wif juzz n nieza
at the junk..
me n juzz g amik nieza blk keja kol 930pm..
then terus blank n blur xtau nak lepak mana..
mula2 nak ke SR tp cam boriinggggg..
starbucks?emm nxt tym la.
then tiba2 cam nak ke CB..so off we go..
b4 sampai cb kena lalu kat the junk.
so i was like "cam lama gila x lepak sana kan?"
nieza n juzz terus cam sukaaa jek nak minum2 kat situ..
so akhirnya cb cancelled la.
masok2 then dudok baca menu..
then dtg la seorang waiter yg sungguh yummylicious nak amik order.
gulp gulp.ensemm siott!
apesal awk jd waiter eh?u should be a model dont u know dat?
ke awk student saja2 part time keja sini kan?
waa kemain nak tanya mcm2 tapi as usual haya mampu tgk jek..
his looks, his voice, the way he talks sangat2 charming..
i thot i was the only one who noticed.
rupanya nieza pun samaa!!hahah..
nice view leads to a good mood..a good time.chewah..
dah dah..xyah cita pjg2..

sumpah ingat nak minum jek tp while browsing the menu td terus rasa nak mkn something..
so we ordered grilled wings n shared the meal..
ye la kata dah mkn kat umah but still nk mkn lagi.
so mkn lite2 sudah..
so we ordered grilled wings n shared the meal..
ye la kata dah mkn kat umah but still nk mkn lagi.
so mkn lite2 sudah..

we shared lots of things over the supper..
and the biggest news is--my dearie juzz will be getting married nxt year!!
im so happy for her and im kinda sad too ye laa life wont be the same anymore for us but its ok..friendship lasts forever no matter what ur status is..
k la till later orait.
i nak try masak spagetti goreng ni.waaaaa takotttt kalo x sedap.
xpe fieza.try n error. ;P
and the biggest news is--my dearie juzz will be getting married nxt year!!
im so happy for her and im kinda sad too ye laa life wont be the same anymore for us but its ok..friendship lasts forever no matter what ur status is..
k la till later orait.
i nak try masak spagetti goreng ni.waaaaa takotttt kalo x sedap.
xpe fieza.try n error. ;P
ne muka waiter?
Congrats Juzz...boh lupak hidang kad jemputan..hehehehehe...
P/S: Gambar waiter ya ne?Hehehehe...
mun ada muka waiter nang la hott alu sik mampu mek upload koatan tek!hehe
xda ku ngambik pic waiter oii.he's too hot to handle.hahah..ko plg kch lak pegi la sia.ada nya..drooling la puas2! ;P
If all goes well, ku balit next month oi...apa best di D Junk ya?Ku sik kala g sia koh....
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