i have only two thursdays before i become a mrs.
yes. feels surreal.
its like yesterday i just engaged to the man i love so much
and now we're getting married in less than a month
in 21 days to be exact.
while people countdown on xmas, i join them too
but to my own big day
oh my.
i have lots to share but in the same time im so occupied with work
and the preparations are really tiring
tell me about listing the guests name
rasa mau muntah sudah.
i will share more with you.
i just need some space on my own.
till next entry.
doakan semuanya berjalan lancar ok!
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
preparation for my skin
today is 28th of october
two months from now, we will be on the plane heading to our honeymoon
where to?
well, will share with you soon!
for now lemme prepare for my skin
org kata kalau nak kawen kenalah jaga kulit badan ye tak?
time ni laaaa rajin nak facial, nak gi spa, nak menyental segala daki2 yg ada kat badan
macam banyak betol bunyiknya kan? hahahaa
well im one of the bride yang nak nampak glowing, bersinar2 bukan kat kulit wajah je
i nak semuaaaa licin and best dipegang and didampingi. Eh.
so last week i went to bodyshop nak beli segala mak nenek benda for my skin
seronok pulak masok sini rasa cam nak beli semuaaaaa je
macam lah murah kan kau nak beli semua
sikit2 sudehhhh
so i ended up with these products
body polish i beli terus dua tube sebab takleh nak choose nak cranberry ke strawberry
dua2 pun bau sedap, amik la dua2
then strawberry body lotion
oh bau ni sedapppp sangat siap ada cooling effect
best sapu2 kat badan rasa sejok2 gitu
beli sponge sekali and then beli lip gloss seketol
yg serum tu my mom punya
total damage done: RM179.70
sokay. bukan selaluuuu khen?
two months from now, we will be on the plane heading to our honeymoon
where to?
well, will share with you soon!
for now lemme prepare for my skin
org kata kalau nak kawen kenalah jaga kulit badan ye tak?
time ni laaaa rajin nak facial, nak gi spa, nak menyental segala daki2 yg ada kat badan
macam banyak betol bunyiknya kan? hahahaa
well im one of the bride yang nak nampak glowing, bersinar2 bukan kat kulit wajah je
i nak semuaaaa licin and best dipegang and didampingi. Eh.
so last week i went to bodyshop nak beli segala mak nenek benda for my skin
seronok pulak masok sini rasa cam nak beli semuaaaaa je
macam lah murah kan kau nak beli semua
sikit2 sudehhhh
so i ended up with these products
body polish i beli terus dua tube sebab takleh nak choose nak cranberry ke strawberry
dua2 pun bau sedap, amik la dua2
then strawberry body lotion
oh bau ni sedapppp sangat siap ada cooling effect
best sapu2 kat badan rasa sejok2 gitu
beli sponge sekali and then beli lip gloss seketol
yg serum tu my mom punya
total damage done: RM179.70
sokay. bukan selaluuuu khen?
Monday, October 20, 2014
seafood dinner
last friday i went to topspot to dine with my besties
siap lagi kalau bukan juzz and nieza
together with their spouses and kids
too bad bobet and sue couldnt join us
since we have a whatsapp group which i created for five of us, it feels like we're talking all day and night long
so fun to chat with this ladies
i love each and everyone of them *hugs*
idea nak gi mkn seafood ni from me la ofkos sbb i yang teringin
ni semua salah bloghopping
terus jek suarakan keinginan kat group then nieza and juzz ok je boleh je melayan cik fieza ni
thank you baybeh!
we ordered same old same old kat kedai yang no 25 tu
thats our fav spot!
nieza and her hubs sampai dulu so dorang siap orderkan minuman and lauk2 semua
bila i sampai jek dlm 5mins camtu dah sampai yg di order
oh tgk gambar ni macam nak lagi jek waaaaaaaaaaa
siap lagi kalau bukan juzz and nieza
together with their spouses and kids
too bad bobet and sue couldnt join us
since we have a whatsapp group which i created for five of us, it feels like we're talking all day and night long
so fun to chat with this ladies
i love each and everyone of them *hugs*
idea nak gi mkn seafood ni from me la ofkos sbb i yang teringin
ni semua salah bloghopping
terus jek suarakan keinginan kat group then nieza and juzz ok je boleh je melayan cik fieza ni
thank you baybeh!
