cuppies tu woooo i like!
esp kak nor's punya air tangan
marveles i tell u!
dgn excited nya terus pasang slipper
n jln few steps..
dah sampai poonnnn
depan umah jek yeee hehhe ;P
fatin pun ikut sekali..
sampai2 jek kak nor showed us the cuppies
yes vanilla my fav!
n she also got few piping bags w coloured buttercream in it..
cam tau2 jek me n fatin ni suka betolll deco deco hehe
dgn tdk membuang masa terusla menconteng buttercream on the cuppies
i feel like a 7 yrs old girl tetiba!
feel je la wpun hakikatnya lagi 3 thn nak cecah the odd 3 n the big 0 ;P
mcm2 nama ada..
ray?ehemsss can siapa ka?
eh bkn kmk pun aaa bukannn bukann
i thot the cuppies above jek kak nor bagi okkk
but i was wrong
we went back home w 3 containers full w vanilla cuppies.
thank u very much kak nor!
kmk dah excited mok mbak g opis esok n i'll promote cam biasa la nak
n to those kuchingians yg suka cuppies n custom made decorated cakes, u can go to this link:
but i was wrong
we went back home w 3 containers full w vanilla cuppies.
thank u very much kak nor!
kmk dah excited mok mbak g opis esok n i'll promote cam biasa la nak
n to those kuchingians yg suka cuppies n custom made decorated cakes, u can go to this link:
anor mycupcakes
deliciousness guaranteed!
deliciousness guaranteed!
rasanya dulu2 dah penah promote jugak ni
tp saje la nak promote lagi kot2 ada yg nak tanya kan..
dats all dearies!
gd nite!
to u, whitechocolate i know ure reading this
i miss u as always and i hope one day we can meet again.
tp saje la nak promote lagi kot2 ada yg nak tanya kan..
dats all dearies!
gd nite!
to u, whitechocolate i know ure reading this
i miss u as always and i hope one day we can meet again.
Nyam2.. Sedap nar juak ehhss...
last friday..kmk teringin mkn cupcake. then after work i decided carik green height mall madah sia ada. tp kedai The Dating dah tutup..huhuh.sampe knek..kmk blm cerik cupcake!!waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
tetiba ada nama Ray!
kmk suka cupcake coklat..
ada sorang rah sri aman
tok pandey molah, yarabi
sik pat di explain nyaman
ya bok nyaman mun dah sikpat di explain
mintaaaa..kmk mok yg ada nama ray ya hahahaha.....larikkkkk...
kmk suka kapkek nor ko..mmg sedap n yang penting..chantekk
Yobihh dah mek nangga link diberik kitak tek...nang kretip si anor binti cupcake ya koh.. layap mek nangga nya molah dak katon2 makei icing ya..
Very thoughtful of u tulis nama nya tas cuppy ya. He liked it very much. Hehe..
Ivy, x boleh ambik nak ya. Kmk pun. Gkpun kmk dh mkn. Hehe..
Lynn, yalah ku tekejut tang ada jk nama nya sia. Tp bgs juak, alu jd display image lam ym ku. :p
nang nyamssss p x boleh salu hehe
b stranger:
owh ya ka dah ttp ka kedei ya adoh ehh sia la nyamss juak kapkek koh..
mun ktk mok order ngan kak nor tok jak tp min tek 16 la byk gilak dah oo
cnei gik ada ada juak kadang2
taukla kenak ada nama ray nak
mula2 ada org tek down koh d ym tgh mlm alu lupak down alu up terusss ukuk asam nyaa hehe
sik boleh oooii ada org mpun ya hehe
kak nor mummy:
mek suka sbb nya sik manis gilak ngam2 jak asanya..
kretip ooo bkn setakat ya bang odio nyaman juak kek nya ehh
kmk lak bday mok kak nor molah kek kmk hehe
kmk pun siktauk kenak mek tang ada nulis namanya
nama ktk lupak mek deco hahhaaha
n thank God he was online last nite sukkkk juak ati ktk tek nak aiseh!
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