farewell for:
- mr dihi
- mr nazirul hafiy
- miss lucille
16 newly intake batch..
my department mmg salu organize dinner camni..
and i kompom akan join.
last nite cam x ingat nak snap byk2..
ramai jugak yg dtg.
dlm 60 org camtu..
enjoy the piccas..
ramai jugak yg dtg.
dlm 60 org camtu..
enjoy the piccas..

semua dah terer blogging skang ;)

pas mkn2 ada games n karaoke sessions.
ai x karok la..suare x sedap.segan.
lagipun ada janji w frens nak lepak2..
so xleh nak lama2 kat cni..
sempat tgk jojo n kak ros jek nyanyi.
and for u all to know, jojo la yg mekapkan ai.hehe..
the dinner was fantastic..
for the yummylicious food and all sort of funny games, i wld like to say,
thumbs up to the committee..
good job guys!
tepat kol 930mlm, me terus gerak g frappe.
nak jmpa my dear ex classmates yg skang pun antara blogger hebat.hehhe..
see u all in next entry.. :)
1 comment:
kurus ms. jo dalam pict ya ehh..huhu ;-D
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