dah breakfast u all?
i had some toast w hot tea just now.
bekpes kat opis jek.
bgn lambat pg td.hek.
yesterday i went to mph and saw this book.

'the science of attracting more of what u want n less of what u dont'
penah bace tak?
i m soooo excited nak beli tp mahal.
and belek satu lagi..
this book pun berkaitan dgn law of attraction.
i went to watch 'the secret' video once w a fren of mine last week..
n mmg best..tp x paham sangat..
so ingat nak beli buku ni..
pun mahal jugak..
luckily, wandy have this book and i cant wait to read it.
siap pinjam lagi ok..
law of attraction ni very interesting.
it shows u how possible we can achieve our dreams..
semua org ada impian kan?
me pun sama..
ok..i have to go now..
psssttt..i brought along the secret w me to read.
very inspiring...
have a nice day!
wah best eh..lak mun dah khatam lehla share dgn kmk..mek nak achieve my dream juak bah :))
i will i will.kmk apply law of attraction tok lam keja juak.fokus jak yg customers kita semua layan kita bagus n semua +ve action..mek dah try n it works.seriously!
keyword:fokus ngan apa yg kitak maok.pedulik ngan apa yg kitak xmaok.
gya juak dlm kehidupan..how i wish mek tauk tok dari marek2..
mun dlm relationship mcm ne?ada info x hehe
camya juak la.fokus what kind of relationship yg ktk maok?mun ktk sampei rasa mok kawen ngannya, then think +ve about it n focus.
kmk lamak2 tok pk -ve jak2 bah.no wonder bercan x lasting..huhu..
yes 4 sure mek mok kawen dgnnya ;)insyaallah..mek mun dptnyalah org t'akhir & akan jadi suami mek sampe akhir hayat..mek akan think +ve insyaALLAH..thanks
camyalah k..kmk gya juak..kmk ada dreams yg mun kmk crita ngan org, ppl will think im crazy tp insyaAllah akan tercapai juak one day.. :)
nanga kulit buku teringat kmk dah baca buku tok tp dlm pdf.baru first part ajak.nang sik ngan ngantuk baca buku tok.bg kmk bagus nang baca masa leisure time
kmk penah ngga video the secret yg ada kaitan juak ngan law of attraction dats y la ingin baca.k motivate dikpun juak bah.bila feel down, apply jak law of attraction tok..kompom feel good balit.hehe
ada website x law of attraction ya za :))
google kan ajak..mmg ada jmpa.ktk keja ka sik ritok?
kareh 2.5k za.ada buku k inspire.hehe
Aaaa.. mek minat ngumpol books cam Lord Of The Ring, Blood Lust, and lain2 books nok epic adventure/ thriller/ spooky jak hehe. Mun di suroh kitak baca nok book dibeli kitak ya ka.. tido mek kali hehehe... XD
harus.i have lots of dreams to achieve.rugi xmok oii..ehehe
hehhe.nang terbalit ta 2.mek suka buku motivation ko..lotr pun book ya kemain gik tebal.lemah mek nok maca.ngga cita ckupla.hehhe
kmk minat maca buku gitok tp awal2 jak semangat,pasya x.haha..tp baruk skit kita apply,dah nampak bah hasel.for me,the ultimate wud be knowing ray,meeting NO:20 lam belon & bekontek balit ngn anak bolhassan.mun nak madah kebetulan,x juak nak? ;p
ohhh ada kamek diat book ya ria.. hmm kamek tok lambat crita nak maca juak eh. baca blog jak. ahhaha
yalah.koatan ta itok ya ta nemu.semua ya dah d visualize n yalah yg akan kita dapat.
mek mok visualize u-know-who lok.yerseh..sapa ka?larriikkks!
hehhe.masing2 ada minat bah.kmk ada ari needs motivation in life bila mek rasa down gilak2..n i geel so good after reaading this book.salu jak pk positip regardless how big my prob is. :)
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