31hb baru laaaa gajiku yg 17 angka tu masok tau..
bknnnya pagi..kalo kat KK dah azan maghrib dah..
haaa amek ko..lmbat gila.
xpela janji masok ye tak?
sempena dah payday me n dearest colleagues singgah mkn kat KFC..
bknnya apa, breaktime pun only 1hour so tu jek yg cepat n sedap!
dlm kol 815 balik to ofc semula..
wat call kejap sesket then balik kol 830pm..
then later i went to meet fizan, the one who crashed my car last month..
he gave me some cash for me to repair my car..
n it was a HUGE amount..
i wish i cld use the money to buy a new CNK wedges plus a nice ELLE handbag or an ipod?
no laa peeps..
im going to send my car to d workshop nxt monday..
sian dia calar balar kemek kat bumper x repair2..
lama dah nak repair but due to my double vacations,dats y postpone sampai sebulan tu..
fyi, fizan is sooo cute!owh sempat!
hahha..actually bcos of the accident, we became frens n even facebooking on each other profile..
well, dats y org ckp ada hikmahnya?
camtulaa kot..
eh we all kwn je laa.jgn nak speku okkk..
xde maknaaa!
ooopppsss dah kol 2pg?
emm i think i need to hit the sack..
esok ada wedding my fren; firdaus at the civic center at 1030am..
cant wait to go cos there'll be bunch of my high school's frens attending the wedding as well...
its time to camho and gossiping!hehe
k la peeps..
have a nice weekends!
Hehehe... ada niat nak shopping agik nya ya ;-))
mala makan... :|
wowww...da juak muka kmk kuar dlm blog ktk eh...hehheeh...makan2 dpt menghilangkan asa stress setelah penat bekerja...penat bekerja????hrmmmm...x da lah penat, penat berjalan pg pakson da lah...carik hadiah ngan albert n wan...tp keseronokan ku terganggu pa bila menerima panggilan drp alex yg memaksa diriku perlu bergegas pulang ke opis...mengacau je alex ini....
i like this post... y ah?? coz ada gambar food from kfc???
mun kmk masih d cmcc mesti muka mek ada kuar juak mkn kepci....
za, nampak berisik mek dlm gambar yaa... lengan mek diat lok.... hahahaha.. lamak dah kita sik kuar ramey2 ohh... best dpt berkumpul makan2 mcm ya... hehehe..
entry makan udik..ishk2~
ms tikot,
niat nang salu ada..duit jak xda.haha
pa salah ooo.. ;P
lamak sik nmpak nei tuju.update gik blog nun.hehe
best masa tok eh..dah la kmk kakya offday nendak rindok.hehe
kak ida,
aok oo ada kaitan ngan kitak kan.no wonder suka.hehe
mami faris,
harus muka ktk ada koh..hehe
mdm nyza,
eh xda la.gik lengan ajak pasalah nak.hehe..bila mok lepak camtok gik..
semestinya! :P
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