its been a week now baru nak terhegeh2 update
maafkan saya
so lets!
ni cita jumaat+sabtu lepas
kak zue dtg kch for the RMWF(rainforest world music festival)
kak zue sampai kch amik last flight from KL
sampai dah nearly midnite
bila kak zue sampai tu kan i was so suprised and touched at the same time!
u wanna know y?
cos she brought a bday cake all the way from KL ok!
it was for me n nieza
owh ure such a gem kak zue!
tak penah lagi tau org buat camni kat fieza *sobs*
terharu ok!
lepas amik kak zue tu we went to one of the cafe at d waterfront to celebrate
and u know what, of all the people in the world, i terjumpa my ex there!
bkn my recent ex.but ex before him
wahh ramai betol exes kan
i tak tego la of kos
buat tak tau sudehhhh
i forgot to take pics w kak zue laaaaa
maybe sbb penat kot
but i did take pic of the cake :)

memang heaven rasa dia!
lepas mkn2 kek n sembang kejap we all terus balik umah
kak zue spent the nite at my place sbb alang2 jek nak dok hotel kan
masa balik tu bkn nak tido terus ok
siap sembang2 segala lagi lepas mandi
kol 2pagi baru tido! :)
bgn pagi tu my mum semangat nak bawak we all g bekpes
we went to laksa tinot
rasa2 nya org kch tau la kat mana kedai ni
sedaaaappp laksa dia
balik umah sambong sembang n lepak jap
sbb tggu nieza amik we all then gi 360 urban resort hotel
ive never been there yet so pegi la temankan kak zue checked in
plus dia ajak we all sekali temankan tido sana
dlm kol 1ptg camtu nieza fetched us up n terus ke hotel
bila masok jek kan we were like waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa gila besauuuu nya bilek ni!

very spacious kannnnnnnnn?
lupa nak amik pic bilik air
siap ada bath tub
selesa sangat lah!
my fav bit about the room is the huge mirror!
i need one asap! ;P
camwhore terus tanpa membuang masa

lepas checking in, we went to SCR for lunch
kena mkn sbb ptg nak g RWMF kat sarawak cultural village
before g sana singgah umah bobet plak
sbb bobet pun ikut g sana
seronok sbb the more the merrier!
here's the pics of us at the entrance
kena mkn sbb ptg nak g RWMF kat sarawak cultural village
before g sana singgah umah bobet plak
sbb bobet pun ikut g sana
seronok sbb the more the merrier!
here's the pics of us at the entrance
we were there at nearly 3pm n panas gilaaaaaaaaaaaa ok!
and the crowd was huge!
merata jek omputeh.suka.sbb.
boleh cuci mata! hahaha
i'll continue w more pics tomorrow orait!
now i nak tido sbb its my working weekends tomorrow
till later ya!
1 comment:
aie...kacak style kitak fieza.suka mek nangga
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