so here it is guys..
1. twilights saga series.any series will do but i prefer twilight as 1st collection la eh.. =)
2. oceanus set by bodyshop-- this is one of my fav smells..nak mintak mahal2 x boleh kan so bodyshop pun boleh la. =P

4. a new swimming suit w a goggle.i love swimming so much n by giving me these essential could make me love u more n more..hehe
5. teddy bears-- i love teddies since i was little and i have huge collections of them but now mostly they safely kept in boxes.i love teddies collections by memory lane.very cuddly!

6. ziana zain's compilation CD.--i love ZZ songs so much.last time i used to have one but sudah rosaaak n dats y im asking one more now.hehhe

6. ziana zain's compilation CD.--i love ZZ songs so much.last time i used to have one but sudah rosaaak n dats y im asking one more now.hehhe
7. charles n keith wedges..sudah lama minat tp x beli jugak.maybe tggu org nak belikan kot.hehe this is exactly the one yg i sangat2 sukaaaa!
actually me updating using nieza's vaio n she's sleepover at my hse tonite..
9. a dinner at any 5 star hotels i n kch..hehe..
10. a free ticket to d movie obsessed/state of play/oce age 3..--ada sapa2 nak ajak me tgk wyg?sangat d alukan laaa..hehe..
actually me updating using nieza's vaio n she's sleepover at my hse tonite..
penat ok n now dahpun kol 130 pg..
x semestinya i'll get each n everuthing yg i listkan kat atas ni tp kalo dapat lagi hepi la.hehe..
kan kawan2 rapatku?
juzz, ko mesti merikku nok paling mahal sia.haha
i still cant believe dat im 26 now.
4 yrs more b4 i turn 30 ok..
4 yrs more to find my mr right.hahah.
akan kah ku temui?
bila tanya mak, "what were u doing when u were 26?"
"i was pregnant wif u when i was at ur age."
gulp.i m the fourth child okkkk..nyesal tanya..haha
looking forward to my bday bash this sunday.cant wait!
hehehe.... umo 26 and ur mom had u ody .. wow...
yalah ow.. umo kin mningkat, erm.... mr right boh bengong. insyaAllah ada juak ow. sekda lak ncarik .. eheheh :D smile always ~
Wah... ada swimming suit eh, sexy or x sexy? Hehehe.
ku meli semua nak dimintak ko ya.boh ku susah.haha
byk wishlist ktk za... o_O
mek 26 next year... hehehehe.. :p
kan?my mum umo 32 dah sik gago beranak gik.hehe.dah rest.kmk lak camnei ndak ka.haha
ms tikot,
at least ada skirt ckit la.hehe..mek tok rasa badan kcak jak mintak swimming sut indah.
kau nang bagus.ya ku sayang..cnk aaa.makseh!
yarabi awlnya nyatok komen eh.maklum nak.haha..
best nak wishlist kmk?pileh jak mana nok d berik.. ;P
haha..bekikis bulu betis ku meli cnk k kau eh.haha.ptg tok ku ncarik gladiator sandal kat pasa mggu la .;p
happy bdy Za.. may you have the best of bday..sorry lmbt wish dlm tok.. tek mek ada turun kch, nemu nieza jak.. sik sempat nak makan/duduk apa pun kotn berebut.. tunggu lah kamek dtg kch gik lak k
New Moon sik lamak gik kuar lam wayang koh ehek XD
lak kitak mesti eksen tekejut mukaka prezen wpun dh tauk apa benda ya aa. haha..
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