i am in love.
yes, i do.
i cant believe it either.
i know he has no idea bout w.t.h i am feeling now.
it's all about me.
i adore him for his looks, the charisma, the charms..
owh it just blown me away..
what should i do to let him know dat im already head over heels?
what should i do to make him see me?
i dont want to be invisible.
not anymore.
i DO want him to know..
i want to take care of him..
i want to be the closest person on earth to be w him.
be his shoulder to cry on..
be his bestfriend..
his argue partner..
i want all the best things in d world for him..
but will he feels the same?
oh shia labeouf,
why dont u give me d chance to love?
not even just a lil bit?why?
heh.saspen ye?hhehe..
well, actually i started to loff him since d Transformers last year.
oh oh.what a cutie.
he's sooo damn snugly..
if i'd given d chance to be w him,i'll hug him tight and kiss him endlessly.
ops, 18sx rated.
forgive me cos he's just sooo damn yummylicious.
yesterday i went to watch his latest movie, eagle eye and i want to watch it again.
i just love it!
nuff said.

the show started at 9pm..
me as usual will be accompanied by my besties, nieza n bobet.
the show is only available at cineplex parkson.
what a great movie i must say.
to those yg belum tgk, cepat beli tiket.
mmg best..
so after wyg, jam dah kol 11pm..
aie, bok kol 11 ari.tak org mok minum2 ka balit terus?-me
of course la minuuuuuummm dlluuuu..-nieza n bobet
heh.tak org nang best!-me
so off to kedai ayam penyet we go..
dok lepak2 minum2 jek pun..n layan cucor udang campo2..
then bobet called mus, asking him to join us..
dari kol 1110, we all lepak till 1am..
the nxt day keja ok.
boleh dgn slmba dek lepak2 sampai pg.heh..
today dah isnin.cam kejap jek kan..
shift kol 9pg..balik pun awl..
bahagia jek tgk umah..
so now dah kol 1121pm..
nak tdo awl sket la today..
qada' tdo semlm tu x abis lagi.
ngahaha lanji sik berpada2 eh. damnnn. tok nyroh mek dtg lanji tok. ish.
i want to be in love again.huaaa huaaa..
ooo suspen eh mek ingat fall in love dgn tokey kede mkn tek haha..mek xpat tido tok eh
yerdeh..mbak urg 'mude' ya skali weh..eheheheh..urg mdh mun salu kuar sm2 ya..kompom ada sumting ya..ngeeee....:P..jgn mare..mun da jodoh..xkemana ya za..heheheheh..:).Amiinnnnnnnn..
yerdeehhh... ayam kepci ya zaa.. soh mek ngidam jak.. hahahha... ooo sab.. cik fieza kita nang fall in love ngan tokey kedey nak...? opsss.. terlebih sudah.. ngee... :P
nang bagus ktk.bah mun xpat tdo duhal.add kmk ym.lak ta chit chat.
bah, ktk nang bagus.jega tak aa..
tokey kedei neeeyyy gik?adoh eh tak org nang sukaaaa ko.
saspen eh..pk MR.M tek.hehe.
hahhah saspen ho.tp mendalam sik mknanya?;P
nang mendalam.mcm bkn pasal shia jak ya.ya pasal true feeling ktk..yerr za..
hhahha juzz.ada wak kit2 eh.
yerr tuijaaa
yerr...gik la kak beym mlm tdk.makin mendalam perasaan. ;)
pndei kau juzz..
btw, ferol ajak lepak mc d mlm tok.mok ekot?
BENNNAAAA ta kau juzz. aku tek mati2 pk juak mr M. hahahahha. btw pza mek suka shia time nya beremos. adoh eh. i have a thing for scruffy guys. nyom2 di cium. yer apa jak la ahahah. nya clean gia nmpk gilak i tua dari nya
mek suka nya beremos2 juak.mek dah yahooing n googling for his latest pics p xda.huhu.
amik ajak la pic tok.tingat zaman nya even stevens ya.x sangka bila dah besa charming ado.
cam justin timbelake juak. dolok linyokkk jak ambut dah la golong2 n nya suka make sora sengong/empiak nya, tp now...
*lileh aek lio jap
(jap lok carik tisu)
-buang golong n linyok
-make ju smart
-some remos
-lagu supercatchy
OMG! ensem n sexi
arum eh, jujoh aek lior ndiat justin nek tok.ada sorang gik mek suk.gerard butler lam cita p/s i love u.adooh eh
(ngusap kerusi, ngecek hahah)
-i love hot bods
-beremos ckit2
-senyum mesti manis
oh oh.
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