today i esok keje laaa..
bosan tol keja on sunday..
menci menci!!
so cam biasa kalo d nxt day off mlm b4 tu msti i kuar kan..
last nite had a wild nite(cee cee ceeaaa wild,dah berani nak wild2 nmpak?)..
ehhe.went out w hat-c, awg mu, nieza n castro..
g mane ek?emmm..
g lepak2 sajo..xde pics..bahayaaa..ahaks!
last thurs me n colleagues yg lain plan nk pkai bj lawa2 g opis..
saje jek nk take a lot of pics..
so i wore my green kebaya..not my baju raya la..
tp x penah pkai bj ni g opis..
so kire baru la kan.ehems..
l-r: nyza the mak buyung, kak suhana kiut, mbokz the hot mama, kak ros the sweetest, me the most fabulous and kak su the shy shy..

ada aku kesah?
bah, mok g majlis aqiqah my nephew lok.
will updates w pics later..
muah muah!!
bosan tol keja on sunday..
menci menci!!
so cam biasa kalo d nxt day off mlm b4 tu msti i kuar kan..
last nite had a wild nite(cee cee ceeaaa wild,dah berani nak wild2 nmpak?)..
ehhe.went out w hat-c, awg mu, nieza n castro..
g mane ek?emmm..
g lepak2 sajo..xde pics..bahayaaa..ahaks!
last thurs me n colleagues yg lain plan nk pkai bj lawa2 g opis..
saje jek nk take a lot of pics..
so i wore my green kebaya..not my baju raya la..
tp x penah pkai bj ni g opis..
so kire baru la kan.ehems..

pose sopan santun.
dah la eh.pjg alu entry tok.alu kaka swak ujong2.hahha.mbok, kak suehana n nyza are my closest ppl at the ofc la.
kalo nk g mkn ke g hopoh or even the spring pun w these all crazy ppl la..(of kos aft working hrs)
eh alang2 cite pasal derang ni kan..ade lagi pics rupenye i still x publish..
kalo nk g mkn ke g hopoh or even the spring pun w these all crazy ppl la..(of kos aft working hrs)
eh alang2 cite pasal derang ni kan..ade lagi pics rupenye i still x publish..
me in d mid.
bcos of these wonderful+crazy+pweettyyy bunch of frens, i love my job even more.
even sometimes the job needs me to face angry gilos2 nye customers, but i always have them to look for, to laugh for..
to u guys,
thanx for always be there..]
to mbok, cepat2 nait pgkat lagik..n dont forget to matchmaking me w ur fren yg gaji 3k ke atas.hahha..
to nyza, gd luck for beranak kelak..x lamak gik ya..n 4 sure me sunyek ktk xda 2bln.hhu..
to kak sue, gd luck for final exam..kmk pun turn nxt yr amik PJJ.mek xmok ada dip ajak..harus!!
[yah, entry khas alu byi.harus d cia mkn nasik ayam d scr].
huaaaaaaaaaaaa huaaaaaaaaa...
even sometimes the job needs me to face angry gilos2 nye customers, but i always have them to look for, to laugh for..
to u guys,
thanx for always be there..]
to mbok, cepat2 nait pgkat lagik..n dont forget to matchmaking me w ur fren yg gaji 3k ke atas.hahha..
to nyza, gd luck for beranak kelak..x lamak gik ya..n 4 sure me sunyek ktk xda 2bln.hhu..
to kak sue, gd luck for final exam..kmk pun turn nxt yr amik PJJ.mek xmok ada dip ajak..harus!!
[yah, entry khas alu byi.harus d cia mkn nasik ayam d scr].
huaaaaaaaaaaaa huaaaaaaaaa...
ada aku kesah?
bah, mok g majlis aqiqah my nephew lok.
will updates w pics later..
muah muah!!
hoho.. sempat juak ke spring 2 days b4 raya... dahlah 4-4 x pose.. ngeh ngeh ngeh... ilek2 ajer tggal pc.. setahun sekali bah zaa ooo, bukan salu pun nyelepat jauh2... yalah za, kmk tok menghitung hari nak deliver. x sbr rasanya.. so far, brg2 baby dah prepare.. (alu lari bajet... huhu). hope semua bjalan dgn baik :) -nyza-
hahhaha lucuuuu part 4-4 x pose yeee..sukati jak kiteee.
shopping x igt amik kau, mkn biskut kerin jak.huaaa..
mek x sabar wak ngga baby ktk za..
hopefully everything's wil be fine..
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