we ordered same old same old kat kedai yang no 25 tu
thats our fav spot!
nieza and her hubs sampai dulu so dorang siap orderkan minuman and lauk2 semua
bila i sampai jek dlm 5mins camtu dah sampai yg di order
oh tgk gambar ni macam nak lagi jek waaaaaaaaaaa
sea cucumber soup
midin belacan and cangkok manis goreng telor
and inilah hidangan yang ditunggu-tungguuuu
ketam masak butter telo masin
ya ampun sedappp gila ya Tuhan makan sampai pejam2 mata i tell you
that feeling when u dah lama dah tak mkn seafood kan then layan ketam
dah la kuah butter dia tu pekat buttery melimpah2
*okay now tgh telan2 eklior ni tsk tsk*
takpe insyaAllah ada rejeki boleh gi mkn lagi
macam dlm masa terdekat jek nak pegi ni hahaha
juzz ada bawak dua princess nya
azwa and amna
lupa lak nak upload pic azwa si comel tu
this is her amna
ketelahnya yarabbi sangat la menduga perasaan si ibu nya yg tgh mkn
kesian juzz
then she told me this is how it looks like when bringing my kids out for dinner
u only have like 5mins to eat then its all about them
okay. noted.
while belom kawen ni kita enjoy je makan slow2 hihi
i miss my fiance masa ni though
sbb semua ada couple kan
yg i, dtg drive sorang2
tsk tsk
but sokay next week dia datang yay!
eh jaoh plak melalutnya ;P
amna si comel yg buas hehehe
me and juzz
lan and nieza
us :D
ignore my messy tudong
i ni kan kalau makan tak sah kalau tak landing kat tudong
ada kuah la
terkena kulit udangla
apa lah anak dara ni
tu yg macam2 basah2 je tudong sbb dah cuci kat sink hehehe
tapi nak snap jugak pic nevertheless
ada ku kesah?
oh total we all makan that night is only rm179.80
murah kan?
till next entry ok!
Sunday, October 19, 2014
pelamin idaman hati
hello readers!
sorry for long silence
okeh now here i am on sunday night nak menghapdet
awal2 tak nak plak update ye tak? ;P
so last wednesday i went to see my dais designer
his name is marsal kawan my mom
he will design my dais for reception d dewan baitulmal
now dah oktober kan so memang minggu2 terakhir ni akan byk buat appointment
jmpa sana sini pehh penat lah jugak
i went to see him and his wife at their house
dorang dah buat pelamin ni lama banyak gila experience
so i decided to hire them
pic dorang takde plak aku snap
sib baik la dorang ni kawan my mom so takde la awkward sangat
cantek je tpt nak discuss pelamin ni
last june actually dah penah jmpa dorang nak bgtau roughly how my dream pelamin looks like
siap bincang our walkway camane
and entrance sekali
my wedding will be a night reception
and the theme is garden wedding
so bunga adalah banyak ye kawan2
i want it to be a grand, magical night surrounding with flowers! :D
june lepas i told them i want a drop flowers on my entrance gazebo
and they came with this!
walau hanya sketches semata2 hehe
the walkway to the dais will be fill with a huge vase with flowers
dorang jugak akan hias meja beradap sekali
with fresh flowers!
aaahhhh i love!
meja kek jugak la yg tu tak boleh lupa
penting! :P
for my pelamin i want something like this
images from google
a full flowery backdrop
im sooo in love with these designs!
suka sangat sangat!
told them what i desired and alhamdulilah they are fine with it
boleh boleh, they said
profesional kan? boleh saje
since the hall is huge, the dais will be huge as well
siap ada tiga panel langsir on left and right to fill in the stage
it wont be easy i know but i hope they can make my dreams come true!
and the price is IN the budget given by fiance
i just bagitau dia berapa, and he said okay
dalam discuss2 tu kan i pun sibuk nak melukis
well, at least i tried ;P
sekian saja cita discuss2 pelamin di dewan.
