im having off days on weekends this tym so i'll have lotsa plans!
btw, i have so much to tell, so much to share but i have no pics w me yet.
fyi, i had dinner w 4 famous bloggers last nyte at barok.
[org kch tauk la barok tok sinei]
those 4 nice peeps are kak viruspadu, en laloque, kiki n zie
it was such a pleasant evening w glorious of food too!
pity me, i have no pics at all to share.
wait for my bumper issue later on.
maybe on this weekends la k..
ceaaa cam kompom jek ada org baca blog ni.heh.
in my previous post, told u dat i received a shawl by my lovely SIL..
and of course shawl tu kenalaaa kaler purple..
thanx kak nora sayang!
since dah lame dah xde my pics kan, meh i tempek byk sket.
hilang laaaa rinduu tu karang..hiks~
pics ni semua amik guna my fren nye n70.
tang2 tu jugak bluetooth kat my fon ok.see, gigih kan ai?
*clap clap*
shantekkan my purple shawl?
emm nak tanye sket..
shawl yg chantek ke @ org yg pakai shawl tu?
hahhaha. lariiiiiiiiiiiiiikkkksssssss.
shawl yg chantek ke @ org yg pakai shawl tu?
hahhaha. lariiiiiiiiiiiiiikkkksssssss.
owh i loike la!
now dah stat la nak wat collection shawl ni.
dlm keta kena ada satu pasal salu kuar mlm.
kalo sejok, sarong jek shawl ni.
nak2 kalo terpakai baju ala2 sexy gitu kan, leh la cover sket.
heh.ada ati nak sexy.
bah, ai nak mndi.jap g nak g kejaaa..
keja kol 12-930pm ok.
sat sun off days.
dah g wat keja.asyik baca blog org camane nak maju?
have a nice friday u all!
muah muah!
purple... i like... hehehe... xpa, maybe aritok masuk lah half gaji ktk org zaa, leh la ngator hp yaaa.. boleh snip snap nyk2 gik.. gamabr mek harus mok snip snap juak lak 2 bln xda d ofis... hehehe.. psstt, fyi, my baby 9 month today... berdebar ehh zaa.. :)
dah masok pun.siap ada lebeh gik ya.wonder mek nei atang extra hundreds lam acc.yipppeeee yay!
dah 9months ooo.kmk dah nyedia kunci keta tas meja takut apa2 hal.hehhee.
Woww... za can't wait for ur bumper issue!
kacak la shawl ya za.dipadankan dgn ktk yg dh sedia cantik ya.. hehe
za, mek teringat dialog mek ngan mak mek.
yana: mak, ingat gik sik ngan fieza kwn masa skolah dolok
mak: ohh... nok kacak2 ya kah?
aiseh... apa kmk mok padah ngn mak mek kitak pandei jahit manik ya.. lalu lah terkeluar dialog ya
yarabi...u make me smiles till it reached my ears i tell u.hehhe.
*shupan amek*
mek gik ngumpol pics tok.lak mek update pjg2 aaa..ready jak. ;P
shawl purple + sweet lady = mmg la terbaekk worry la, ktk owez nampak glowy bah!!
thanx a lot.u really make my day!
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