blk umah pas dinner w family[blog bout it later] cuci mekap, tuka baju tdo then terus tdo..
sekarang ni cepat sungguh ngantok..
well ni nak cita pasal my offday last wednesday..
cam biasa i'll be the one yg amik my mum blk keja.
i thot mak will go anywhere pas keja so i just wear my black shirt n jeans.
fatin pun ikut sama..
masok jek mak dlm keta she said "mak singgah parkson jap lok.ada sale nak?"
terus ke parkson we all..
my mum wanted to buy a new comforter set for her room..
sekang kan tgh sale..byk murah wooooooooo...
70% melambak!
80% pun ada..
my mum beli bantal 2 and 1set comforter kaler ijau..cantekk..
while for my room plak i pileh yg ni..
veryyyy meeeeeeeee
mula2 i dah amik yg blue color, nmpak jek yg ni terus tuka..hehe
yg ni ada 70% x silap..
hye..sakan cre k
hye..owh shopping mmg best!
take care to u too :)
Nang byk offer bedset wktu tok. Asal ada RM jak. Purple colour looks beautiful for bedroom.
kmk za eh, mala jak nak nukar bedsheet p bila dah d parkson, baju nabihah d angkut. hahahaha...
nang sik mahal gilak set kmk ya compare ngan rega ori.mek nang suka purple...n pink juak :)
mun gya coba tak g parkson boh g tpt miak lok.terus ke tpt cadar2.sambar cgek n byr terus.hehe buy a c0mforter 1st i hv to buy a bed. haha.i hv no bed.. hehe btw. i think i saw u jz n0w at spring.
yah nemu kmk sik nego ooooo.. ;p
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