utk pelamin kat rumah i dah cop khaiwedding
dengan dia i belom jmpa lagi
maybe next week or early november
okaylah till next update k
p/s: 9 weeks to go yawls :O
sorry for long silence
okeh now here i am on sunday night nak menghapdet
awal2 tak nak plak update ye tak? ;P
so last wednesday i went to see my dais designer
his name is marsal kawan my mom
he will design my dais for reception d dewan baitulmal
now dah oktober kan so memang minggu2 terakhir ni akan byk buat appointment
jmpa sana sini pehh penat lah jugak
i went to see him and his wife at their house
dorang dah buat pelamin ni lama banyak gila experience
so i decided to hire them
pic dorang takde plak aku snap
sib baik la dorang ni kawan my mom so takde la awkward sangat
cantek je tpt nak discuss pelamin ni
last june actually dah penah jmpa dorang nak bgtau roughly how my dream pelamin looks like
siap bincang our walkway camane
and entrance sekali
my wedding will be a night reception
and the theme is garden wedding
so bunga adalah banyak ye kawan2
i want it to be a grand, magical night surrounding with flowers! :D
june lepas i told them i want a drop flowers on my entrance gazebo
and they came with this!
walau hanya sketches semata2 hehe
the walkway to the dais will be fill with a huge vase with flowers
dorang jugak akan hias meja beradap sekali
with fresh flowers!
aaahhhh i love!
meja kek jugak la yg tu tak boleh lupa
penting! :P
for my pelamin i want something like this
images from google
a full flowery backdrop
im sooo in love with these designs!
suka sangat sangat!
told them what i desired and alhamdulilah they are fine with it
boleh boleh, they said
profesional kan? boleh saje
since the hall is huge, the dais will be huge as well
siap ada tiga panel langsir on left and right to fill in the stage
it wont be easy i know but i hope they can make my dreams come true!
and the price is IN the budget given by fiance
i just bagitau dia berapa, and he said okay
dalam discuss2 tu kan i pun sibuk nak melukis
well, at least i tried ;P
sekian saja cita discuss2 pelamin di dewan.
utk pelamin kat rumah i dah cop khaiwedding
dengan dia i belom jmpa lagi
maybe next week or early november
okaylah till next update k
p/s: 9 weeks to go yawls :O
Monday, October 6, 2014
kasut kahwin saya
selamat hari raya korban to my readers who celebrates
aktiviti makan jek banyak these two days.
esok kita jogging keh!
nak cita pasal kasut kawen kite
eheehehe dah jmpa dah!
last week i saja la jalan sebab dah gaji kan
takde niat pun nak membeli
pegila jalan kat plaza merdeka
jalan2 tengok and i saw a pair of heels
sangat lawaaaaaaa i love love!
i terus try and asked for my size
oh sedapppppnyaaaa heels ni bila pakai
nampak macam tggi tapi tak sangat la
sedap jek
my mom siap beli sepasang jugak but not this design
dia pun nak cantek2 katanya
baiklah mak
bila i try berkali2 and asking for my fiance's opinion and i decided to buy that cute pair
price wise? dalam rm200 plus camtu
reason being maybe the material sangat berkualiti
hathsey penah bgtau i yg kalau nak cari kasut yg selesa carik yg solenya leather
and i did
by zang toi, new york :)
cantek sangat!
sesuai betol with my wedding dress
oklah tu jek nak cita!
have a great week ahead
keka 4days je mggu ni ye tak?
oklah.till then
selamat hari raya korban to my readers who celebrates
aktiviti makan jek banyak these two days.
esok kita jogging keh!
nak cita pasal kasut kawen kite
eheehehe dah jmpa dah!
last week i saja la jalan sebab dah gaji kan
takde niat pun nak membeli
pegila jalan kat plaza merdeka
jalan2 tengok and i saw a pair of heels
sangat lawaaaaaaa i love love!
i terus try and asked for my size
oh sedapppppnyaaaa heels ni bila pakai
nampak macam tggi tapi tak sangat la
sedap jek
my mom siap beli sepasang jugak but not this design
dia pun nak cantek2 katanya
baiklah mak
bila i try berkali2 and asking for my fiance's opinion and i decided to buy that cute pair
price wise? dalam rm200 plus camtu
reason being maybe the material sangat berkualiti
hathsey penah bgtau i yg kalau nak cari kasut yg selesa carik yg solenya leather
and i did
by zang toi, new york :)
cantek sangat!
sesuai betol with my wedding dress
oklah tu jek nak cita!
