hye my dear all.. last wk was sooo bz for me since my off day on 1st may till last nite, 4th may..i have a llllooooott of things to share n kerana kesibukan yg menggebu, tidak bisa utk ku jenguk my beloved blog ni..let me recap ok..
1st may: THE SPRING
today is a holiday for all..so since im quite bz lately, at last i have the time to spend w my mum kesayangan, my niece; fatin n sis ida..
we went to the spring[biggest shopping mall in kch] at about 2 something and the weather was sooo good..actually the agenda to be there is my mum wanna look at habib jewels exhibition held there.50% off disc for the white gold..the price range was soooo temptingly unbelievable.i tried on some white gold rings and my fav is the one w the price tag of 6k.hahaha.but aft disc, 3k sahaja.i was soo tempted to take pics but well, i cant obviously at that kind of place..cantek sangat design nya n mula la memasang angan2 utk memiliki one piece of jewelery every lady should have, A DIAMOND BLING2 RING! ohhh yes... *blink blink*
then, we went to vincci.fatin will be joining a dancing competition during bsn's gala dinner[my mum's workplace] in 2wks time and she needs a new pair of nice sandals for her to dance.fatin ni, she's only 10 y.o but she's really gooood in dancing.she can dance to any high school musical songs, hannah montana, cheetah girls n the lists goes on and on..just name it la...she's actually my eldest bro's lil daughter.sometimes i dont feel like she's my niece.she's more like my own sis.can't believe she's 10 now.time really flies..
after one n another sandals tried by her, at last she found her fav, here it is, comelkan.a cute white wedges.pic taken on my bed.hehe.now she fits vincci i tell u..size 4 la..adoi cepatnye besar budak ni..

and my mum pun belilah sepasang.im the one who tolong pilihkan pun dah quite exhausted well u know kan, nak pilih sandal pun amik mase tau.n suddenly..
mummy: u want a pair don't u?just pick any sandal that u want to.but only ONE pair ok?
me: *grin* menarkah?oh oh..makaseh mak...
tiba2 ada semangat baru menyelinap d jiwa n dgn senang hati i memilih any sandals that i like..gosh,the feeling beza tau dari beli sendiri.hahha x malu.dah tua pun mak spon lagi.eh, biarlaaaa.my mum is the best n x sia2 saya menjadi supir paling setia.hhhaha..
here's my choice.i took this pic today.dah pakai pun g ofc.hehhe.shantek sangat..teringat zaman berkaseh mase kolej dlu my ex tu suke i pakai sandal kaler puteh.entah kenapa...y aaa my dear?*suddenly teringat those memories during my yrs at kypm bangi..sigh*
after we went home at about 630pm, i went out again w nieza n bobet.[penat tiada dlm kamus hidup.hhaha]again, i went to the spring to accompany bobet finding a working attire..i didnt have any plans there.just window shopping at padini and bought some big apple's delicious donuts for my family.big apple donuts has just opened its franchise here in kch n the people really love them.the customers are willing to line up for hours just to have a bite for this famous donuts[including me!]..
here's my fav donuts.im lovin' it!

then, me nieza n bobet went to barok to have late nite drinks.didnt have any pics to snap sbb dah mlm sangat2 n soo sleepyy..so its a wrap for the day ;)
2nd may: IRONMAN
friday.its my off day and i used that time to tidy up my room.sapu, mop, kemas2 apa yg patut n bila ptg as usual i pick up my mum frm the ofc.since it was raininnnggg soo heavily, we didn't singgah anywhere n just went straight home.
later that nite, me n nieza went to star cineplex to watch newly release movie. ironman.actually we joined a bunch of my colleagues who wanted to watch the same movie n i really enjoyed the group wise cos salunya mek 2 nieza jak bah but that nite, it was 10 of us.really happening..to those who have not watch this, go n enjoy the movie.mmg best!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BOBET! may all the happiness be w u, dilumayankan rezeki, cepat dapat jodoh yg elok budi bahasa, dapat membimbing n can accept the way u are, for better n for worse. bobet is 25th this yr and i pray the best for her.i love u bobet!
my off day again.hehhe.3days in a row.jeles?silakan.hehhe..today im attending my ex schoolmate's wedding, HAFIZAH n her hubby, ZULHARDY at civic center.went there w nieza n juzz.
pizah loookkss soo gorgeous wearing a pink modern kebaya desiged custom madely from cosry boutique.pics say thousand words isn't it?jom enjoy the pics..

