as what i said on my previous post, i'd like to share d birthday bash for my dearest frens; juzz n bobet last sat.
venue: the junk restaurant
time: 8.00pm
date: 3rd may 2008[saturday]
guests of honour: me, nieza, juzz, zilah n bobet
the cake.comelkan?
happy w the cute cake
we had sooo much fun that nite plus, nieza is soooo generous to pay for the dinner as a treat due to her 1st pay cheque.the food were heavenly delicious.once i mention the word heaven, well u know that it means soooo damn good. the junk is my fav western food restaurant here in kch.they're soo famous for their fettucinni carbonara and the fruit crush.gosh, im started to feel hungry again now.huhu..
sirloin 1st time.seriously nyam skal!
grilled fish.nieza's.very juicy.sedap!
lamb shank.juzz fav as well but i cant take so much head will get dizzy after some bite so i controlled myself from ordering this dish.
i didn't manage to snap over zillah's n bobet's meals since we were soo bz trying each other's meals.each n everyone of us really satisfied w the food n drinks that we ordered.THUMBS UP TO THE JUNK! ;)
so, after dinner we went to bing to have late nite.what a day to be biggest thank you to miss nieza for treating the dinner.muah muah!
venue: the junk restaurant
time: 8.00pm
date: 3rd may 2008[saturday]
guests of honour: me, nieza, juzz, zilah n bobet
we had sooo much fun that nite plus, nieza is soooo generous to pay for the dinner as a treat due to her 1st pay cheque.the food were heavenly delicious.once i mention the word heaven, well u know that it means soooo damn good. the junk is my fav western food restaurant here in kch.they're soo famous for their fettucinni carbonara and the fruit crush.gosh, im started to feel hungry again now.huhu..
i didn't manage to snap over zillah's n bobet's meals since we were soo bz trying each other's meals.each n everyone of us really satisfied w the food n drinks that we ordered.THUMBS UP TO THE JUNK! ;)
so, after dinner we went to bing to have late nite.what a day to be biggest thank you to miss nieza for treating the dinner.muah muah!
sis fieza nampak nyaman all da food..i dah link ur blog to mine hehe ;)
adeh, lapar mek dah~~ waaaa~~~ lamak gik nunggu opis tutop tok~~~ hehehehe~~~
dida: dtg la kch my dear.dapat g the junk.maok sik?hehe
med@yatie: kak ma,keja mlm nang gya ko..bosan nutup opis oo.turn kmk mggu depan.huhu
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