have a great week ahead
keka 4days je mggu ni ye tak?
oklah.till then
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
last sunday
hello there and hello october!
its the 1st of the month so happy 8th months to my engagement
i never been so in love with a man till i met him
he is the best gift God has given me
and i feel so blessed, Alhamdulilah
now we're counting weeks to our big day soon in december
bukan lama lagi punnnn
so far semua dah settle just nak isi borang nikah, list up the guests and buat bilik pengantin
my king size bed dah book tinggal nak beli almari jek
best perjalanan nak kawen ni ok haha
kad kahwin pun dah siap
so last sunday i went to Kuching Sentral to send to my bakal MIL the cards
courier to them by bus
kirimkan 150 pieces for them for invitations belah family d bintulu and oya
bila dah sampai tu my bakal MIL and FIL siap whatsapp bagitau kad tu lawa sangat
dorang suka
and out of sudden my bakal FIL tanya doorgifts dah beli ke?
i said yang kat dewan dah tempah and bayar
yang doorgifts masa akad belom beli lagi
and he told me takpe beli je pape i will sponsor the gifts
awwhhhh so sweet of him
thank you bakal bapa mertua
im so lucky!
nanti i share cita doorgifts k
back to my story last sunday
lepas kirim barang guna bas tu, we went groceries shopping
that day my mom and fatin pun ada
lepas tu lapar sangat we went to secret recipe to have lunch
layan la dulu selfie sekeping dua sempena oktober ni kan
hahaa takde kaitan ;P
i love my madison sugarscarf so much i have 5 colors
now asyik sold out jek
bencik tau
me and my mom
i macam biasa akan order spagetti bolognese
memang sedap pun
oklah till next entry!
semoga bulan oktober ni will bring us more happiness
its the 1st of the month so happy 8th months to my engagement
i never been so in love with a man till i met him
he is the best gift God has given me
and i feel so blessed, Alhamdulilah
now we're counting weeks to our big day soon in december
bukan lama lagi punnnn
so far semua dah settle just nak isi borang nikah, list up the guests and buat bilik pengantin
my king size bed dah book tinggal nak beli almari jek
best perjalanan nak kawen ni ok haha
kad kahwin pun dah siap
so last sunday i went to Kuching Sentral to send to my bakal MIL the cards
courier to them by bus
kirimkan 150 pieces for them for invitations belah family d bintulu and oya
bila dah sampai tu my bakal MIL and FIL siap whatsapp bagitau kad tu lawa sangat
dorang suka
and out of sudden my bakal FIL tanya doorgifts dah beli ke?
i said yang kat dewan dah tempah and bayar
yang doorgifts masa akad belom beli lagi
and he told me takpe beli je pape i will sponsor the gifts
awwhhhh so sweet of him
thank you bakal bapa mertua
im so lucky!
nanti i share cita doorgifts k
back to my story last sunday
lepas kirim barang guna bas tu, we went groceries shopping
that day my mom and fatin pun ada
lepas tu lapar sangat we went to secret recipe to have lunch
layan la dulu selfie sekeping dua sempena oktober ni kan
hahaa takde kaitan ;P
i love my madison sugarscarf so much i have 5 colors
now asyik sold out jek
bencik tau
me and my mom
i macam biasa akan order spagetti bolognese
memang sedap pun
oklah till next entry!
semoga bulan oktober ni will bring us more happiness
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Dr Mahathir & Asma wedding
ini bulan lepas punya cerita
my goodfriend, Mahathir finally got married :D
he sent the invi through the FB inbox cos he was currently in the UK
he asked for the home address so that his family could post the card
its been 2 years since i last met him
he is now working abroad as a doctor
mahathir ni budak pandai dulu uols
belajar pun d edinburgh
im so happy finally dia balik kch sbb nak kawen
time wedding ni la ramai jumpa kawan2 lama tu la yg excited :)
malas cita panjang2
layan pics je k
tarikh: 30.08.2014
venue: dewan suarah, kuching
dlm kol 11am camtu pengantin pun sampai
from left to right all my schoolmates ni
Dr Azyati-her husband Awg Shamsul-castro-fairul-me-bobet-nieza
its good to be meet them again after so many years
nieza and bobet sik masok k sbb salu jmpa
castro pun ;P
lepas makan apalagi, amik pics la kita
congrats again mahat or Dr Mahathir and wife, Asma!
