today i've attended a meeting.
regarding a function which be held this coming friday.
a ramah tamah hari raya for our TM's call centres.
as one of the commitee members chosen by the OM,
i needed to b in d meeting room at 230pm.
from my department, there r 4 committee members appointed.
kat call center ni ada 4 departments.
dacc,cmcc, ssc and fmcc..
kira wakil department cmcc la we all ni.
me, jojo, aswar n ema are the chosen ones.
ceaaaa ayat chosen ones xleh blah.hahha..
ema off day so xleh nak join meeting.
sempat lak depan lif snap snap..
as a blogger tegar, harus la kan. ;P
kat call center ni ada 4 departments.
dacc,cmcc, ssc and fmcc..
kira wakil department cmcc la we all ni.
me, jojo, aswar n ema are the chosen ones.
ceaaaa ayat chosen ones xleh blah.hahha..
ema off day so xleh nak join meeting.
sempat lak depan lif snap snap..
as a blogger tegar, harus la kan. ;P
from the flyers yg dah diedarkan,
one thing for sure is the function will b held at d saddad court this friday.
at 730pm and all of the staffs are welcome.
datang ok, jgn tak datang.
rugiii x dtg ooo pasal d menus semua sedap2 belaka..
i was appointed to be as a penyambut tetamu on dat very day..
adoiihh aku ni dah la penyegan..
mmg la not me alone but stilll..
urat malu mmg tebaaaaalll la.
but its ok..
i'll take the challenge.aieseeehhh..
one thing for sure is the function will b held at d saddad court this friday.
at 730pm and all of the staffs are welcome.
datang ok, jgn tak datang.
rugiii x dtg ooo pasal d menus semua sedap2 belaka..
i was appointed to be as a penyambut tetamu on dat very day..
adoiihh aku ni dah la penyegan..
mmg la not me alone but stilll..
urat malu mmg tebaaaaalll la.
but its ok..
i'll take the challenge.aieseeehhh..
with jojo's touch, i know i'll look fabulous.
waaaahhh tetiba lak excited ni..
the meeting ended at 430pm..
emmm esok sure bz w the preparation..
k la peeps.
itu sahaja dari saya,fiezasingwaliwaliaaacikebomcikebom melaporkan.
hugs and kisses!!
jgn lupa ambik pics vogue da vass mlm ya zaa.. pergi jak tak org.. mek dok umah merehatkan diri jak, gikpun hubby keja shift mlm.. dah sarat mls la nak attend pa2 event.. hehehe...
ofismate kita nang xpat d srh posing... melampau-lampau.. hahaha.. opsss.. terlebih sudah..
harus ya tauk penoh lam blog tok lak.hehe
iboh opismate, kita sama juak gya.hehhe.kelak msti tak rindu ngan mek org bah.hehhe..
hahaha..harus yaaa sbg blogger tegar snap² gamba :P
p...gamba tak pun ney fiez :(
aok ewh cdak duak ya...tegak alu jwak pic 1st ya..haha.. mcm nk blagu lagu negaraku jak...kehkehkeh
aie nak ada pic mek nok 1st ya depan lif.hehhe.
cdak duak tok my buddies d opis.mun nya 2 off, sunyek alu seopis2..
yalah za, of coz la rindu mek 2 bln x bertemu ngan ktk org.. 44 hari x blh kuar umah yaa.. huhuhu..
ilek za.its for ur own good k.x berasa juak bah.lak mek singgah2 pas balit opis..
tp harus berpantang mena.lak body slim balit.ehems.
make up kacak2 isok.mlm ya kak balit dr saddad singgah jln muhibbah. ;)
boleh juak singgah jln muhibah tp yana xda.sapa gik diam sia juzz?
bkn mus diam siaka?
MUS? heheh..
aok ooo mus diam jln muhibah kan.pasya kenak ka?
gago juak mak buyong tok.kubit lak!
saja jak nak menuh comment.. hehehe..
ngageh juak ko ya..gik juak nanyak.kak g beramah tamah di saddad beramah tamah ngan mus gik la. ;D
bagos za.penoh2 kanlah comment box tok.hhehe
hhehe.ramah tamah indah.raya dah abis.
mun sikmok beramah tamah, beramah mesra la.hehe
malas ku mok layan ko juz.hahha
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