biasalahhhh mood kadang ada kadang tak
lumrah la kannn
ni cita bila ntah last week
rabu ke khamis eh seyes sik ingat dah kamek ehhe
aaaa ingat dah
it was last week punya friday
me n my besties went out for dinner
g mcD jek pun
since nza n bobet dah balik from bali vacation the whole week pun x jmpa
sbb i keja mlm n kinda tired
jumaat tu baru la kuwa
before dat i dah mkn ngan my mum so g mcD beli sundae and fries jek

lepas mkn2 tu n sembang2 atau poret cakap org sarawak, they handed me the ole2 from bali
sukaaaaaaaaaaa laaa kan
sukaaaaaaaaaaa laaa kan

both i like!
dorang siap cakap alaaaaaaaaaa fieza we bought u FM jekkk
no hal la darlings!
im a fridge magnets collector
of course laaaa dah syukur rahmat
its the thought dat counts kan ;)
thanx besties!
we had a looooooooooonggg porets session dat nite
cita pasal ni, pasal itu pehhhh gila lama sembang sampai x sedar dah dekat midnite ok
i miss juzz n sue yg dah jadi wife org now
mana boleh kuwa mlm lepak dah kan
well i know we'll make it one day occasionally
plus nieza's bday is just around d corner
its time for besties' dinner and time to catch w everybody
i havent decide what sld i buy for nieza.
MNG tgh sale sekarang kan?
sld use the chance wisely
till later
no hal la darlings!
im a fridge magnets collector
of course laaaa dah syukur rahmat
its the thought dat counts kan ;)
thanx besties!
we had a looooooooooonggg porets session dat nite
cita pasal ni, pasal itu pehhhh gila lama sembang sampai x sedar dah dekat midnite ok
i miss juzz n sue yg dah jadi wife org now
mana boleh kuwa mlm lepak dah kan
well i know we'll make it one day occasionally
plus nieza's bday is just around d corner
its time for besties' dinner and time to catch w everybody
i havent decide what sld i buy for nieza.
MNG tgh sale sekarang kan?
sld use the chance wisely
till later
1 comment:
Mek mok baju & purse mng makseh banyak2! :D
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