semoga bahagia hingga akhir hayat dan cepat2 dapat zuriat! :D
my goodfriend, Mahathir finally got married :D
he sent the invi through the FB inbox cos he was currently in the UK
he asked for the home address so that his family could post the card
its been 2 years since i last met him
he is now working abroad as a doctor
mahathir ni budak pandai dulu uols
belajar pun d edinburgh
im so happy finally dia balik kch sbb nak kawen
time wedding ni la ramai jumpa kawan2 lama tu la yg excited :)
malas cita panjang2
layan pics je k
tarikh: 30.08.2014
venue: dewan suarah, kuching
me and the pressie :)
us again
there was a reserved table for his school friends
dlm kol 11am camtu pengantin pun sampai
from left to right all my schoolmates ni
Dr Azyati-her husband Awg Shamsul-castro-fairul-me-bobet-nieza
nieza and bobet sik masok k sbb salu jmpa
castro pun ;P
lepas makan apalagi, amik pics la kita
sangat matchy2. kalau org tak kenal ni pk kapel kot heheh
btw castro was the bestman thats why sangat segak bergaya
congrats again mahat or Dr Mahathir and wife, Asma!
semoga bahagia hingga akhir hayat dan cepat2 dapat zuriat! :D
Saturday, September 20, 2014
over banana leaf rice and RV cake
goodmorning kawan2 readers saya
di pagi sabtu yang hening ini im so excited to blog
ive lots of things to share
dont worry guys semangat nak blogging masih membara2
actually i dont post any pictures on my fb during my short trip
i just dont feel to
malas melayan komen2 sebenanya and i dont share lots of things there
di blog lebih indah selain d IG la
on dat particular monday (last monday) my tunang have to work sbb no leave dah
leave simpan for kahwin in december hehe
so i ada plan with fadd my ex kolejmate sekali dia ada urgent things to settle
so we cancelled
duuuhhhh nak buat apa ni kan takkan nak jalan sorang2 sampai petang?
so i think of hathsey my bff whos currently working in KL
and i called him
"hathsey, aku depan opis kau tok!"
"dan dannnn jak kau tokkk, kau cnei bahhhh??"
"aku di kl la tok ku sikda geng jalan"
"okay where r u now?i will fetch u later for lunch"
"oh really ok doky so u wont go back to the ofc after lunch?"
"aku halfday la today"
hahhahahah seronok gila okay!
so masa tu i was still in klcc jalan2 cuci mata bla bla
and i saw this cuppies at Bisou
wahhh so tempting and i think about my fiance
he's working at tower 3 and i wanted to ask him to go down sekejap to get this cutesy from me
i called him but sadly hes busy doing some paperworks so sikhal la
i will give him later
and heres the pic from hathsey's car
sukaaaaaaa! :D
kena beratur uols
mana2 tpt kalau dah sampai beratur ni sedap la maksudnya, ye tak?
tggu la kejap in 10mins dah sampai pun turn weols
i have never experince eating on banana leaves ever in my life
selain nasik lemak la of course kan
i mean this kind of banana leaf rice i belom penah try
sapa ntah ari tu update kat IG i cannot tahan dah
and i semat dalam hati kalau pegi KL i must have it!
here is my lunch date for that day
memang sedaaaaaaaaaaappp sangat lah!
later dlm kol 430pm camtu hathsey sent me back to klcc
sbb takut jammed kan
i had a good time boleh sembang with my bff ni
he was overjoyed knowing that im getting married soon
well of course he knew my past experieces
he will be the one who knew it first
with so many rejections and heart broken dramas, at last im going to be a bride ;)
life is different kan
ada yg jodoh cepat, ada yg lambat (like me) but i dont have complains on it
sapa nak kawen lambat ye tak?
but im glad with all the pains ive been through lead me to him, the love of my life
awwwwhhh so cheesy sudah maybe i miss him alot right now
thanx for your time hathsey i know u read my blog
thanx belanja me makan
im so thankful having u as my bestfriend
see you soon on my big day!
di pagi sabtu yang hening ini im so excited to blog
ive lots of things to share
dont worry guys semangat nak blogging masih membara2
actually i dont post any pictures on my fb during my short trip
i just dont feel to
malas melayan komen2 sebenanya and i dont share lots of things there
di blog lebih indah selain d IG la
on dat particular monday (last monday) my tunang have to work sbb no leave dah
leave simpan for kahwin in december hehe
so i ada plan with fadd my ex kolejmate sekali dia ada urgent things to settle
so we cancelled
duuuhhhh nak buat apa ni kan takkan nak jalan sorang2 sampai petang?
so i think of hathsey my bff whos currently working in KL
and i called him
"hathsey, aku depan opis kau tok!"
