what i can say the season 1 rockssss!
i keep on replaying the parts dat i love to watch esp when the man of my life singing
oh my he's so cute i wanna kiss him right now can i?
ok since im done w it now its time for me to blog how's my weekends.
last week i got 2 days off which falls on sunday n monday.
so sunday tu just lepak2 umah masak2 w mum goreng kerang, ikan n such la..
mlm plak like usual on sunday nites i'll be out w bobet n nieza
kalo x kuwa ngan dorang ni its like tak lengkap okk..
last week we went to bing n dat nite pun well spent at bing
but this time we went to another newly open franchise at the hills.
i guess here's their fourth.
maju dah bing ni i like!
sharing is caring.
semua share2 n take a bite each.
a bite konon sedangkan ber bites bites haaaa
dat pie is guilty for being so yummylicious i cant stop digging for it
ahaha seriously!
n the sauce is emmmphhhh no need to say more la.
just come here n try it urself! :)
nearly 1030pm we headed back.
hills dah sunyi hoohoo ngeri jugak la nak blk sunyi2 ni kan
parking pun kat basement which i think quite dangerous
but guards are there..
so kurangla sket ketakutan itu..
semua share2 n take a bite each.
a bite konon sedangkan ber bites bites haaaa
dat pie is guilty for being so yummylicious i cant stop digging for it
ahaha seriously!
n the sauce is emmmphhhh no need to say more la.
just come here n try it urself! :)
nearly 1030pm we headed back.
hills dah sunyi hoohoo ngeri jugak la nak blk sunyi2 ni kan
parking pun kat basement which i think quite dangerous
but guards are there..
so kurangla sket ketakutan itu..
igtkan terus blk la lepas tu
tp singgah lagi ke kafe bunda utk sesi mencuci mata
ok dats all for my sunday story the mory
Ohhhh... Sia ada juak Bing duhal.. P kmk sik pernah pergi Bing... Main Bingo jak pernah...
aih mena 4th branch dah. sik penah ninjak bing koh. ada skali jak ya punkejap pegi small gig. mati lah
cafe bunda? i like that statement!!
lak try Bing-o
aie pegilaaa hehehe..mek suka suka cos its ambience n d drinks n d food.nyamss :)
f loren:
lak tak pulang mek ngembak tak ctok okkkkk.hehe
b s,
ktk suka cafe bunda ka?mek suka ayam penyet sia.
cute la your header :D
aie, ney misi nak slim blim tek za..
sikkan ilang gik..hehehehe..
riya mek duak anne gi hills, arum bulak sunyi mepi. almaklum pergi time chinese new year, nang pandey..haha yalah mek duak alu ke Medan ya, makan rah restaurant apa tek, lupak dah..Flora?
Bing.. one of my fav spot everytime mek balit kch ehek. Kamek suka mocha ice blend nya.. bigik kopinya kaw kaw baa hehe. Ermmm tapi mek nangga Hills ya cam byk gik kedei lom bukak nak hoh...
sik sempat nak pegi hill ariya..bing sempat huhu
adoheh... lapar... lapar... lapar... huhu..
thanx dear! :)
dont u worry the mission is still on.kmk hanya jd camtok sekali seminggu.i'll eat whatever i desire but in moderate la.slow2 bah jong2 leput mek lak ngejut nakk ;P
aok flora nama kedei mkn ya
ya nang mena bigik kopi nya bkn2 jak sapa sik suka alu la bencik minum aek ya haha
aok lom byk bukak p ok la dari xda papa
nxt tym tak plg pegi aaa kompom MNG dah bukak sia
kal jis:
ju mkn mek cia.. ;P
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