to pizah n zul, semoga bahagia hingga ke akhir hayat.thanx for inviting us ok.my turn will come so very soon[amin!] n make sure datang k..
gosh, sooo tired putting up the pics and all.i need to have a gd nyte sleep now.actually the stories didn't end up here.esok i update lagi pasal a birthday bash for juzz n bobet at famous western food restaurant that we celebrated later that nite.so chow chin cii..nyte!
1st may: THE SPRING
today is a holiday for all..so since im quite bz lately, at last i have the time to spend w my mum kesayangan, my niece; fatin n sis ida..
we went to the spring[biggest shopping mall in kch] at about 2 something and the weather was sooo good..actually the agenda to be there is my mum wanna look at habib jewels exhibition held there.50% off disc for the white gold..the price range was soooo temptingly unbelievable.i tried on some white gold rings and my fav is the one w the price tag of 6k.hahaha.but aft disc, 3k sahaja.i was soo tempted to take pics but well, i cant obviously at that kind of place..cantek sangat design nya n mula la memasang angan2 utk memiliki one piece of jewelery every lady should have, A DIAMOND BLING2 RING! ohhh yes... *blink blink*
then, we went to vincci.fatin will be joining a dancing competition during bsn's gala dinner[my mum's workplace] in 2wks time and she needs a new pair of nice sandals for her to dance.fatin ni, she's only 10 y.o but she's really gooood in dancing.she can dance to any high school musical songs, hannah montana, cheetah girls n the lists goes on and on..just name it la...she's actually my eldest bro's lil daughter.sometimes i dont feel like she's my niece.she's more like my own sis.can't believe she's 10 now.time really flies..
after one n another sandals tried by her, at last she found her fav, here it is, comelkan.a cute white wedges.pic taken on my bed.hehe.now she fits vincci i tell u..size 4 la..adoi cepatnye besar budak ni..
and my mum pun belilah sepasang.im the one who tolong pilihkan pun dah quite exhausted well u know kan, nak pilih sandal pun amik mase tau.n suddenly..
mummy: u want a pair don't u?just pick any sandal that u want to.but only ONE pair ok?
me: *grin* menarkah?oh oh..makaseh mak...
tiba2 ada semangat baru menyelinap d jiwa n dgn senang hati i memilih any sandals that i like..gosh,the feeling beza tau dari beli sendiri.hahha x malu.dah tua pun mak spon lagi.eh, biarlaaaa.my mum is the best n x sia2 saya menjadi supir paling setia.hhhaha..
here's my choice.i took this pic today.dah pakai pun g ofc.hehhe.shantek sangat..teringat zaman berkaseh mase kolej dlu my ex tu suke i pakai sandal kaler puteh.entah kenapa...y aaa my dear?*suddenly teringat those memories during my yrs at kypm bangi..sigh*
here's my fav donuts.im lovin' it!
then, me nieza n bobet went to barok to have late nite drinks.didnt have any pics to snap sbb dah mlm sangat2 n soo sleepyy..so its a wrap for the day ;)
2nd may: IRONMAN
friday.its my off day and i used that time to tidy up my room.sapu, mop, kemas2 apa yg patut n bila ptg as usual i pick up my mum frm the ofc.since it was raininnnggg soo heavily, we didn't singgah anywhere n just went straight home.
later that nite, me n nieza went to star cineplex to watch newly release movie. ironman.actually we joined a bunch of my colleagues who wanted to watch the same movie n i really enjoyed the group wise cos salunya mek 2 nieza jak bah but that nite, it was 10 of us.really happening..to those who have not watch this, go n enjoy the movie.mmg best!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BOBET! may all the happiness be w u, dilumayankan rezeki, cepat dapat jodoh yg elok budi bahasa, dapat membimbing n can accept the way u are, for better n for worse. bobet is 25th this yr and i pray the best for her.i love u bobet!
my off day again.hehhe.3days in a row.jeles?silakan.hehhe..today im attending my ex schoolmate's wedding, HAFIZAH n her hubby, ZULHARDY at civic center.went there w nieza n juzz.
pizah loookkss soo gorgeous wearing a pink modern kebaya desiged custom madely from cosry boutique.pics say thousand words isn't it?jom enjoy the pics..
to pizah n zul, semoga bahagia hingga ke akhir hayat.thanx for inviting us ok.my turn will come so very soon[amin!] n make sure datang k..
gosh, sooo tired putting up the pics and all.i need to have a gd nyte sleep now.actually the stories didn't end up here.esok i update lagi pasal a birthday bash for juzz n bobet at famous western food restaurant that we celebrated later that nite.so chow chin cii..nyte!
1 comment:
kacak pizah sia oo..kamek gik alu terasa maok kawen...adohhhh
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