i mula minum green tea..
frm today i will try to have a mug of green tea daily..
this green tea beli kat kl july thn lepas okkk tp baru thn ni nak minum
and sbb itu juga, me n nieza singgah kat gym for a 45mins workout session.
1st masok cam malu2 tp pastu pedulik aaahhh..
niat mmg nak exercise kan..
1st masok cam malu2 tp pastu pedulik aaahhh..
niat mmg nak exercise kan..
hehe..best tol da trainer.
rasa cam masok the biggest loser asia plak
seriously i need a new training shoes.
mak, ju g nike juuuuuuuuuuu
ya ujong mak juak d pintak! ;P
honestly people, this is my 1st exercise of the yr.
salu makaaannn makaaaaannn n maaakaaaaaannnn
n the result is my badan dah naik mendadak tgu nak meletup jek.
then dah mula sakit2 sendi cam lutut ni haa
kalo naik tangga kemain cam org tua
seyes ok sakitt sgt
disebabkan itulah now i need to take care of my food intake.
i will eat out i know i cant stop but i minimize the portion.
now dah dekat 2 mggu tak mkn nasik mlm, alhamdulilah i feel better.
gula pun kurang dah sekarang..
its not dat i wanna lose like 20kg whatsover kan
niat sbb nak sihat..
dats all
now thinking nak jd member kat gym ni..
maybe i will start jd member bln depan.
lagipun my own brother mmg salu kat situ so xde la takut kena kacau ke apa kan..
ok nak tdo dah ni.
sedap badan lepas senam2 ni
igt nak carik swimming buddy plak nanti.
ada sapa2 nak join me swimming plak? ;P
k dah nite!
salu makaaannn makaaaaannn n maaakaaaaaannnn
n the result is my badan dah naik mendadak tgu nak meletup jek.
then dah mula sakit2 sendi cam lutut ni haa
kalo naik tangga kemain cam org tua
seyes ok sakitt sgt
disebabkan itulah now i need to take care of my food intake.
i will eat out i know i cant stop but i minimize the portion.
now dah dekat 2 mggu tak mkn nasik mlm, alhamdulilah i feel better.
gula pun kurang dah sekarang..
its not dat i wanna lose like 20kg whatsover kan
niat sbb nak sihat..
dats all
now thinking nak jd member kat gym ni..
maybe i will start jd member bln depan.
lagipun my own brother mmg salu kat situ so xde la takut kena kacau ke apa kan..
ok nak tdo dah ni.
sedap badan lepas senam2 ni
igt nak carik swimming buddy plak nanti.
ada sapa2 nak join me swimming plak? ;P
k dah nite!
eh sine tokkk? gym ne eh
Aok eh, kat cney gym tok owh?
bagus ya..keep it up..
Ng best work out mlm tadik. I haven't sweat like that in a veeeerrrrryyyyy long time.
Ray's ecstatic bout me going there. Nya juak dpt benefits lak nak. Lanji!
Bila gk tek? Jd kamis lak o? Mkn mena2 lok CNY tok. Xdabah. :p
good for u for a start :) mula2 memang la kena buat slow dulu babe..
d matang best ctok sbb malay rami n dekat ngan umah mek pasya abg mek ada nengan semua sia kwnnya so glamer kejap mek mlm tdik haha
ms tikot:
d matang dekat ngan emart.lak join sekali mok? :)
thanx! :)
kan?sangat best!
xmok kalah ngan bobet eh mek mesti trun badan juak! :)
jadiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii kedong mek plg awl pat lamak2 kit sia mek belalak! hehe
a'aaa mmg dats y la blaja yg simple2 dulu but seriously im loving it to the max now! hehe
kuat nieza narik ya...gigih hehehe
she is gigih!
hopefully this will continue on dpt body fit sik lembik2 gik hehe
hey..kmk g gym koh.. hehe gym ne d pegi k tk kya ? berapa sebulan ?
well.. i love swimming !!!
count me in ? sine tek ??
jgn press gilak gik awal2 masok gym ya..slow2.. u'll get the beat later.. i know i did..hehe
jgn tgn ktk jd kdk tangan popeye dah lah.. sik berani rangbujang mok dekat klk.. hehe.. hepi working out :)
chaiyok2! :) i'm goin to do the same thing after confinement period nanti hehe
gym tok d matang and only rm60 permonth.super bloody cheaaaapp!! hehe
ktk salu swimming cnei bah?best mun ada geng tok kelak padah cnei tak salu pegi aa :)
oh yes it is cheap... rami sik org sia ? hours nya bukak mcm ne ? tmpt kmk quite expensive sikit. tp sikpalah.. tmpt baru.. beremey ngn barangnya lok. hahaha contract. after that mungkin mek pindah ke gymktk ya amik murah skit. hahaha. ada shower sia ka ?
tmpt kmk.. senang amik coz dkt tmpt keja.. direct mek ke cya.
kmk dah lamak juak sik g swimming.. dah sik tauk dah.. nak g public pun.. adoi.. u need to wear appropriate wears tho. hahaha.. nak g dkt bdc ya pun ada koh. swimming pool.quite ok. tpmun time cuti.. bersesak. ya yg sik besnya.. erm... plg senang.. sungey jaklah.. hahaa... ktk sine ? mun ada tmpt best2.. mek mok ekot juak..haha
hhaha sikla sampei camya eh..
gym is a very good place to work out sbb kmk sik suka gilak mok senam2 kat pustaka ka resebo ka..hehe
ok thanx pakdukun!
dida mummy to be:
hhehe sama2 la kita menyihatkan badan! :)
gym tok biasa2 jak n xda shower apa indah la n nya ttp kol 930pm..
mun duit mek byk mok mek jd member hilton pun gym pat makei pool sekali..tp of kos it comes w priceyyyy tag la..
mek mok swim p yalah mek keja shift susah eh..mlm bok plg..
xhal mun camya we stick 2 gym jak la ooo
yaka?ada xces to d pool juakka?bapalah d hilton? u kno the price? y ep..tim e tok mmg mek stick to gym.. tgalah kelak..plg pun mek org member salu g mandik sun gey jak..as in.. matang wildlife.ka..hehe..sekdala sungey sarawak nak... rami sik org d cya ow?i mean..gym yg u pegi?
kacak juak upa gym ya?? cney bah??
ya.. swimming best, can burn a lot and safe for sendi sendi.
fieza, the other day kmk sakit sendi yg seriously terok. it was during Ramadhan. pasya ok. kakya masa kmk di vietnam, kenak agik.. last2 pegi checkup. turns out i need more calcium.. so yes while its good to lose weight, dont forget yr calcium intake too alrite?
same here, suka naik treadmill, tapiiiiiiiiiiiii badan aku mcm ni la jugakkkkkkk.
Haaa.. amalan sihat ehek. Keep it up.. n see u there! ehek yerRr macam laa nektok mek nak turun gym sia hoh.. sak la gik geley2 di Dubai tok adehh...
emm sik juak rami la ok2 jak.. :)
kak ida:
d matang sia.
i always love swimming tp xda ngan n salu pool ttp awl.kmk tok salu keja plg dah mlm hehe
thanx for the adv dear.pastok mek meli calsium pills.
green apple:
kak d xpe dah slim melimmmm punnn hehhe ;P
i will keep it up n sik saba mok jd member.plus mek bln 3 salu plg awl kin senang mok g gym hehe
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