im so proud of u guys!
heroes for the match ofkos la safee and fahmi
tgn fahm tu macam ada magnet kan?
walaupun bolos 2kali but its ok.
janji menang bahhhhhhhhhhh
100K USD sapaaaa nok merik?
ok back to my story
last tuesday tu my offday
so memang pantang la kalo dok umah
ada sajaaaaaa alasan nak kuwa haha
on dat day me, nieza n bobet jalan2 kat the hills
tpt wajib masok is toysrus
mmg seronok la masok kat cni
how i wish im still a kid and i can ask my mum n dad to but me toys here
tapi xpe.
nanti ada anak sendiri mmg akan kubelikan toys yg comel2 hehe
btw pics on dat day smua amik guna nieza's bb
sbb my bb masa tu dah padam terus
charger plak lupa nak bawak
thanx nieza for emailing all the pics for that day
aaaaa nak cita
masa kuwa tu kan i was wearing a long dark brown dress
1st time ok kuwa pakai dress ni
ala2 cinderella gitu hahaha
lepas jalan2 we all ended up dining kat station 1
station 1 ni sebelah sushi king jek
mmg senang nak carik
all of us order benda yg sama
chicken chop set! :)

rm12.90 only :)
makan2 kat station 1 ni mmg recommended!
the place is soooo cosy i tell u
the service is good, people there are friendly and price-wise ok sangat!
plus the menunya sangat2 mengancam jiwa raga
nieza n bobet dah penah mkn pizza kat cni
pun dorang ckp sedap.
so tunggu apalagi...
jom terjah station 1 esok!
itu sahaja update utk hari ni
till later k darlings!
yes! u look slimmer! congratulations! hehehe... sedap ka sia?? bolehlah try next time tok
kmk dah juak coba sia, nyaman, tp agak pricey.hehe
yup u shrink kak fieza, chaiyo!
Tang nyaman jak brg makan ya.... Boleh cayak sik? haha.. Nampak juak ktk dah semakin kurus.. Kmk tok maseh juak lom turun juak...
tahniah..tahniah..jgn diet glak..mun kecik kedak kmk dah sik kcak gik..huhuhu
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