Friday, October 31, 2008

stuck in d ofc

hye all..

now the time is 7.09pm.
and im still in d ofc.
sangat2 la bosan nak tggu balik nih..
lagi 2 jam++ fieza sabaaaarrr la byk2..

as u can see, i've added some new widgets on d left side.
siap ada counter hits lagik.
saje la nak add kan pasal cam wonder la blog aku ni ade org bace ke x.
yeeee saye tau ade org bace..thanx byk2 to my readers =)

if sape2 kuching bloggers tu, jom la hangout same2..
so far yg aku penah jmpa, kiki n zie sajorrk..
tau ade ramai lagi kat luar tu but they prefer senyaaap jek kaan..
its ok.kalo ade rase nak kuar ke hape, just buzz me.

k la peeps.tetiba my head cam dizzy jek.
pening cam migrain.migrain ka?

bah, i think i need to stop here.

purple shawl.

friday comes again!yay!
im having off days on weekends this tym so i'll have lotsa plans!

btw, i have so much to tell, so much to share but i have no pics w me yet.
fyi, i had dinner w 4 famous bloggers last nyte at barok.
[org kch tauk la barok tok sinei]
those 4 nice peeps are kak viruspadu, en laloque, kiki n zie

it was such a pleasant evening w glorious of food too!
pity me, i have no pics at all to share.
wait for my bumper issue later on.
maybe on this weekends la k..
ceaaa cam kompom jek ada org baca blog ni.heh.

in my previous post, told u dat i received a shawl by my lovely SIL..
and of course shawl tu kenalaaa kaler purple..
thanx kak nora sayang!

since dah lame dah xde my pics kan, meh i tempek byk sket.
hilang laaaa rinduu tu karang..hiks~

pics ni semua amik guna my fren nye n70.
tang2 tu jugak bluetooth kat my fon ok.see, gigih kan ai?
*clap clap*


shantekkan my purple shawl?
emm nak tanye sket..
shawl yg chantek ke @ org yg pakai shawl tu?
hahhaha. lariiiiiiiiiiiiiikkkksssssss.

senyum lagi..


bajet pipi leh kempis la ek.

owh i loike la!

now dah stat la nak wat collection shawl ni.
dlm keta kena ada satu pasal salu kuar mlm.
kalo sejok, sarong jek shawl ni.
nak2 kalo terpakai baju ala2 sexy gitu kan, leh la cover sket.
heh.ada ati nak sexy.

bah, ai nak mndi.jap g nak g kejaaa..
keja kol 12-930pm ok.
sat sun off days.

dah g wat keja.asyik baca blog org camane nak maju?

have a nice friday u all!

muah muah!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

meeting kak viruspadu.

yesterday morning, i met my dear bloggermate, kak zaimah aka viruspadu..
tp pics nya xde wif me pasal my SE hp kan rosak so tggu email dari kak zaimah je laa..
sedeh seeyyy xleh nak snap2 mase bekpes semalam..
tu yg xleh nk update tu.tsk tsk.


btw, u all can read her post by clicking here.

wait for my updates ok..

ok, calls sudah stat masok.back to work now.........

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

mi kolok faveret

hye all.

today my shift ended at 930pm.
pastu pick my sis up at her school cos ada tuition.
dier ni nak spm lagi 2 wks.

so alang2 nak balik umah tu, lalu la kat kedai mi kolok ni.
harus la ai singgah pasal lapar amat.
dari semalam lagi mengidam.heh.
tp tapau jek la pun.
tapau lagi 4bgkus for org yg kelaparan d rumah.heee.

kedai ni jual 2 menu ni sahaje.nak mkn mi goreng, g kedai lain.

segan seyy nak amik pics amik dari luor pagorr sajoorrk.
sipi2 pkai bj belang tu my sis..

my kunci kereta and my nokia hp yg berjasa.
pics ni amik using my sis's hp.
my S.E hp still x anto kedai lagi.

ni la mi kolok favvy.
mkn dgn sup+ kicap pedas, perrghhhh..
nyaaammm skaaallll!

sedaaaappp okk..
i guaranteee!!
so, sape2 yg dah terlior tu kan, boleh la dtg kat kedai ni.
kat lorong B, kpg tunku(perumahan baru).
bukak mlm sahaje ye.
just look for signage menu 2 jenis td tu..
taullaaa kedai yg mana..
waaah tetiba lak promote..
patut dapat mkn free for life nih.hehhe.

bah, ai nak tdo.
esok nak g joging pagi2 dlm kol 7pg camtu...
as if!

nyte peeps!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


been tagged by my pretty friend from sri aman: si ahmoi chantek

so let's..

