im as his very goodfriend, pegi je la kan..
lgpun lama jugak la we all x sembang2..
fyi, he's a MU diehard loike ronaldo.hhaha..
so we went to his fav place;atmosfera cafe.
to kuchingians, this cafe depan the spring jek..
senang gile nak carik..
ni 1st tym aku dtg cni..
n this place is superbly cooollll..i loike!
bing lawa kan for me, ni kira 18 darab 9 tambah 61 lagiiii lawaaa..
they have quite a numb of flat screen tvs for customers to enjoy football match or other shows as well..
the ambience, the furnitures cam hotelnye designs..
sangat2 exclusive and chic.
x clear sgt kan?
segan seyy nak amik pics..
sbb ada family cam org ado2 kat sebelah us..
tgk2 jek aku amik pics..terus aku smpan hp bile dorang pndang.
seyessss segaann..ahhaa..
sbb ada family cam org ado2 kat sebelah us..
tgk2 jek aku amik pics..terus aku smpan hp bile dorang pndang.
seyessss segaann..ahhaa..
while wandy enjoyed the match, i read GLAM sambil tgk2 handbag lawa2 dlm tu..
one of my fav is this one..
damier azur galliera GM
Louis Vuitton
chantek kan?harga pun lawaaa..huhu
dlm kol 1115 we all pun balik.
xleh tggu match tu habes pasal dah lewat..
yg pasti MU menang n he's happy w dat..
ai pun happy sbb leh spend our quality tym 2gether tonite :)
thanx to him for belanja me..nxt time my turn plak..hehhe..
Louis Vuitton
chantek kan?harga pun lawaaa..huhu
dlm kol 1115 we all pun balik.
xleh tggu match tu habes pasal dah lewat..
yg pasti MU menang n he's happy w dat..
ai pun happy sbb leh spend our quality tym 2gether tonite :)
thanx to him for belanja me..nxt time my turn plak..hehhe..
Wah.. friend kah special friend?? ahaks.. Louis Vuitton?? Woowiii.. mahal rega ya..
a friend la..xtauk la nya rasa gnei ngan kmk.kmk tok dah jerak bercan koh..yalah ilek2 ajak..mun ado, ado.mun sik,sik.
nang mahal LV mun mek mampu meli one day lak nak, seh juak org mikei meli kat petaling st kali.huhu.
yea MU !!
kak ida,
MU rules! :)
MU menang ka. mesti mu bujat. sikpa mc penah ngalah sidak juak.
ahahaha. oh sik penting juak za o
yg penting PAHA FOOTBALLER hahahaha
boh alu ncelar mata tak please. :P yerr happy fo ya
yah, PAHA FOOTBALLER harus menjadi idaman hati.aiseh!
badan cdak ya mmmppphhhh!!!score ka sik score x duli koatan.hahha..
hepi for ya too..ooppss susey susey..
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