Hye readers..
I'm at the ofc now
Serious bosan x saba nak tggu balik kol 5pm
Mggu ni keja pagi so pas balik keja mmg kenak fetch up my mum balik keja n then mesti kuwa jalan2
G shopping la
G mkn luar la
Adik2 jgn jeles sama kakak ya :P
Semalam pas keja my mum ajak g beli brg dapo kat boulevard
Kat sini supermarket nya best I like
N sbb dh lama x dtg cni sbb agak jaoh dr umah
Smpai jek ajak my mum jln2 dlu
Nmpak la ada kedai kecik jual tdg n shawls
Mmg pantang la kalo nmpak shawls ok
Lagipun mmg dh lama x tambah koleksi
Since my mum yg pelawa nak blanja makanya terbeli la 4 pasang
Ngeh ngeh
Cantek2 ok.kalo blh nak beli je semua ;P
My mum pun beli some tudungs for her own collections
Mcm2 kaler ada hehe
Pas melepas geram membeli, singgah for early dinner at d kenny rogers
Cam biasa amik set quarter
Thank u mum.kalo hari2 mkn camni alamatnya makin sehattt la tuan blog ni kan ;)
So amacam ok x shawl baru saya?
Just received a call from mak tersayang
Ptg ni ajak g crown square nak mkn mi plak
Rezeki jgn dtolak musuh buang jaoh2 ;P
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
nieza's bday nite
hye readers..
sori for lack of updates
nak kata bz xde la sangat
mmg kena ada mood rajin agaknya baru laaaaa suka update kan
ok now nak cita pasal sabtu lepas
masa bday nieza tu me sue d bday girl kuwa dinner then had a late supper at bing
juzz couldnt join us sbb kurang sihat
then bobet plak ada bbq nite at her site ofc
so yg leh kuwa dat nite were only me n sue
xpelah bertiga janji we celebrate sket :)
mlm tu nieza jd princess of d nite
siap fetched her up, blanja mkn, blanja semua2 laa
actually nak kuwa mkn2 pun gaji lom masok.
so celebrate simple2 ckupla kan
nanti tggu my bday sekali, leh wat mkn2 besar.
us three
sori for lack of updates
nak kata bz xde la sangat
mmg kena ada mood rajin agaknya baru laaaaa suka update kan
ok now nak cita pasal sabtu lepas
masa bday nieza tu me sue d bday girl kuwa dinner then had a late supper at bing
juzz couldnt join us sbb kurang sihat
then bobet plak ada bbq nite at her site ofc
so yg leh kuwa dat nite were only me n sue
xpelah bertiga janji we celebrate sket :)
mlm tu nieza jd princess of d nite
siap fetched her up, blanja mkn, blanja semua2 laa
actually nak kuwa mkn2 pun gaji lom masok.
so celebrate simple2 ckupla kan
nanti tggu my bday sekali, leh wat mkn2 besar.
as usual, the tiramisu is phenomenal.
sedaaaap cam biasa
tapi cam x best la bertiga jek
serious sunyi okkk
salu kalo ada occasion bday ke msti ckup korum
tgh2 sembang tu kan tetiba bobet called
bobet: tak org cnei?
me: kat bing the hills
bobet: ok wait for me.im otw
she came all the way frm her site ofc at santubong okkk
demi kaseh seorg kwn baik yg dah kenal more than 10yrs.
kalo aku jd nieza kompom terharuuuuuuuuuuu
dlm 20mins camtu si manis bobet pun sampai
sedaaaap cam biasa
tapi cam x best la bertiga jek
serious sunyi okkk
salu kalo ada occasion bday ke msti ckup korum
tgh2 sembang tu kan tetiba bobet called
bobet: tak org cnei?
me: kat bing the hills
bobet: ok wait for me.im otw
she came all the way frm her site ofc at santubong okkk
demi kaseh seorg kwn baik yg dah kenal more than 10yrs.
kalo aku jd nieza kompom terharuuuuuuuuuuu
dlm 20mins camtu si manis bobet pun sampai
happy bday again nieza
kelak kita kumpol rami2 alang2 gaji n bday kmk oo
kita celebrate sekali
kelak beli kek sedap2
n bday present ktk mek dah tauk apa mok dberik.
ready jak!
my bday is nxt week yawwwwlll
mula2 x pasan eh owh dah dekat rupanya
excited sudah bermula!
entry wishlist 2010 akan dpost pada 1 july nanti
tgguuuuu ok
esp to my mr love yg avid reader to my blog tp malas nak komen;tggu jak aaaa
okla nanite darlings!
kelak kita kumpol rami2 alang2 gaji n bday kmk oo
kita celebrate sekali
kelak beli kek sedap2
n bday present ktk mek dah tauk apa mok dberik.
ready jak!
my bday is nxt week yawwwwlll
mula2 x pasan eh owh dah dekat rupanya
excited sudah bermula!
entry wishlist 2010 akan dpost pada 1 july nanti
tgguuuuu ok
esp to my mr love yg avid reader to my blog tp malas nak komen;tggu jak aaaa
okla nanite darlings!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
26th june :)
its finally 26th june
and its a very special day for a very special friend of mine
tidak lain tidak bukan..
its nieza's bday!!
