masa this suprise took place my pc wat hal tu yg tertangguh sampai la laaa ni..
actually it was a suprise for kak suhana's bday last september..
she's my opismate cum geng keras cun geng poret ;P
so nak djadikan cita, i wanted to order some cupcakes frm kak nor..
kak nor ni bkn org lain wif jugak n umah dia depan umah ai jek.
so i texted her..
me: kak nor, kmk mok order cupcakes tp order 3 igek gya jak..dapat ka?
kak nor: x payah tak order za..kmk nang mok merik ktk 4 igek..
me: aie menaaakaaa?makseh2..tapi mun mek merik ngan org boleh ka?
kak nor: boleh la..dtg umah n decorate urself the cuppies..
me: owhh k sis.thanx a lot!
pas jek balik keja ptg tu i terus g umah kak nor.
direct to d kitchen i tell u..
kemain nak deco sendiri ni..
cupcakes tu mmg dah siap.vanilla flavor..
kak nor dah sediakan all the things i needed on d table..
tggu ai jek nak mulakan sndirik..
thank God kak nor got 1 decorated box to put the cuppies..
cun2 for 4 bijik lak tu.
owhh sukaaa!
cun2 for 4 bijik lak tu.
owhh sukaaa!
the nxt day i brought it the ofc and i just realized i didnt have a card for the bday girl.
so i just folded an A4 paper, lukis sana sini cket then jadilaaa kad bday.
simple2 jek..hehe
kak sue's shift started at 130pm and she was suprised to see them!!
plus the opismates also bought her something as a pressie.
mmg double triple la suprises dat day..hehe
plus the opismates also bought her something as a pressie.
mmg double triple la suprises dat day..hehe
kak sue loved the cuppies plus the taste wass ssoooooo good.
later on we all mkn2 share2 w other frens n they loved them as well.
i sukkkaaa sangat wat org hepi2 ni..hehe
kak nor, ur cuppies are good!!beyond the expectation i tell u! :)
sapa2 nak order u can go to her blog.i dah put links kat her name..
dats all cerita ceriti ai utk hari ini..
later on we all mkn2 share2 w other frens n they loved them as well.
i sukkkaaa sangat wat org hepi2 ni..hehe
kak nor, ur cuppies are good!!beyond the expectation i tell u! :)
sapa2 nak order u can go to her blog.i dah put links kat her name..
dats all cerita ceriti ai utk hari ini..
nice :) ada sentimental value..
kan? i mmg suka deco cuppies.nak wat je belom lagi.heheh
Kacak, pandei ktk molah cup cake ya. Kmk maok juak... hehehe.
ms tikot,
kmk deco jak sis.kek nya nang dah ada.hehe
ok lak mek order k ktk keh.. :)
actually, suka juak mek nanggar nya putih gia ajak. grand & elegant rupanya
kak ida,
oo ktk suka camya.mek ngga nya pucat alu sedeh ati.merik ngan org bah.mun k kmk pun main sapu jak buttercream ya ckup.hehe
hey, nice cupcakes!
js wonderng, sine ur k. nor meli box k cupcakes nya?
cheers! :)
kak nor meli d india street katanya tpt org bejual dak pekakas kueh..carik tak sia.
at 1st i thot she ordered them frm
bestnya terus g molah dirikpun..
nyaman sik? hehe..
ecehh..supan eh byk da ktk tempek muka kmk za..nyaman eh cupcakes kak nor, sik nyesal mun meli..makseh za berik kmk rasa..^_^
mestila nyaman kmk yg deco yerr apa jak la kaitan.kek ya mmg dah siap.kmk tukang ngaising nya jak,hehe
nang nyaman oooo..berebut2 jak kita mkn riya..nang sik rugi meli.meli k dikpun mkn pun best..
pa muka mek xda ho? heheh.. cupcake kak nor nang nyaman....
yerRr..molah kapkek nya eh ehek. Lak mek balit kch lak taun depan lak kitak molah kapkek k berik mek juak ah XD
kmk pn dh bbrp kali dh order cuppies nya... ms open house nya ria kmk x gi.. x sehat.. ada hubby mek mdh ada ktk ngn sapa gik nk sorg ya, bakal kazen mek.. hehe... lupak indah nama
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