10 random facts about me

- i dont eat raw kalo cheese dlm burger ke, kek ke boleh plak mkn.kalo cheese yg slice tu nk mkn camtu jek, kirrriimmmm salaaamm..

- i'll naturally go to the toilet every single morning to settle d business.mmg x penah laa miss even one day..

- i only use aquafresh toothbrush yg kaler pink or purple.dat toothbrush msti yg gagang gemok skeeet tu..i loike! kalo tukar brand lain cam x best.

- i dont drink milk.susu segar mmg ai cannot accept.sib baik now dah ada anmum perisa coklat.eceeeehh ceeee, betol la kan?

- i hate conflicts.aku mmg x suka gadoh ngan org or tgk org bergadoh dpn aku..salu if i x puas ati ke hapekan, mmg i'd rather senyaaapp jek..n bile ada tym sesuai then i luahkan yg x puas ati tu..

- tiap2 mlm before tido i msti peluk bolster aka bantal gulin.if xde bantal pjg ni mmg xleh tdo..nanti dah kawen boleh letak jaoh2 bantal tu.i need u noooo more!huaaa huaaa.. ;P

- i curse in 3 languages sekaligus if i happen to meet a slow as kura2 driver on d road.mmg pantang laa nak2 plak kat lane paling kanan..kompiden jek slooowww gilos.haaiihhh mmg nak kena la tu..

- i still have d gifts from my 1st boyfriend.all the love letters, v-day+raya+bday cards, perfumes, guess watch, purses are well-kept in my closet.siap ada box lagik to simpan all these.diari tym bercinta dolu2 pun ade lagi.pelikkan?emmm tggu kawen then i sanggup buang kot.kalau sanggup laa..

- seorang yg takut naik roller coaster atau yg sewaktu dgnnya.kalo pegi genting mmg rugiiiii laa byr fees for outdoor games tu.kompom x main powwnn.

- x suka tgk cita hantu or yg bunuh2 org gitu..cite cam final destination mmg x tgk la..kalo tgk pun siap tutup muka ngan bantall..isk, tp mmg x sukaaaaa laa cita camni.baik tgk love storyy..senaaanggg jek hati layan jiwang2 ni..aiseh!

nak tagged sape ek?emmm..anyone will do.. =)

Monday, October 27, 2008


hati ini sunyi.tiada penghuni.
dgn jujur ku katakan aku sunyi.
aku rindu akan saat bila hati berpenghuni.
walaupun perangainya menyakitkan hati,
sekurang2nya tidak sunyi lagi.
aku rela sunyi dari hati disakiti utk sekian kali.

dan kini, aku sedang berdoa setiap hari
agar dipertemukan dgn kekasih hati.
call me pathetic, aku tak peduli.
sbb aku tidak ingin terus hipokrit.
mengatakan hidup single itu happy.

happy itu memang..
tapi kadang teringin mkn berteman.
queue up together2 beli tiket wayang
then ada masa boleh celen bowling,
or else g d spring for window shopping.


im 25 and yet going 26 nxt july.
how to find a guy if im still shy shy?

this is just a piece of my mind
another episode to find my Mr Sunshine.
i want my life to have a meaning.
but wif someone who'll always make me smiles and loving.

i know u're out there somewhere.
please find me my dear..
im here..
im not going anywhere...... ;P

Who doesn't long for someone to hold
Who knows how to love you without being told
Somebody tell me why I'm on my own
If there's a soulmate for everyone-soulmate by natasha bedingfield

kluang station

last sat lepak jap kat kluang station w some frens.
patutnya ari tu dah update pasal ni tp lupa plak..
x igt ade pics dat saturday tgh minum2..
mase ni tgh tggu bday girl dtg join us at d spring.

tuan blog

my fav all time.teh tarik+toast bun.nyuuummmm!!


no caption.hehe.

so today dah monday..kejap jek weekends kan..
weekends lepas mmg packed.

