brebut dewan suarah.haha
hahha.aok eh.x main dewan hikmah.aie lawa bunyiku.jong2 alu nikah d umah ajak.hahha
wedding gown ann hathaway ya suka mek..simple detail nya.. haih, terasa ingin juga melangkah ke isle itew skrg..
ya gaon k motong kek.aiseh..mek dari dolok suka gown kembang2..ingiiiinnn.hehe..
insy, kelak sampei masanya kita bergaon.time ya body kita duak dah kacak.yerrr.
jwb tagged kmk.. gee...
I read an interview with Kate Hudson. She said, 'I dont like the the name Hippie Chick. Hippies are not Chick, I married one'... she said. Love her, gorgeous & real.
mun mok kawen kat 'four point' pdh jak dgn kmk lak arrangekan haha ada special rate kali..
Iboh lupak madah dak Rudy photographer of the year ya.. hehe.. Kelak nunggu Audio molah superimposed takurang pakei gaun wedding ya haha..
mdm nyza,
ok kelak mek molah aa :)
sis ida,
kate hudson nang kiut.mek sukaaa!!
arrange k kmk lak aa..xpat imejin mun mena mek kawen sia eh.hehhe..
ok.superimpose jak.mek ingin juak mok ngga rupa mek gnei.hehe
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