lamaaaaaaaa gila x makan sini
sbb last mkn pun masa celebrate bday kak tikot
tu pun last yr januari
haaaaa lama kannnn
so singgah la mkn
elephant ni famous with the western cuisines
plus harga pun ok mmg affordable la
ckp byk2 pun tak guna aaaahh
layan pic jom

sedaaaaappp tp agak kering kuahnya so order mushroom gravy
tuang kat atas tu campo ngan rasa cheese dia yummmehhhh
ok now i crave for more! haha
semalam nak pg tp cam sedar diri belom kurus2 ni so next time will do haha

rm18.90 kalo x silap
murah kan?
kalo kat tpt lain dah puloh2 harga dia
yg ni pun sedappp
fieza ni semua jek sedap apa laaa yg x sedap kan?hahah
and the dinner ended w a scrumptious butter bread pudding+vanilla icecream
totally a phenomenal!
fieza ni semua jek sedap apa laaa yg x sedap kan?hahah
and the dinner ended w a scrumptious butter bread pudding+vanilla icecream
totally a phenomenal!

rupa cam alaaaaaaaaaaaa ni je ke?
wait till u taste it ok!
ok now dah dok telan lior jek update hahaha
will go there again definitely
and i cant wait for my boyfie to be back in kch
cos i promised him dat i'll bring him here for dinner
so sayang, balit2 la salu ok
but not for this weekend i hope hehe
till next food review
and i cant wait for my boyfie to be back in kch
cos i promised him dat i'll bring him here for dinner
so sayang, balit2 la salu ok
but not for this weekend i hope hehe
till next food review
Pelik juak nama kedei ya.. Gajah.. Ada gajah ka d idang dalam ya?!
mamai-mamai mek baca msg ktk pagi tdk za.. hahaha.. aok eh.
by the way, cne restoren gajah ya bah?
nang ada kedei nama ya ka fieza? sine tok owh..
hahha xda lah gajah tp byk pics gajah :)
kat area belakang kuching park hotel.kelak mek molah map k hehe
kat area belakang kch park hotel.nyaman makan ctok kak nor.
ok lak mek draw map aaa :)
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