it was a fine thursday afternoon..
i belek2 my blog tgk ada tak org komen n baca my c-box.
kot2 ada org tggal pesan ke kan.
sekali i nmpak there's a msg frm a person yg i mmg lama gilaaaa x jmpa.
yes, he's my ex boyfie.
lemme just call him mr b.hehe..
he told me dat he'll be in kch on friday..
i was like 'eh esokla kan?'
then i smsed him then later dat nite he called.
mmg confirmed dia dtg on friday..
sib baik la my shift mggu ni pg so senang la nak kuwa lepas tu kan..
then tiba la hari jumaat..cecewahh..
kol 7ptg camtu dia dah sampai n then he went to dinner w his friends.
while me plak kuwa ngan mak shopping jap..
so i said nanti jmpa la dlm kol 9 ke 10 ke kan..
u all nak tauuu sampai ke sudah dia x kol2 pun..
eh mana plak mamat ni kan..
sekali at 1am camtu i received a call frm him.
"im soorryyy i tertido kat bilik n now baru terjaga"
"u mmg..dah agak kompom tdo!"
"so esok u free x?i nak ajak u teman i bekpes kat hotel ni"
"eh i keja la esok pagi.kol 830am"
"xpe xpe..u can see me at 7 in d morning!"
" emmmmmm ok la..see u tomorrow"
this guy kan mmg ada kuasa veto tau..
langsung i cannot say no.
tp nak jmpa jugak haha..
so dlm kol 6 suku pagi aku dah bgn okeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhh
gila tak gila..
kol 650 dah kuwa umah.
gila semangat.
btw he stayed at the grand margherita hotel..
ala 15mins jek dah sampai..
so sampai2 tu i went to d lobby..
n there he was..
omg..rasa cam x pecaya dat i can see him again..
actually mr b is the guy yg i suka sangat2 since i was 16.
lama kan..after 10yrs, i still like him to bits.
i dunno y..
seeing him just makes my heart skip a bit.
so we had our breakfast at the meisan restaurant..
dgn mihun, roti la sosej semua satu plate.hahha
it was gooooood to see him again u know.
the last was in 2006..yeah those were the days. ;P
wpun he's just my ex but we're still friends till now.
dulu putus pun cam budak2..xde alasan kukuh.tau2 dah putus.
skang ni dia keje kat s alam n tetiba dia dtg bercuti kat kch.
xtau apesal..saje2 kot nak tgk ex girlfren dia yg makin comel ni.hehe
we talked n talked..gelak2.
cam dulu2..
mr b as usual is a talker.he always do the talking and im the one who always listen.
cam cepaaaat sangat masa berlalu..
dah kol 8suku cepat2 i nk blk..
serious rasa cam xnak g opis.hahha
but what to do.i have to :(
pas blk keja tu me kuwa lagi ngan dia..
nxt entry la eh..
to be continued...............
the last was in 2006..yeah those were the days. ;P
wpun he's just my ex but we're still friends till now.
dulu putus pun cam budak2..xde alasan kukuh.tau2 dah putus.
skang ni dia keje kat s alam n tetiba dia dtg bercuti kat kch.
xtau apesal..saje2 kot nak tgk ex girlfren dia yg makin comel ni.hehe
we talked n talked..gelak2.
cam dulu2..
mr b as usual is a talker.he always do the talking and im the one who always listen.
cam cepaaaat sangat masa berlalu..
dah kol 8suku cepat2 i nk blk..
serious rasa cam xnak g opis.hahha
but what to do.i have to :(
pas blk keja tu me kuwa lagi ngan dia..
nxt entry la eh..
to be continued...............
wah romantic nya..mun dapat di sambung bole sik hihi
gosh dat q emm i always have him in d corner of my heart. :)
mok nangga gmbr mr.b boleh sik??hehe..momentikssss...btl kata ivy ya.. smbungkan balit..hehe
mun dapat relationship ya k sambong sambong gya jak rindok ati..
mek 2 nang maseh sayang each other tp life is different now.bkn cm dlok zaman blaja.sikhal.kwn jak la.nei tauk ending nya cam the notebook. ;P
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