"dan dannnn jak kau tokkk, kau cnei bahhhh??"
"aku di kl la tok ku sikda geng jalan"
"okay where r u now?i will fetch u later for lunch"
"oh really ok doky so u wont go back to the ofc after lunch?"
"aku halfday la today"
hahhahahah seronok gila okay!
so masa tu i was still in klcc jalan2 cuci mata bla bla
and i saw this cuppies at Bisou
wahhh so tempting and i think about my fiance
he's working at tower 3 and i wanted to ask him to go down sekejap to get this cutesy from me
i called him but sadly hes busy doing some paperworks so sikhal la
i will give him later
cam sedap kan? mmg sedap pun!
at 120pm camtu hathsey fetched me up
oh it feels so good seeing him again
and i love this unplanned thingy
kalau plan kompom tak jadi
do i tell you guys i love looking at the KLCC tower so much
be it day or night it gives me some kind of awe moment looking at it
even kalo dari airport kan nak sampai kl tu dari jaoh dah nampak tower ni kan my heart jumps with joy
sukaaaaaaa! :D
when i got into the car hathsey asked me where i want to have lunch
so i said "nasik daun pisang kat bangsar, sik duliiiii ku maok juak!"
ok jommmmmmmmm he said walaupun mula2 cam sikmok jak pegi sbb bangsar kot ada jaoh sikit
but then again iols sik duli
i still want!
to nirwana maju we went! :D
kena beratur uols
mana2 tpt kalau dah sampai beratur ni sedap la maksudnya, ye tak?
tggu la kejap in 10mins dah sampai pun turn weols
i have never experince eating on banana leaves ever in my life
selain nasik lemak la of course kan
i mean this kind of banana leaf rice i belom penah try
sapa ntah ari tu update kat IG i cannot tahan dah
and i semat dalam hati kalau pegi KL i must have it!
here is my lunch date for that day
mr hathsey my ex class mate at sains kch
and me wearing sugarscarf madison classic eh tetiba nak bgtau brand tudong dah kenapa
look at that!
serious nak lagi
org cakap kat kuching pun ada ni nanti i gi cari
lepas makan we go jalan2 some more at bangsar village 2
nak carik my wedding heels
masok aldo la masok clarks la tak jmpa satu hape pun
carik kat kch je lah kan
then singgah for desserts
this is the best red velvet cake ever kata dia
so we share la together this piece of RV at bisou
memang sedaaaaaaaaaaappp sangat lah!
later dlm kol 430pm camtu hathsey sent me back to klcc
sbb takut jammed kan
i had a good time boleh sembang with my bff ni
he was overjoyed knowing that im getting married soon
well of course he knew my past experieces
he will be the one who knew it first
with so many rejections and heart broken dramas, at last im going to be a bride ;)
life is different kan
ada yg jodoh cepat, ada yg lambat (like me) but i dont have complains on it
sapa nak kawen lambat ye tak?
but im glad with all the pains ive been through lead me to him, the love of my life
awwwwhhh so cheesy sudah maybe i miss him alot right now
thanx for your time hathsey i know u read my blog
thanx belanja me makan
im so thankful having u as my bestfriend
see you soon on my big day!
