Your Blogging Type is Confident and Insightful |
![]() Both creative and logical, you come up with amazing ideas and insights. A total perfectionist, you find yourself revising and rewriting posts a lot of the time. You blog for yourself - and you don't care how popular (or unpopular) your blog is! |
my point of view:-
mmg betul laaaa...
ai kalo wat blog mmg salu revise balik ape yg dah dtype.
ulang2 kali lak tu..
yes, i blog for myself..
x kesah la ade org bace ke x..
tp mmg kompom ade loyal readers la kan..
tp certain things mmg x boleh nak blog..
yg sentuh sensitiviti laa..
kang kena ISA lak..opss!
kalo x puas ati ke, marah2 ke...
better luah ngan org yg kite x puas ati tu..
kang menyosal x sudah..
sbb bile marah, we tend to use language yg x patut..
cam cursing n such la..
isshhh terukkan aku ni..huhu..
so..dah 5months berblogging, i found it useful..
for me nak share thoughts n all..
thanx for reading my craps, u all..
really appreciate it!
mek nk polah jwak lowk ewh bila ada free time..hehe
polah la..kmk nang amazed la cam tang tauk jak kmk nang blogger camtok..hihi..
nyam mkn kepchii tek? ;P
kim salam kat bf ye...
ada org kim salam ngan ktk..
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