sunday kali ni i tak keja
i took a leave sbb rasa cam nak bermalas2 d hujong mggu
yelah kata keja shift kan mana la ada tiap2 ahad tu ada kat umah
takde la lepak2 malas jek
tetap jugak gigih tolong my mum kat dapo
masak ayam kicap
i told my mum "kenak la ktk masak nyaman gilak camnei kmk nok kurus?"
siap salahkan mak kannn
cakap je la kau mmg kuat mkn fieza!
dlm tghari tu ida ckp dia nak beli hp baru
wahhhh hp baru?
rasa cam baruuuu ari tu beli hp kan?
rupanya dia dah bosan dgn nokia apetah model dia yg touch screen tu
ingat nak trade in jek sbb macam slow n tak best
so ptg tu we all g wisma saberkas
my mum pun ikut sekali hheehe
abg as g temankan sbb dia kalau part2 gadget ni mmg dia suka
sampai2 jek terus g kedai nama we communication
its our fav kedai kalau nak beli hp even ari tu i repair my bb pun kat cni
so mmg dah kenal la dgn tokey dia

tgh snap2 mintak la ida n abg as pandang camera
"diat ctok lok!!!"

abg as is a htc user so mmg dia recommend ida beli htc jugak la
so ida pileh la mana2 yg berkenan n sesuai dgn bajet dia
dlm pileh2 tu i pun ada la terbekenan dgn satu htc ni
htc salsa nama dia
chantekkkkkkkkkk gilak
tapi camnei oo cos mek suka makei BB
and BB mek maseh bagus juak so lom ada reason mok makei tepon baru
so dats it, i will stick with my BB lah
plus all my besties are using one
senang nak bbm sebenanya
unless la ada org nak bagi free
boleh silakan.
htc salsa ok! ;P
here is ida's new hp
htc wildfire
so ida pileh la mana2 yg berkenan n sesuai dgn bajet dia
dlm pileh2 tu i pun ada la terbekenan dgn satu htc ni
htc salsa nama dia
chantekkkkkkkkkk gilak
tapi camnei oo cos mek suka makei BB
and BB mek maseh bagus juak so lom ada reason mok makei tepon baru
so dats it, i will stick with my BB lah
plus all my besties are using one
senang nak bbm sebenanya
unless la ada org nak bagi free
boleh silakan.
htc salsa ok! ;P
here is ida's new hp
htc wildfire

nice kan?
oklah now its time to sleep
esok i hv to get up early wpun tak keja(offday) cos i hv an appointment w a doctor
kena attend to d clinic for the 2nd dose of jap
jap yg to prevent hepatitis tuu
my mum already paid for everything so berani laaaaa kalo taknak dtg aahaaha
i had my 1st dose last june and it was sooooooo painful u know
gila sakit i rasa cam nak sepak jek tukang injek tu
and someone[tak igt la sapa] told me dat "ko tak rasa lagi 2nd and 3rd dose.lagiiii sakit dooohhh!"
hadapi je lah esok
hope it wont be THAT bad
till later alligators
Yohhh... Alligator sorang tok lom tdo gik.. Ngerayap maca blog.. haha.. Nway, tipon HTC ya raged.. Kwn kmk pernah pakei.. Function pun best2 juak...
kmk pengguna tegar htc. hehehe... nak amik htc merge or sensation. hehe tp rasanya nak amik seken time tok k keypad la
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