ive been tagged by few fellow bloggers; en amir kita n miss yazmieen
since i have nothing to share about so layan jekkk
sekali sekali layan tag ni best jugak kan
this is how it goes:
Sila klik folder gambar di PC atau LAPTOP anda. Pilih folder gambar yang ke-8, dan di dalam folder yang ke-8 itu pilih gambar yang ke-8 pula. Tulis catatan ringkas berkenaan dengan gambar tersebut. Seterusnya, tag lagi 8 orang (mesti kaa 8 org tok..? :( )..
and look at what i got here ;)

cerita d sebalik pic ini[cewahhh!]
this pic was taken last year in july i guess
at the starbucks jln song
i was lepaking w my fav friends; castro, mahathir n awg mu having some ice blended
nieza was there too but at this time, dia yg snapkan pic :)
kalo x silap masa ni kuwa sbb mahathir blk kuching kejap for her sister's wedding
n currently he's still in d UK jd DR kat sana
dgr2 dia nak balik kch for good but im not sure when
awg mu plak now selamat menjadi suami org
n sekarang tgh berusaha menjadi daddy katanya
n castro plak still keja tpt sama
wpun sama kch sungguh jarang we all lepak sama
castro i know ure reading this so bila tek mok lepak sama gik?
i dont want to tag anybody else sbb yg lain2 dah kena kot
so sapa yg rasa2 nak jwb tag ni, silakan ya :)
Best juak lepak rami2 kedak ya... Nice pic...
Nice pic...n nice tag.. yerRRr. Nok nama lamak dah sik ngabas blog eh.. ney ndak skati ngereco jak mek tok ehek..
yahhhhh...mek lalu jak sia tiap ari..mok mkn kt scr sbelah ya..hihih
sik sangka kacak hoh.
Ha3. Baru jak tgh maca tek. Wonderful memories. Anytime, boleh jak lepak2, tapi time tok, nang bz gila babas. Heh. Cheers, guys
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