  • kol 1ptg,g tgk wyg high school musical 3 ngan fatin, mummy n ida
  • kol 5 lebeh,lepak kat kluang station w bestfrens.
  • then jln2 kat d spring till 7..
  • singgah SR jap beli kek+brownies
  • mlm mkn2 kat pizza hut celebrate bday azillah
  • then g bowling..
  • shopping w mummy at the boulevard
  • lunch at the ayamas..
  • mlm lak g anta mummy dinner hari raya for bsn.
  • sementara tgu my mum abis dinner,me n nieza window shopping kat parkson.
  • dinner kat kfc.
  • jln2 kat waterfront to kill the time.
  • balik umah sembang2 w abg2ku, kakak2 ipar n gusti2 manja w ukasyah
  • kak nora bought me a purple shawl frm kl.nanti2 i put the pics here k.
  • dlm kol 1130pm online till mata lekat2.heh.

  • KEJA SHIFT KOL 11.30PG-930MLM.
  • now dah kol 935pg but still x mndi lagiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...
better i stop now la k..
baju lom iron, ape semua x ready lagi....

*nak pkai bj ape ek..thinking of wearing a purple tops with a black slack..emmm..

have a nice monday u all...

muah muah!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

celebrate bday azillah

hye u all...

pa kaba tak org.bertemu lagik kita d hari minggu.hari blog bhs swak..
so ritok ai mok update cita hal mlm td(sabtu)..
mlm td x larat update pasal mata dah kelat alu2..

marek ai kuar w all my besties sempena mok celebrate bday azillah..
yg join ya cam biasa la..juzz, nieza, me, bobet n of course the bday girl, azillah.
actually bday azillah ari jemat, 24hb but then mek org smua keja..
so saturday la the best time mok celebrate pun.

mek org cia azillah mkn kat pizza hut n bought her a piece of SR's choc cake.
bah, tak org enjoy the pics jak aa..

the birthday girl yg sweet jak giteww..

geng keras ;P

pics pizzas nang x sempat d ambik la koatan lapa..
bila dah mkn, 'aie, lupak amik pics food tek eh'
lambat cerita.semua dah selamat d mamam ala piranha.hehe..

pas mkn, ari baruk jak kol we decided to go bowling.
lamak dah x main bowling ko..
so to riverside bowling we go..
mun d ekot mok g crystal bowling tp x maok g sia.
ada kejadian yg menyebabkan i trauma g sia gik.
adalaaahhh citanya.x mok cita ngan tak org.heh.

the venue.

mula ai ingat malas mok main pasal xda stokin.
tp bila dah masok sia, alu terujaaa ai tell u.hahaha.
one game ya cost me RM10/-.
mun ada stokin kedirik RM7.50 jak per game.
damn ku x mbak stokin indah..
p xhal.asal enjoy jak. ;)

posing ala2.

me w azillah

nieza, bobet, zillah n me

12 yrs and still going strong

mudahan this friendship lasts till ever..

ya jak la latest updates from me.
pastok ai mok jln2 ngan mummy gik.g boulevard.
owhhh i loike!

bah, till then.


Saturday, October 25, 2008

yay! im back.

well peeps.
im back onlining now.heh..

semlm kan cam kecoh jek kat ofc i nak g tm point.
so one of my colleague heard dat n volunteered to pay it for me online.
and i paid her immediately after d transaction.
mase tu la aku baru tingat yg aku dah reg online banking.
so xyah la nk byr manual dah.
online jek, senang.

within few hours jek,dah reconnect balik.
waahhh heepiii..

so last nite, went out w nieza to watch MAMMA MIA.
best sangat2!!
n d cinema's lobby was ssooooo congested w kids.
yerrllaaaa kan tgh premiere cita High School Musical.
emmm fatin awl2 dah booking me bwk dier g tgk wyg today..
i ok saje..sbb dier blanja..haha.boleh?

k la u alll..
nak tgk tv jap.daaaa

*btw, i dont how my page dier nye words leh jd italic any blogger taygar, can u help?

