Friday, June 18, 2010

friday plans.

its finally friday yaaawwwwwwwwwwlll

im updating at 120 am now n i m so sleepy as hell
but m so excited so i just update sket la eh..

as u know my boyfie waaahh boyfie okkkk haha dia sampai kch kol 7pg soon
but xde la nak kuwa kan gila apa...
maybe kuwa ptg pas solat jumaat
gila i miss him soo mucho mucho!

pagi esok[still jumaat la] me n nieza will be heading to imigresen to renew our pasports
we'll go travel somewhere at d end of july for six straight days
hooo it'll be a long holiday for me
to where my dear?
well not gonna tell u guys yet la since we havent buy the airplane tickets yet
dats y kena renew pasport baru blh beli tiket kannn.
lagipun the best thing is, the tickets for us will be FOC yaawwwww
FOC! hahaha

ok mata dah stat lekat2 dah ngantok ni
i cant wait to see my cinta hati esok.
oh my.oh my
jgn igt kitorang x penah jmpa plak.
penah okkkkk..
bukan nak g blind date excuse me.
just dat we havent met for a while now.
dats y rasa nebes semacam

semoga my mr love akan selamat sampai pagi esok.
ok la nak tdo dah ni
esok i need to be at the imig ofc b4 8am.

ok lah nanite dearies


Anonymous said...

bestnya g dating! selamat berdating za!


Vivian said...

FOC? aih..sapa spon? jeles!! =p

wah..bunga-bunga cinta lah!! semoga bahagia dan dia selamat kol 7 tok..dah sampe?

Khaisya said...

munga2 chenta mekar mewangi di bumi kch time tok..lalalala... :)