kata pun window shopping jekkan mmg la x beli apa2 pon..
masok nichii, masok vincci padini blah blah laluuuuuuuu jek ok..
nak beli cam bulan jaooohh lagi so xyah la..
until i saw a shawls kiosk at d middle of 1st floor.
"nieza, mek singgah jap lok nangga2 jak.."
nangga2 ajak went to trying it on n went to thinking buy or not to buy n lastly...
terbeliii jugak!
ala duabelas hengget jek pun satu ni..
so i guess i still can buy la.
kalo 20++ mmg aku x pndang.
buying shawls is addictive.
serious i kenot tahan okkk
cos i know i dont have to worry whether it fits or not cos it always look great on me.
bahaya wwwwwwwwoooooooo..
bln ni jek pun i dah beli nearly 10 of them.
ada sapa2 have the same addiction as mine tak?
maybe we can share the stories.hehe..
ok doky its time to get my shower.
mggu ni keja kol 1030am.
sempat lagi online pg, fbing n update blog..
take care semua.
yoh 10 igek eh...kekekek dolok kmk gila beli sandals and bags. dalam sebulan tauk ada 2-3 igek dibeli. now paksa tahan...save more to achieve my mission. pi kacak eh nok polka dot ya. suka mek nangga....
mek sama macam kitak..nak amik pic shawls macam malas jak. kekadang mek meli sekodi terus..corak sama..rona jak lenlain
in the name of vanity, ktk nang patut beli shawls :D
polka dots ya nang kacak ooo.kmk mok kaler lain gik eh duit jak dah xda tok.hahhaa
ktk g uk nxt yr oo.kmpul duit byk2 oiiii :)
duhal meli sekodi terus.mun mek g kl mok juak mek meli byk2.heheh
harussss!! mek dah x makei tdg bawal dah kinek.dah sukkk k shawls ajak.hehe
skrg shawl pun ade jual online kan..canggihh!
skang apa2 pun ada kat online.hehhe..tu yg bahaya kalo ujong bln browsing online shops kompom terus terrbeli..hehe
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