am so happy for her
for all of u to know, they started to know each other after juzz's wedding last year
somewhere around june
kenal punya kenal, then kapel, then tunang on october n kawen bln june tahun ni
talking about jodoh kan..
kalau dia mmg milik kita, insyaAllah Tuhan lapangkan jalan
dugaan mmg ada but they love each other so much they didnt give up
alhamdulilah jodoh kuat
last year masa wedding juzz, me sue bobet n nieza were wondering who'll be next to be the bride?
jom kenang kesah lama
this was on juzz's wedding day on 1st june 2010
look how happy we were
semua pakat pakai baju kaler dark choc
and semua pun single masa tu termasok la saya
eh betol masa juzz kawen ni saya single lagi :)
bila nak amik pic i was so excited to hold the bouquet
so semua ingat turn saya tahun ni
which is emmmmmmm
so wrong!
its sue's turn this year
alhamdulilah :)
eventho its not my turn yet, kita kena redha pada qada' dan qadar
walau macamana kuat kaseh dan sayang, kalo Dia tidak mengizinkan, terimalah kenyataan.
eh bkn cerita happy day sue ke?
ok back to the sto
sue looked so stunning masyaAllah
the beautiful couple chose to wear grey+pink
love the combination
sangat cantek!

now i really dont mind whether its my turn nxt year or bila2 la
just tawakal k
insyaAllah :)
me n the besties mmg pakat nak pakai red
sangat sukaaaaaaaa bila sedondon camni
sangat sukaaaaaaaa bila sedondon camni

alhamdulilah semua dah selesai
am so happy for sue
she's a wife now to firdaus
for sure kehidupan dah berubah
but i hope our friendship will remains the same
sebak pulak ;P
oklah i now nak tido awl
mlm tadi kol 2am baru nak lelap
bila sampai opis ting tong jek
till the nxt wedding k! :)
am so happy for sue
she's a wife now to firdaus
for sure kehidupan dah berubah
but i hope our friendship will remains the same
sebak pulak ;P
oklah i now nak tido awl
mlm tadi kol 2am baru nak lelap
bila sampai opis ting tong jek
till the nxt wedding k! :)
1 comment:
Tahniah Sue! Selamat pengantin baru.. Wasehhhh.. Nway, kelak2 ada jodoh ktk.. Mungkin prince charming dari Arab...
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