kangen sama saya enggak?
well, to be honest im feeling down lately.
i dunno why.
maybe pms tdk lama lagi..
asyik down je kan.
tak sukaaaaaaaaaa aaarr
oklah sempena tajuk yg x semenggah itu, saya nak update pasal bday saya..
yeah i know its kinda late but i dont care..
blogging ni perlukan semangat..
kalo nak buat entry secara x ikhlas, x best jugak kan..
so sementara semangat juang tu masih membara, layan je la eh..
1st nak cita pasal celebrate bday d opis..
9th july-khamis..
masa tu i baru trun keja after KL trip..
kebetulan dat day my department ada wat mkn2..
so alang2 tu i beli la kek for everyone to share.

had fun ok w all the food n love they showed me..hihi..
then at the weekends, celebrate w my besties plak..
cam biasa la ada juzz, nieza and bobet..
they're my bestest friends till ever!
the bday dinner took place at the famous "the banquet restaurant"
i love western food they have here...
sangat yuummyy and the ambience, feels like a hotel la..
sapa2 yg xpenah pegi go n see for urself..
the price is reasonable.
xde la semahal the junk..
then at the weekends, celebrate w my besties plak..
cam biasa la ada juzz, nieza and bobet..
they're my bestest friends till ever!
the bday dinner took place at the famous "the banquet restaurant"
i love western food they have here...
sangat yuummyy and the ambience, feels like a hotel la..
sapa2 yg xpenah pegi go n see for urself..
the price is reasonable.
xde la semahal the junk..
2 pieces of SR's cake.
thanx guys for belanja me dinner..
they're so sweet cos they also bought me pressies!
they're so sweet cos they also bought me pressies!
it's in my wishlist!
selain dorang i received gifts frm ms tikot n yana too.
ms tikot is my blogger fren n yana is my ex schoolmate..
gigih ok courier the parcel for me..
and im touched!
ms tikot is my blogger fren n yana is my ex schoolmate..
gigih ok courier the parcel for me..
and im touched!
me likey!
inside d bag ada bear kaler purple tp dah letak kat opis.hehe
a yoga booklet+dvd, ziana zain's cd
apelagi i dapat eh?
tu je la kot..
i enjoyed my bday so much..
cos i know i m loved by lots of ppl..ehems..
thanx to those yg bagi hadiah..
sangat2 appreciate each n every single thing dat i got frm u all..
muah muah!
tu je la kot..
i enjoyed my bday so much..
cos i know i m loved by lots of ppl..ehems..
thanx to those yg bagi hadiah..
sangat2 appreciate each n every single thing dat i got frm u all..
muah muah!
Yohh.. Seh mudak gik ya... P sik lamak gik perlu nikah.. yahh... ampun... haha... hepi belated besday...
lekak nangga the proposal marek kin membuak2 rasa nak dipropose za o. gikla umor dah 26 taun tok. bisa palak mike. huhu..
hepi blated bday :D.. the junk??.. i know the owner (mun owner nya x tukar la).. nya ada invite ku mkn sia, jd ku tnyk halal x.. nya mdh halal, ayam sembelih org islam n no pork.. ku tnyk ada masak makei wine/liquor x.. nya madah ada.. so diragui status kehalalannya.. just info 4 u guys yg suka mkn2 di luar..
happy belated birthday
bestnya meriahhhh....=)
Wohh...gik mudak duhalnya ehek XD
nyaman ada jak upa kek.. makin tua makin ayu ktk za..:)
Cantek warna biru... berseri-seri jak.
Happy birthday dik Fiza, bestnya dapat Yoga set tu... :) Moga panjang umur dan dimurah rezeki.
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