selepas offday semalam, today 13hb i m assigned to attend a course for 2days.
meaning esok pun ada la.
there were 20 of us in this 2nd batch..
nxt batch will be this friday plak..
course ni pasal another new product which be launching in feb..
im not very sure yet what is all about sbb esok baru la tau apa benda semua tu..
hari ni lite2 sahaja..ada keja dlm kumpulan, HAKKA session which is so funny and answering some assessment on personality wise..
d trainer was frm KL and she is soooo very good.
no pic of her anyway.hehe esok kot i update pasal tu.hari ni still ada segan2 gitu. ;P
to those yg sapa perasan, dats d shawl yg i beli online dat day..
canteeekk sgt2 n senang jek pakai..
esok last day dah..
lusa back to answering calls like usual..
tapi xpe..attending this course i learnt a lot about myself and other ppl..
bkn senang nak lepak2 camni ngan kengkawan..
org yg keja call centre jek paham..hehe
k la.dats all.
i'll update again soon. :)
canteeekk sgt2 n senang jek pakai..
esok last day dah..
lusa back to answering calls like usual..
tapi xpe..attending this course i learnt a lot about myself and other ppl..
bkn senang nak lepak2 camni ngan kengkawan..
org yg keja call centre jek paham..hehe
k la.dats all.
i'll update again soon. :)
cantek na tdg ktk za..pinjam lok.. ;P
pakey headband gik aih . coba lahhhhhhhhh
makseh makseh..bila mok makei tek?hehe
ctok neida jual nak..adakaaaa? mun ada mok juak mek try :)
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