today is my offday and ini adalah hari utk malas malas.
but the day-maid tak dtg plak today
still i need to kemas2 umah n sidai baju semua.
xpelah bkn byk keja sangat pun kannn..
yesterday as usual masa nak g keja i will mekap2 kan..
here i will story u the sequences
- toner my face w j&j
- sapu day cream i used loreal white
- then put some foundations.currently pakai lancome.letak sket jek.few dots then blend in
- pastu i will color my eyes.cewahhh i mean wearing eyeshadows.kalo siang salu guna light colors cam brown n i love my dior colours :)
- pastu pakai eyeliner.dlu i pakai pencil now dah pndai pakai liquidnyerr.thanx to nieza for mengajar me :) and i love my bodyshop's liquid eyeliner.its soooooo easy to apply n kinda cheap too compared to lancome, clinique n such la kan..
- then i wil put some blusher on my chubby love the MAC mineralize 'love joy' can lasts to the whole 8 hrs.blk keja pun stiillllll pipiku merah comel haha at least to me la ;P
- after dat i pat some powders to cover up the foundation so dat the mekap will last long
- i finish up by applying my loreal lipstick n faceshop's lipgloss!
saya sudah pro hahha
i dont use mascara cos im wearing specs
tggula nanti nak wat contact lense ke lasik ke kan
among all the makeups dat i hv, i never leave the hse w/out this.
plus my lipgloss la
its a must!
ok dats all jek nak cita.
pasni nak tgk cita mrs doubtfire
tgk 80 kali pun still jugak funny for me
lunch nanti ingat nak kuwa jap w sue
then nak servis keta kol 2ptg
then g cuci keta japp
ptg lak amik my mum blk keja
then g hopoh nak g anta baju kat tailor for juzz's wedding
then malamnya plak me n nieza nak g gym
we decided to join the membership
[mun sik kurus2 sikla ku tauk gik eh!]
ok have a nice day u all
ok dats all jek nak cita.
pasni nak tgk cita mrs doubtfire
tgk 80 kali pun still jugak funny for me
lunch nanti ingat nak kuwa jap w sue
then nak servis keta kol 2ptg
then g cuci keta japp
ptg lak amik my mum blk keja
then g hopoh nak g anta baju kat tailor for juzz's wedding
then malamnya plak me n nieza nak g gym
we decided to join the membership
[mun sik kurus2 sikla ku tauk gik eh!]
ok have a nice day u all
6 comments: seriously need 2 teach me how 2 apply liquid eyeliner. My last attempt made me look like a heavy metal singer. LOLs!
hahhaha lucu kau eh mula2 aku camya juak
pas few attempts n errors now dah pro i tell u.diat sapa ngajar lok.nieza! haha
Brapa membership sia ka hoh?
Anyway, mun intention nak ngurus badan.. make sure go for equipment yang lebih kepada senaman brekot (Trademill) and cycling. Jangan lok ngangkat besi2 nok berat ya. Senaman abdomen pun bagus juak dipolah. If trainer ya concentrate on both bodybuilding n urang yang mok ngurus badan, then he should know la. But if trainer ya only concentrate on bodybuilding jak.. so hati2 la..
d trainer will be my own eldest brother.nya gik eksaited.cos nya dolok penah juak gem gemss cam kmk.kmk slow2 la sikk kmk briya gilak kelak sik juak kurus kmk juak supan cam tetemu ktk d ayam penyet ya eh alu kantoi mkn mlm hahha
tp ya dlok la ooo.
mek ada 3bln gik b4 my bestfriend's wedding :)
rasa x lengkap hari tanpa make-up. even kmk, pergi site pun gagp nak make up. and just now, nabihah matah lipstik kmk........ uwaaaaaa...
nyza: otedah xda lipstick la ktk tok hehe
lamak sik ngga nabihah eh rinduuu
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