i wish i could tag along u know.hahha.
as if laaa ada passport plus duit pun nyawa2 ikan jek tggal.
so nak ikut mmg impossible..
last g spore was in 2006 w my family
tapi x best sbb mmg x penah pegi so we were like sesat barat semua..
sempat g sentosa island, vivocity, esplanade, merlion square..emm mana lagi eh..
but we didnt go to orchard road sbb x tau jalan.
byk tpt pun x pegi..
n dats y me sangat2 teringin nak g spore lagi sekali..
i love love love singapore sbb sangat2 cantek..
i still rmember how i enjoyed playing ludge at the sentosa w fatin ida n sai..
best wooo..
ntah bila nak pegi lagi kan..
they were back to kch last wed and i got this from them..
keychain tu dah selamat letak kat kunci keta n fm plak lekat kat cpu pc opis.
i love to colect fm nowadays..esp frm diff states n countries.
looking forward to collect more of them! :)
thanx to kak nora n bang as.
boh jerak oit!
g gold coast lak boh diam2..dapat mek ekot sama ;P
mun sik pun kirum fm jak la oo.hehe
i love to colect fm nowadays..esp frm diff states n countries.
looking forward to collect more of them! :)
thanx to kak nora n bang as.
boh jerak oit!
g gold coast lak boh diam2..dapat mek ekot sama ;P
mun sik pun kirum fm jak la oo.hehe
gifts yg cantik, kmk mau juak hahaha
pegi lah lagikk dpt merik gifts ngan mek orang gik nak. wahhaheha
ivy dear,
tggu mek ada pegi cnei2 lak aa.. ;P
yalah tek tggu ongkos ada lok bok pat pegi..mun sik lepak d changi airport jak ckupla nak.haha
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