Friday, October 24, 2008

what a day.

morning peeps...

i didn't update yesterday because my streamyx has been suspended.
haha padan muka..
mati kutu dlm bilik since xleh online and i couldnt stand this situation any longer.
so this morning i wanted to ask my mum who works at BSN to do d payment on behalf of me.


i forgot to gv her the bill and d cash when i sent her to d ofc just now.

today is friday and the usual process for reconnection will takes about 24 hrs working day.
ceaaa ai kan keje bhgn billing for tm fixed line so taulakan proses2nya.heh.
if it cant be done today, the latest i'll get my line back is on nxt monday.
next monday okkkkk..
having my weekends without onlining?
a BIG NO NO!!!

my faults la cos i keep on delaying the payment.
kan dah kena suspend.

i called juzz just now asking if she can help me to go to d nearest tm point this afternoon.
i hope she'll can help me through this cause i really need my internet.
cant live without it.huhu..

to make my day 'happier', my beloved hp dah stat meragam.
no 3,8 n 9 x boleh tekan, dah stuck.
and when i slide the cam, terus off.
daaaammmnnn kan? yg lain still ok.
tp tu laa..msg x dpt n taking photos mmg x boleh la obviously.
as a blogger taygar kononnya, i need my S.E cameraphone back in action asap.
but, of course i need to repair it first.
and this will cost me some more.
*sigh again n again*

it's ok.i'll try to find ways to go through all these..
i'll be fine..hehhe..
and now im using my old berjasa nokia 7650 for a while.
kadang cam nyesal lak beli hp S.E
x sampai sethn dah macam2.
my nokia ni dah 4yrs, jatoh gedebuk camane pun still OK.

k la peeps.
need to go cont my work.

*seb baek leh online kat ofc.kalo x, pengsan!!!!*

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

quite a bz off day.

today off day.hepi!

planning nak tgk wayang cita house bunny tp x jd.
pasal terbabas tdo smpai kol 1ptg ok.
ei, bkn la dari mlm tp i bgn awl g bekpes ngan mak then tdo blk kol 10pg.
instead of nak tgk wyg, i tetiba nk kuar lunch and window shopping at d spring.
so ajakla fatin temankan..
lunch kat secret recipe.
owh lagi2 SR kan..msti korang dah muak dgr.
so malas nak amik pics.
just dat i mkn grilled chic mushroon w ice lemon T..
and fatin ordered oreo milkshake w orea cheesecake.
budak ni mmg antu oreo..
layan je laaa..

pas jenjalan, blk dlm kol 430ptg..

mlm plak cam bosan so smsed la si nieza.
rupanya dier buat choc cake.

so harusla ai vroooom ke rumahnya nak merasa.heh.
pas mgrib, g umah nieza n lepak2 mkn kek.
seettaaaapp ok..

then i teringat dat i need to withdraw some cash for 2morrow.
ajak la nieza kuar jap nk g bank la konon.
sekali bila g town rase cam nak minum2 plak..
tp i very the sempoi dgn white baby t w jeans only.
mmg x bajet la nk kuar mkn.
hmmm...elok sgt..

we decided to lepak2 at bing..
lame seh x g cni.the last tym was on june.
suka g bing pasal the ambience, food n drinks yg x penah mhampakan selera.
ceaaa betol la x tipu.
to those kuchingians, pegila ctok.best2 ciskek n western foodnya.
dak waiters pun ensem2..
yah sempat promote.hhehhe.

we ordered hot strawberry tea n shared a plate of beef lasagna yg marbeles kesedapannya.

d fav hot strawberry tea.


beef lasagna.sedap sangat sampai sayang nak abiskan.hehe.

jom makan!
lately my entry pasal mkn jek kan..
well, look at me.slim n pretty.hahha.(in my dreams~)
i love to eat actually n dats y i m such a heavy lady.hmmm..
actually planning to do a diet prog.
so b4 i get started, better mkn duuulluuuuu puas2..
as if la kan..

pic nieza xde pasal lupa nak amik.hhehe..
td balik awal.b4 1030 dah sampai umah..
dah sampai bru tingat yg duit x withdraw lgi.huhu..
esok je laaa..

now dah kol 12midnite..
emmm ujan lak tu.mendayu2 jek mata ni nak tdo.

so, till then.
gd nite peeps!!

selasa d secret recipe

hye all..

