my frens have been asking for this for so many times.
"nei wishlist tek?"
"bila mok molah?"
"polah cepaaaaatttt sak tauk apa mok dberik"
"bila mok molah?"
"polah cepaaaaatttt sak tauk apa mok dberik"
naaaahhhhhhhhhhhh amik tak org
sik merik siap!
here are some of my desired gifts dat i really really wanted :)

this one is from coach which i know so pricey.
bukan coach pun xda hal janji rupa nya camtok. ;P

not from coach la eh janji wristlet.i need this to put my BB n some cash
very very useful to me
tapi kalo laaaaaaaaaaaaa dapat coach mmg la sukoorrr rahmat
mintak kat mak agak2 dapat tak? ;P
- shawls n more shawls
- a blackberry housing
ckup2 la fieza ngeh ngehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
but after all, its d thought dat counts kan ;)
wah.... nak handbag coach jugak!!! tapi of course pricey and if nak beli pun kena pikir 40 kali lah kan..
kmk maok smua ya eh..except shawl lah. hahahha..nang kcak taste ktk!
Mun dh 'it's the thought dat counts', kmk wish jkla ri rabu klak.
Ckpla o? :D
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