Friday, September 19, 2014
another shopping trip ;)
haluuuu readers tersayang
i forgot to tell you guys that i went to KL yeah again for another shopping trip
but this time lagi best dari yg 1st trip sb we planned to buy so many things together hehhee
my flight was on last saturday at anout 930 am
excited nak jmpa my tunang who waited for me at KLIA2.
oh did i tell you i love KLIA2 so much walaupun tak beli apa2 but still best!
ok layan gambar k malas nak cita panjang2 :)
selfie masa landed at KLIA2. Kau mampu? hehe
sampai2 je dah kol 11am and i was so hungry i could eat a horse
like seriously though ;P
so we went to Wendy's for some burger and cheesy fries
ohh sangat lahhh sedap!
dlm tghari camtu dah sampai KL and then terus ke jalan TAR beli kain baju melayu for my dad
and pink lace for my mom
then jmpa my bestfriend jijah at sogo
dia temankan we all beli cadar ehhemula2 carik tu jmpa la brand winny
price range dalam rm180 camtu jek sbb sale kan
penah jmpa brand sama kat metrojaya kch tp rm250 kalau tak silap
so agak murah la kan
tapi my tunang nak tgk brand lain
isk macam mahal jek yg lain ni
takpe saje je tgk2 duluu biar puas hati
last2 jumpa yang brand windsir
i just love the display sangat lah lawa
but the price agak mahal so i laluuuu je
but then my tunang said eh yang ni lawa kan sayang?
ok tak?
sambil tunjuk kat pattern yang i suka tadi tu
eh mestila lawa kot.
silk siap and kain sangat lembut
price dia dari rm899.00 after diskaun jadi rm550.00
kira oklah kan for our special day
mine is antara yang kat situ lah
lupa plak nak amik pic display
lepas shopping cadar and present my cousin kawen lapaaaa la plak
singgah makan kat restoran insaf
waaaaaaaaaaa seronok gila sbb lama tak makan sini kan
i order briyani ayam goreng
makan sampai nak nangis sbb sedap sangat
lepas makan singgah jln tar lagi i shopping shawls plak
murah gilaaaaa and i rambang mata
thank you hubs to be belanja amek soping
eh macam sik biasa ;P
second day tu plak on sunday me and tunang planned to buy the wedding ring
carik kat pavillion jek sbb dah set in my mind nak singgah Bvlgari
but then the one yg i suka tu memang lawa tapi pakai tak sedap on my fingers
so macam alaaaaaaaaaa
yang sedap pakai tu plak over dari budget yang Menteri Kewangan dah setkan
which is my tunang la kan
of course la dia dah tell me how much on the ring bla bla
okeh so no Bvlgari then
its okay i dont mind at all
penat pusing tu i browse la mana lagi jewelleries shop kat pavi ni
so ada Poh Kong
emmm jap gi singgah we lepak jap sebab dah penat
bila masok je Poh Kong tu we told them we are looking for wedding ring
and i saw one design and i terus jatoh chentaaaa!
it is a yellow gold ring with small diamonds around it and bigger diamond on top of it
sangat pretty and the best is its within our budget
just nice!
gembiranya tidak terkata when we finally agreed to the ring
are you sure with this sayang? he asked again and again
since i dah malas nak pusing mall and taknak susahkan diri sendiri so i agreed to it
plus its soooooooooo beautiful piece i cant say no to
and now look at our face ;P
muka happy lepas beli cincin
and thank you again my dearest fiance
u make me so very happy
and tetiba he said jommm u nak jeans baru eh?
jom gi DP
selamat la jeans baru for me
dalam tak sedar tu dah kol 3 okay
patut la lapar
blom lunch lagi ni
so we headed to Madam Kwan's for lunch
bila kat entrance tu kan i saw a poster and a lady berdiri kat poster tu mmg sebijik dengan gambar
and i tanyalah "are you Mdm Kwan?"
"yes, i am"
eehheheeehhee dah serupa lagi nak tanya kan
well just to make sure
so i ajakla begambar kejap
she is the owner of the restaurant which is so famous
banyak dah francais kat KL and its my tunang fav spot to eat
it was my first time there
Mdm Kwan and Ms Fieza
oh nasi bajuri sangaatttttlah sedap!
rm26.90 per plate
agak pricey but kalau sedap apalah salahnya sekali sekala kan?
dipendekkan cerita here is the picture of my ring
well my ring box to be precise
eh tak suprise la kalau nak share pic dah kan
you all bersabar k
tak lama lagi disember and i will share pic satu2 orait?

pic ni i amik on my bed bila dah sampai kuching
asyik la bukak tutup bukak tutup jek kotak ni
pastu senyum sorang try cincin hehehe
hari ke 3 nya esok i share
i went to lunch with my bestfriend
esok i cita
oklah till then!
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