dats just a title of korean drama yg saya sukaaaaaaaaaaaa sangat tgk sekarang ni
mmg addict lah!
bila balik umah jek terus mndi siap2 tggu depan tv
sbb series ni start at 10.15pm okkkk
channel 393 or one HD nama channel tu
from monday to friday mmg wajib tgk series ni!

the synopsis taken from google
Ji Soon Young loses her husband, Wang Se Joon, in a tragic accident. She is left alone to take care of their adopted daughter. She meets and falls in love with Han Kyu Jin, who just happens to be the father-in-law to her former sister-in law, Wang Se Bin. Their lives changes when Soon Young marries Kyu Jin and becomes Se Bin’s mother-in-law. They have to adjust to their new roles in their family and at the same time try to get along with each other.
today dah sampai episode 51 kalo x silap.
semua sekali ada 105 episodes
x sabar betol nak tau ending macamana tauuuuuuuuuuuuuu
jalan cerita ni sangat2 la best plus the actors n actresses pun hensem2 lawa2
lagilaaa the hero yg dlm poster tu mmmppphhhhhh! ;P
n then iklan pun x lama.ada la dlm 2mins jek
serious best betol channel 393 ni hehe
abis cita ni kol 1140pm ada lagi sambung series lain
first wives club.puuuunnnn best jugak
tp lmbat sangat nak abis nearly 1am dats y la salu skip tgk
so i just stick to this one la :)
dat day penah me n my mum carik DVD tp x jmpa2
rupanya cita ni baru lagi
haih geram nyaaaa nak abiskan cepat
esok ada lagi sambong 2 episodes.
owh i cant wait!
Mek prasan kat Msia nektok nang dah demam crita Korea hoh. Dolok2 demam crita hindustan, pas ya beralih ke demam crita Endon, pas ya demam crita Pilipin.. pas ya nektok Korea gik.. (*Ps - Nunggu demam crita Tamil gik lak..)
kmk dh lamak x follow cerita korea koh.. mun kmk nangga tv gerenti tertido... ya malas... hehe
Siap ktk dah terjangkit wabak korea juak... hehe... cb ktk donlod kat mysoju. Pasti ada sbb kat sia slalu kluar cita korea latest. mun ktk rajin la. Hehe
apa tajuk2 lagu dlm wayang ne ya?
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