haluuuu readers tersayang
i forgot to tell you guys that i went to KL yeah again for another shopping trip
but this time lagi best dari yg 1st trip sb we planned to buy so many things together hehhee
my flight was on last saturday at anout 930 am
excited nak jmpa my tunang who waited for me at KLIA2.
oh did i tell you i love KLIA2 so much walaupun tak beli apa2 but still best!
ok layan gambar k malas nak cita panjang2 :)
selfie masa landed at KLIA2. Kau mampu? hehe
sampai2 je dah kol 11am and i was so hungry i could eat a horse
like seriously though ;P
so we went to Wendy's for some burger and cheesy fries
ohh sangat lahhh sedap!
dlm tghari camtu dah sampai KL and then terus ke jalan TAR beli kain baju melayu for my dad
and pink lace for my mom
then jmpa my bestfriend jijah at sogo
dia temankan we all beli cadar ehhemula2 carik tu jmpa la brand winny
price range dalam rm180 camtu jek sbb sale kan
penah jmpa brand sama kat metrojaya kch tp rm250 kalau tak silap
so agak murah la kan
tapi my tunang nak tgk brand lain
isk macam mahal jek yg lain ni
takpe saje je tgk2 duluu biar puas hati
last2 jumpa yang brand windsir
i just love the display sangat lah lawa
but the price agak mahal so i laluuuu je
but then my tunang said eh yang ni lawa kan sayang?
ok tak?
sambil tunjuk kat pattern yang i suka tadi tu
eh mestila lawa kot.
silk siap and kain sangat lembut
price dia dari rm899.00 after diskaun jadi rm550.00
kira oklah kan for our special day
mine is antara yang kat situ lah
lupa plak nak amik pic display
lepas shopping cadar and present my cousin kawen lapaaaa la plak
singgah makan kat restoran insaf
waaaaaaaaaaa seronok gila sbb lama tak makan sini kan
i order briyani ayam goreng
makan sampai nak nangis sbb sedap sangat
lepas makan singgah jln tar lagi i shopping shawls plak
murah gilaaaaa and i rambang mata
thank you hubs to be belanja amek soping
eh macam sik biasa ;P
second day tu plak on sunday me and tunang planned to buy the wedding ring
carik kat pavillion jek sbb dah set in my mind nak singgah Bvlgari
but then the one yg i suka tu memang lawa tapi pakai tak sedap on my fingers
so macam alaaaaaaaaaa
yang sedap pakai tu plak over dari budget yang Menteri Kewangan dah setkan
which is my tunang la kan
of course la dia dah tell me how much on the ring bla bla
okeh so no Bvlgari then
its okay i dont mind at all
penat pusing tu i browse la mana lagi jewelleries shop kat pavi ni
so ada Poh Kong
emmm jap gi singgah we lepak jap sebab dah penat
bila masok je Poh Kong tu we told them we are looking for wedding ring
and i saw one design and i terus jatoh chentaaaa!
it is a yellow gold ring with small diamonds around it and bigger diamond on top of it
sangat pretty and the best is its within our budget
just nice!
gembiranya tidak terkata when we finally agreed to the ring
are you sure with this sayang? he asked again and again
since i dah malas nak pusing mall and taknak susahkan diri sendiri so i agreed to it
plus its soooooooooo beautiful piece i cant say no to
and now look at our face ;P
muka happy lepas beli cincin
and thank you again my dearest fiance
u make me so very happy
and tetiba he said jommm u nak jeans baru eh?
jom gi DP
selamat la jeans baru for me
dalam tak sedar tu dah kol 3 okay
patut la lapar
blom lunch lagi ni
so we headed to Madam Kwan's for lunch
bila kat entrance tu kan i saw a poster and a lady berdiri kat poster tu mmg sebijik dengan gambar
and i tanyalah "are you Mdm Kwan?"
"yes, i am"
eehheheeehhee dah serupa lagi nak tanya kan
well just to make sure
so i ajakla begambar kejap
she is the owner of the restaurant which is so famous
banyak dah francais kat KL and its my tunang fav spot to eat
it was my first time there
Mdm Kwan and Ms Fieza
oh nasi bajuri sangaatttttlah sedap!
rm26.90 per plate
agak pricey but kalau sedap apalah salahnya sekali sekala kan?
dipendekkan cerita here is the picture of my ring
well my ring box to be precise
eh tak suprise la kalau nak share pic dah kan
you all bersabar k
tak lama lagi disember and i will share pic satu2 orait?

pic ni i amik on my bed bila dah sampai kuching
asyik la bukak tutup bukak tutup jek kotak ni
pastu senyum sorang try cincin hehehe
hari ke 3 nya esok i share
i went to lunch with my bestfriend
esok i cita
oklah till then!
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