how's ur day?
mine is emmmm bz jugak la.xde nye x bz.

so mlm lak kuar w some frens of mine.
we all lepak2 kat secret recipe.

yg join lepakings are me, nieza, juzz, cella,ferrol, mus, ap and bob..
mostly we all dah mkn kat umah so dok melepak minum jelaa.

the cakes.i ordered macadamia nuts cake.betol ke x name.
hantam jek.

actually ada incident happened td.
waiter tu nak anto la air yg nieza ordered.
dlm dulang bulat tu adela sekali air hot choc yg mus order.
sekali tah camane boleh tumpah ok.licin kot.
dah la panas.
tumpah kat table nieza n cella dudok.
habis hdbag nieza bau koko. ;P
sib baik x tersimbah kat muka ke kan..hhehe..

well, aku tgk je muka waiter tu.
cam takut2 jek..
tp kiteorg xde la bising2.just biar je dier lap meja.
aku x sampai hati wei nak marah2 org camni.
sbb aku dlu penah jadik waitress kat pizza junction mase tgh tggu knvo dip.
menumpahkan air mmg biasa la tp xde la salu..
paling kelakar bila aku serve pizza kan, boleh terbalik plak pizza tu atas meja.

huaaa huaa...segan gila aku tym tu.
best keja sambilan gini..
nak2 dapat customers yg comel2 hunky n handsome.
siap berebut nak amik tol..

emm nuff of d craps.
so here d piccas of us..


balik umah dlm kol 10sengah..
tp me n nieza x balik terus.
singgah kat barok jap.

dlm kol 1115pm sampai umah dah..

k la u all.itu sahaja dari saya. ;)

* hari yg happy sbb teeeetttttttttttttttt..
pk2 la sendiri.muaahhhaaa haaa..

Monday, October 20, 2008

i am in love.yet again

to my dearies..

i am in love.

yes, i do.
i cant believe it either.
i know he has no idea bout w.t.h i am feeling now.
it's all about me.

i adore him for his looks, the charisma, the charms..
owh it just blown me away..

what should i do to let him know dat im already head over heels?
what should i do to make him see me?
i dont want to be invisible.
not anymore.
i DO want him to know..
i want to take care of him..
i want to be the closest person on earth to be w him.
be his shoulder to cry on..
be his bestfriend..
his argue partner..
i want all the best things in d world for him..

but will he feels the same?

oh shia labeouf,
why dont u give me d chance to love?
not even just a lil bit?why?

my hero

heh.saspen ye?hhehe..

well, actually i started to loff him since d Transformers last year.
oh oh.what a cutie.
he's sooo damn snugly..
if i'd given d chance to be w him,i'll hug him tight and kiss him endlessly.
ops, 18sx rated.
forgive me cos he's just sooo damn yummylicious.

yesterday i went to watch his latest movie, eagle eye and i want to watch it again.
i just love it!
nuff said.

the show started at 9pm..
me as usual will be accompanied by my besties, nieza n bobet.
the show is only available at cineplex parkson.

hasil mamam dgn tdk berpada2 d hari raya.
pipi bulat cam belon.

b4 tgk wyg, sapdek msti didahulukan.
kalau tdk, meroyan.

what a great movie i must say.
to those yg belum tgk, cepat beli tiket.
mmg best..

so after wyg, jam dah kol 11pm..

aie, bok kol 11 ari.tak org mok minum2 ka balit terus?-me

of course la minuuuuuummm dlluuuu..-nieza n bobet

heh.tak org nang best!-me

so off to kedai ayam penyet we go..
dok lepak2 minum2 jek pun..n layan cucor udang campo2..
then bobet called mus, asking him to join us..

our drinks

dari kol 1110, we all lepak till 1am..
the nxt day keja ok.
boleh dgn slmba dek lepak2 sampai pg.heh..

today dah kejap jek kan..
shift kol 9pg..balik pun awl..
bahagia jek tgk umah..

so now dah kol 1121pm..
nak tdo awl sket la today..
qada' tdo semlm tu x abis lagi.


