well its past midnite oredi but at least la kan
today was hectic at work
sampai umah kol 815pm terus terbaring depan tv
then layan annissa plak
korang tgk tak cita tu yg kol 1030pm kat tv3?
best okkkkkkkk
pendek cita jom baca update pasal my bday last thursday
i was so lucky to be celebrated my bday at the ofc w my other colleagues
u know why?
sbb kebetulan masa bday i tu ada event "gulung tikai" during the lunch hr
so my department ada buat jamuan mkn tghari for all the staffs
alang2 dah ramai2 tu siap dgn head centre, OM n all the TLs, the ajk jamuan decided to celebrate my bday sekali
gila kauuuuuuuuu segan dooooooooee
ye la kan igt kan lepas jamuan ke i nak potong kek ke apa kan
tidak ok
dorang siap nyanyi laguuuuuu bday semeriah mungkin
and my face turned RED la of kos!
kata pemalu kannnn haha
cis mmg segan la
sbb kalo kwn2 xpe la jugak
ni siap dgn bos2 segala siap tepok tgn haihhhhh

tp sempat wish!
apalagi wishnya kalo bkn nak cepat2 kawen n honeymoon d maldives

my head centre siap tanya my age.
25 eh?
wahhh terus naek self esteem!
tenkiyu bos but im 18 plus 10 oredi ;P
my TL, en said lagi sempoi dgn selambanya cakap moga cepat kawen fieza!
biasalah umo dah nak masok 30 ni mmg itu je la org doakan
amin2 yg elok2 ni cepat2 kan lah
wahh nak cepat2 saja calonnya di manakah? ;P
lepas cake cutting apalagi, mkn la
25 eh?
wahhh terus naek self esteem!
tenkiyu bos but im 18 plus 10 oredi ;P
my TL, en said lagi sempoi dgn selambanya cakap moga cepat kawen fieza!
biasalah umo dah nak masok 30 ni mmg itu je la org doakan
amin2 yg elok2 ni cepat2 kan lah
wahh nak cepat2 saja calonnya di manakah? ;P
lepas cake cutting apalagi, mkn la

and i got a pressie too dat dat
thanx to yen!

malamnya plak celebrate w my besties
siapa lagi kalo bkn nieza n bobet
sue couldnt come sbb baru jek balik dari honeymoon
flight lmbat plak
then juzz masa ni tgk sakit nak bersalin
so we ended up 3 org je la
sokay,bknnya sengaja tanak dtg kannn
my bday dinner was at flinders cafe, jln song

how i wish juzz n sue were there!
sikhal thn tok xpat, thn depan ok!

thanx bobet n nieza
muah muaaahhhhhhhhhhh!
my bday this year sangat meriah i must say
the wishes came from smses, bbms, emails,fb, twitter semua2 la
thanx to the internet for bringing people closer
rasa2nya kalo xde fb xde la ramai sangat yg ingat ye tak?
thanx to all! :)
celebrate w family plak this coming weekend
sbb salu tggu sekali w my brother's bday
another cake, another set of candles to be blown up soon!
thinking of having an icecream cake lah plak
till the next updates
Aihhh.. Lupak nak wish.. Nway, hepi belated besday... Semoga ktk cepat2 kahwen n dimurahkan rezki sepanjang tahun...
kedak celebrate kt australia jak eh..haha
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