malas cita pjg2..
jom layan :)
1. banjir besar d kch.
it was sooooo freaking besar okeh.
just look at the pics..
air naik sampai paras peha.
gila tggi!
mintak jaoh la banjir lagi.
penat nak kemas umah :(
2. i got another nephew--muhd waizz zafran.
nama sehensem babynya.heheh
3. i tried to lose weights but hey I FAIL BIG TIME!
after losing 5kg i lost my mojo to lose more.
and not later than dat berat badan saya naaaiikkk semulaaa!
1. meeting my classmates of sainsKU.
2. pics superimposed secara beramai2..
nei bang odio tok alu senyap sik bunyi2..
mek org rinduuuu d superimpose leh ktk eh!hahha

3. sambutan CNY yg meriah d cmcc! :)
1. bday celebration for arwah jijie.
we never ever thought dat it'll be d last celebration we had for him
he was so bubbly dat nite, mkn bertambah2..
feels like yesterday..
i still miss him to bits. (T_T)
we never ever thought dat it'll be d last celebration we had for him
he was so bubbly dat nite, mkn bertambah2..
feels like yesterday..
i still miss him to bits. (T_T)

semoga rohnya dcucuri rahmat.amin
2. kursus system baru d mmc, kuching..

3. mus belanja mkn d harbour view.
thanx a lot!
1. hepi bday darling bobet!
2. kak ina's last day as our maid.
sampai sekarang pun maseh rindu kak ina esp her cooking..
kak ina now dah kawen dah..
xtau la dah preggy ke tak..
dlu penah mimpi dia balik kch n keja w my mum again.hhehe
kalo la betol mmg hepi la!
3. hathsey was appointed to work in KL.
hoho this issss so sad..
me n nieza siap nangis lam keta when we finally knew this.
sedeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhh okkk.
b4 he catched his flight, we went to supper at starbucks
hoho this issss so sad..
me n nieza siap nangis lam keta when we finally knew this.
sedeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhh okkk.
b4 he catched his flight, we went to supper at starbucks
1. my parents's 34th anniversary dinner at meisan restaurant, grand margherita
this is fun!
i love cos we adik beradik semuaaaaaaaaa ada.
i like!
this is fun!
i love cos we adik beradik semuaaaaaaaaa ada.
i like!
2. met liza, my bloggerfren for the 1st tym :)
3. wedding audio n ms fashitah..
the most awaited wedding of the year..
happy new year fieza....=)
oh banyak event berlaku tahun 2009 oh..kelak nunggu vol 2 gik lah..and harap2 tahun 2010, ada termasuk list mendapat ger..hehehe
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