Sunday, October 19, 2008

the apple of my eyes

hye hye u all..
pa kaba tak org tek?
sure tak org tgh suk2 raon,mun sik pun diam umah jak tegal duit sikda.
mena sik?hehhe..

ai keja ritok.stat kol 9pg tek.
p xhal keja ritok.rami geng ada..

since ritok ri mggu, harus ai update lam bhs ctok.
tek dah update p lam bhs biasa2 jak..
so gigih ai update gik balit demi meperkasakan bhs ibunda.aiiseehh.

mek mok share ngan tak org hal anak buah ai sorang tok.
nya anak abg mek sulung, abg sarol.
nama anak buah mek ya, muhd amir ukasyah.
tp nya nunggah nya mpun 'uchachah'.hehhe.

abg sarol dtg umah mlm td n of kos la ukasyah pun ada..
aii geram alu ngga nya eh.
laju2 alu meloknya n kiss pipi gebunya yaaa..
dah 2thn lebeh dah nya soo pndei dah kelaka ckit2..
n cam biasa nya nunggah ai udak.
udak paling comel seantero petrajaya.hahha.

tgh2 lepak kat hall mlm td, terdiat la pics ukasyah kat lappy abg ai.
adooohh kiut aluuu..
alu cepat2 amik hp alu mintak bluetooth..
n here's d pic of my beloved uchachah..

cute is my middle name. ;)

mmm.mok jd apa dah besar lak lok eh. ;P

pic 2nd tok soo far is my favvy la.
now dah jd my hp's wallpaper..kiut kan.
diat tak org sapa udaknya lok..
bah, ai mok sambong keja lok aaa..
shift ai abis kol 630 n mlm lak ai mok ngga wyg ngan geng..
cita eagle eye..oowwhh i cant wait!!
have a nice sunday u all..

Saturday, October 18, 2008

my saturday

how's ur saturday so far?
as for me, pg2 dah bgn even tdo kol 3pg last nite.
bgn pun pasal terdengar sora my mum kat luar bilik.
tgk jam alaaaa br jek kol 8 tp sbb excited nk update cite w her, trus bgn..
update cite pasal last nite la..hehhe.

then dlm kol 11 kuar w munie lak nk g city tailor.
dier nak tempah baju.
actually aku yg promote pasal city tailor ni sbb jahitannya chantek n murah..
bj raya ai mmg salu tempah kat ctu la..
paling best kalo ade manik2.eeiii mmg suka laa..

pas blk dari tailor, munie ajak g secret recipe.
aku dahla x bekpes, so dat place is the best place to eat la..
pasal sedaaaap n portion yg byk..
n paling best, munie yg chia(blanja).
waaahh terus semangat nak order seii..
bln depan mek cia ktk munie aaa..

my iced chocolate w whipped cream.
plus d cheese choc cake.munie order

snap sini sana..
ala2 blogger taygar katakan..
ni angle lain plak..natural ni.xde mekap2.blusher pun x pakai.

in 10mins, our food pun sampai.
munie order this dish..
mushroom chicken w rice.

here's mine..
1st time try ni..
vietnamese beef noodle.
emm sedap jugak la.but not in my fav list.
xkan order 2 kali.heh.

me n munie.
muka org dah kenyang. ;)

pas mkn, munie terus anta me balik sbb dier nak kuar w her sis plak.
munie ni mmg kuat jln tau.aku lak mmg x larat dah..
tdo pun x ckup..
so ptg2 gnie adalah elok sgt kalo nak qada' tdo sejam dua.hahha..

thanx munie cia kmk eh..ujong bln tok turn kmk gik.

sampai umah terus lepak2 depan tv n update.

k nak rehaaaaatt jek..
esok ai keje.huhu..

enjoy ur weekends dearies!


lucky draw.


wanna know what did i get for d lucky draw last nite?


dapat ni..

sampai umah semlm, tang2 tu jgak koyak pembalut nk tgk dapat ape..
alhamdulilah dapat cordlessnye kettle..
wpun x hebat mane, but still its FOC.

emmm kalo dapat pakej percutian ke redang island for 3days 2 nites kan best.
eh, xnak redang.nk g hongkong disneyland laa..
ahaha angan2 seh..
insyaAllah.mane la tau kan.rezeki..
tp my ultimate dream mmg nak g disneyland.

k la.malas nak imejin2 segala..
nak masak air jap guna kettle baru ni..
muaaahhhaaa haaa.semangat!

