we were there to celebrate mstikots bday! :)
to those kuchingian bloggers mostly kenal la ngan mstikots ni.hee
sampai sana me n nieza lepak2 dlu sementara tggu mstikots..
apalagi, amik pics la kan..
elephant ni tptnya area belakang kuching park hotel..
wpun tptnya agak tersorok tp crowd mmg ramai..
this is my 2nd time here n 1st for nieza..
to those kuchingian bloggers mostly kenal la ngan mstikots ni.hee
sampai sana me n nieza lepak2 dlu sementara tggu mstikots..
apalagi, amik pics la kan..
elephant ni tptnya area belakang kuching park hotel..
wpun tptnya agak tersorok tp crowd mmg ramai..
this is my 2nd time here n 1st for nieza..
sementara tggu tu order air dulu..
after 10mins then mistikots pun sampai..
lamaaaa gila x jmpa ngan mstikots ni..
last ariya masa bln posa kak tikot oo.hehe
sbb dah lapar melampau terus order zass zaaaaaasss zaaaaaaaaaaaasss
for starter order garlic bread tp xde pics..
n for me i order mix grilled..
lamaaaa gila x jmpa ngan mstikots ni..
last ariya masa bln posa kak tikot oo.hehe
sbb dah lapar melampau terus order zass zaaaaaasss zaaaaaaaaaaaasss
for starter order garlic bread tp xde pics..
n for me i order mix grilled..
masa mkn tu we all update la cita masing2..
macam2 we all sembang..
n lepas jek mkn m n nieza handed her the bday gift.
seyes lupa nak amik pics.
actually we bought her a body shop set.nantila blh tgk kat blog mstikots bila dia dah update k..
n we were so glad dat she lovesssss the scent!
hoho..lega! :)
heheh..yelah takut jugak kalo org tak suka kan..
wpun tau mstikots akan suka jugak whatever the scent it is..
macam2 we all sembang..
n lepas jek mkn m n nieza handed her the bday gift.
seyes lupa nak amik pics.
actually we bought her a body shop set.nantila blh tgk kat blog mstikots bila dia dah update k..
n we were so glad dat she lovesssss the scent!
hoho..lega! :)
heheh..yelah takut jugak kalo org tak suka kan..
wpun tau mstikots akan suka jugak whatever the scent it is..
n before we end the dinner, wajib la ada desserts..
i was craving for their butter n bread pudding but sadly dah abis!
so order je la apple crumble ni..
for me, so n so rasa dia sbb apple masam x hingat.
x sukaaa laa.
sib baik ice cream tu sedap.
sib baik! hehe
b4 we go mestila nak bergmbar kan..
jom jom..
so order je la apple crumble ni..
for me, so n so rasa dia sbb apple masam x hingat.
x sukaaa laa.
sib baik ice cream tu sedap.
sib baik! hehe
b4 we go mestila nak bergmbar kan..
jom jom..
hope mstikots enjoy the dinner..
dats the least we can do :)
enjoy sik kitak kak tikot?hehe
but one thing for sure, the main course adalah sedap2 belaka.
n huge portion n the price is affordable too.
ahmoichantek should've join us d dinner but she had to attend something earlier so we decided to meet somewhere else after dinner.
ke mana we all lepas dinner?
nxt entry ya kwn2..
x larat dah ni..now pun mata dah berair ngantok but still gigeh menaep.
nk mimpi sedap mlm ni boleh hehe
k laterr orait..
ke mana we all lepas dinner?
nxt entry ya kwn2..
x larat dah ni..now pun mata dah berair ngantok but still gigeh menaep.
nk mimpi sedap mlm ni boleh hehe
k laterr orait..
aih sekda cakee!! hahahah loba kamek tok kekeke
TQ Fieza, nang best lepak mlm ya. Bodyshop Neroli Jasmine memang wangi. Kmk suka... Tp syg eh, lupak bergambar masa dpt besday gift ya owh.X pa, dlm blog kmk ada.
yalah, kmk ingat jak sempat ngagak ktk orang sia, cek cek sik sempat..pa di kidnap mak kmk happy hour indah rah Sarawak Club.. Tapi nasib bait temu juak pas ya oo.. kmk tunggulah next entry ktk :)
*sik kalak gik pergi Elephant..:(
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