jalinan mesra aidilfitri 2008

hye y'all..
sure korang dah tdo tym ni..
my eyes cam torchlite ni xnak tdo2.
apesal ntah..

as i promised i'll update soon after i reached home kan..
soo..d function went sooo smoothly..
n u all sure nak tg gmbar je kan..
xde de nak baca pjg know n u/stand.hiks.

so here's the result of jojo's touch..
promote k ktk tok joooo...
penyambut tetamu paling glamor 2008.
urs truly n nieza d gojes

jojo as d makeup artist of the nite really has done a good job.
saya rasa chantek sangat..hiks~
nieza lak siap sanggul ala2 titanic gitu..
kacak tak mlm td za.seyes mek madah.hehhe.

geng2 committee.yerr nieza posing senget.ehems.

the function started roughly at 8pm++..
sape2 yg dtg smua dpt doorgifts+lucky draw numb.
lupa nak amik pics doorgifts td.
ade sabun wangi+sweets..
aku nye dah siap2 simpan dlm kete.heee..

sementara tggu staff2 sampai, ape lagi, camwhoring laaa..

me+pink.i loike.

fieza yg tebal.aswar yg nipis..heh.

the function started roughly at 8pm++

the stage..

vbp kch is stands for VADS Business Process.
n VADS is one of TM's subsidiary comp.
so kalo org tanye aku keje mane kan, i'll easily say TM.
sbb kat kch ni org x recognize sgt Vads..
bile org tua2 tanya,

fieza keja cnei kinek tok bah?

kat vads..

vads???(muka blur2)

emm centres sia eh.


end of the senang..

and the mc for tonite is Ms Kamalia..kalo ape2 function mmg dier ni la yg mc kan.
comelkan minah ni..hehhe

me n miss MC.


pas ucapan2 bagai, bacaan doa..bermulalaaa upacara paling dinanti..
iaitu sapdek.mkn laaa...
menu semua sedap2 u all..
ada nasik tomato, rendang daging, kari ayam, sayo campo, mi goreng n kueh mueh.

aku lapa gilos weeiii...
tp sbb pasal korset yg menyelimkan figure ai, haruss la aku xleh nk mkn byk..

ini jek dinner ai.mi tu pun x habes..

cam sayang jek aku tgk byk lgi leftovers tp kalo aku mkn rasa cam nak vomit.
so mkn ala kadar je la..
elok juga pakai korset ni kan..
cam kecik jek ruang perut tu.hhehe..

dlm mkn2 ade la karaoke session, nyanyi2 tp aku x join la..
i have no talent at all..
then lucky draw session u all...
my numb is 083 u see..
mmg harap2 la dapat..

fyi, aku x penah lg dpt lucky draw seumo hdup so hopefully i pray dat this nite i might getting luckier la...
tguuu nye tgguuu..
Ms MC anounce,
the lucky numb is....
zeroooo eigghhhhttt thhhreeeee...

waaah aku dgn hebatnya tepok tgn.boleh?
ahaaha excited thp gaban niii...

yay yay kmk dpt lucky draw.yayy!!

ahh hepiii..hahha cam budaks jek kan.ade aku kesah..

so pastu smbg lg nyanyi2..then terus abes.
pjg lagi sebenanya p malas nak cite details.

dah habis tu we all masing2 la amik pics..
bkn salu pkai glamer2 kan.
xde makna aku nak pkai korset+kebaya nk g opis.
kem salam.

pic wajib.

aswar eksen d

byk lagi pics ni u all tp ckupla ni kan..
kang mimpi plak u all.hehhe..
function abes dlm kol 1015 camtu..
then me n nieza mls nak balik umah dlu..sure nak lepak2..

last2 we both lepak kat mc d airport layan hot tea..
cam kat umah xleh nk minum kan..
nak2 drive sampai ke airport lak tu.haihh..
kate minyak dah trun kan.. ;)

so sampai umh td pun kol 1230..

now dah kol 3pg ok..
gigih aku nak hapdetkan blog tersayang ni..
seb baik off esok...

btw, what did i get for dat lucky draw meh?
emmm esok je la aku cite k..
x larat,mate dah lekat2..

sooo nite2..