happy bday my darling
thanx for being there all the time
through good n bad
through happiness and sorrows
she's the best of friend one could ever have
a very good listener n never dissapoint me
im so blessed having her as my true friend
no words could describe how thankful i am now
i just pray dat Allah would bless her life, grant her wishes n i do pray he'll meet her mr right soon
rugiiii sapa sikmok nieza tok!
bait gilaaaaaa
here's some of our pics
and its a very special day for a very special friend of mine
tidak lain tidak bukan..
its nieza's bday!!
happy bday my darling
thanx for being there all the time
through good n bad
through happiness and sorrows
she's the best of friend one could ever have
a very good listener n never dissapoint me
im so blessed having her as my true friend
no words could describe how thankful i am now
i just pray dat Allah would bless her life, grant her wishes n i do pray he'll meet her mr right soon
rugiiii sapa sikmok nieza tok!
bait gilaaaaaa
here's some of our pics
Thursday, June 24, 2010
celebrate kejayaan ida d SR
wahh tajuk kemain kan
kejayaan apakah?
well baru2 ni result my youngest sis, ida yg tgh blaja kat politeknik dah kuwa
n she got a verryyy good result.
dapat pointer 3.5 okeh
sepanjang aku yg blaja amik diploma x penah2 capai pointer tahap tu
congrats idaaaaa
keep up d good result
jgn 1st sem ajak camtok sem lain alu main 2.0 ajak nakkkk ;P
since i offday today, me fatin n ida g amik my mum balik ofc
terus bedesup ke the spring
semenjak my mum balik umrah ari tu, baru ni la 1st time berkesempatan nak kuwa camni
sbb me asyik keja balik kol 8mlm
celah mana la nak kuwa ngan my mum kan
dats y ida n fatin excited tgk me offday today
nak ajak jalan la tu hehe
sampai2 terus masok SR.
dlm kepala ni dah teringin betol nak mkn lasagne
pas order segala bagai, tggu la kejap n apalagi snap2 la
skang kan dah rajin bawak my olympus ke sana ke mari
phone pouch my mum bought frm mekah tp bb x muat
so jadikkan keychain kunci keta
cantekkan beading2 ni
my drink: iced white chocolate coffee
serious sedap tahap langit ke 7!
ida w her prawn macaroni.
utk tatapan si dia yg jaoh d mata tp dekat d hati.
d desserts
mum w her beautiful daughters.beautiful ka? tetttt
kejayaan apakah?
well baru2 ni result my youngest sis, ida yg tgh blaja kat politeknik dah kuwa
n she got a verryyy good result.
dapat pointer 3.5 okeh
sepanjang aku yg blaja amik diploma x penah2 capai pointer tahap tu
congrats idaaaaa
keep up d good result
jgn 1st sem ajak camtok sem lain alu main 2.0 ajak nakkkk ;P
since i offday today, me fatin n ida g amik my mum balik ofc
terus bedesup ke the spring
semenjak my mum balik umrah ari tu, baru ni la 1st time berkesempatan nak kuwa camni
sbb me asyik keja balik kol 8mlm
celah mana la nak kuwa ngan my mum kan
dats y ida n fatin excited tgk me offday today
nak ajak jalan la tu hehe
sampai2 terus masok SR.
dlm kepala ni dah teringin betol nak mkn lasagne
pas order segala bagai, tggu la kejap n apalagi snap2 la
skang kan dah rajin bawak my olympus ke sana ke mari
so jadikkan keychain kunci keta
cantekkan beading2 ni
serious sedap tahap langit ke 7!
i dont even bother to diet today cos its time to celebrate
ceh ceh alasan actually
dan usah dikira berapa puluh ribu kalori ka yg dmakan td
my mum belanja n rugi besar kalo x mkn kannnn ;P
ceh ceh alasan actually
dan usah dikira berapa puluh ribu kalori ka yg dmakan td
my mum belanja n rugi besar kalo x mkn kannnn ;P
selepas kenyang perut suka hati, we all jln2 shopping jap.
g watsons to buy some toiletteries n my mum singgah hush puppies beli wedges
tergugat iman nak beli jugak satu
tp xyah la
better simpan duit beli bnda lain
g watsons to buy some toiletteries n my mum singgah hush puppies beli wedges
tergugat iman nak beli jugak satu
tp xyah la
better simpan duit beli bnda lain
Yay dah siap!
This morning before I headed to d ofc, me n nieza singgah immig ofc to pick up our passports.
Patutnya last friday pun dah siap tp kan last week tu nak cepat2 jmpa mr love kan hehe
Tu yg tangguh mggu ni :)
Sampai sana dlm kol 1030pg, amik no then tggu jap
Dlm kol 11 everything done!
Now I have my own passport ya'll
Tiket pun dah beli td online
Foc kan hahaa
Sukaaaaa ok sapa x suka
To where again?
Nanti la bgtau kalo dah dekat2 nak pg :)
Yg pastinya the trip will be on 29th july till 2nd august
Lamaaaaa kan
Owh I can't wait!
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Patutnya last friday pun dah siap tp kan last week tu nak cepat2 jmpa mr love kan hehe
Tu yg tangguh mggu ni :)
Sampai sana dlm kol 1030pg, amik no then tggu jap
Dlm kol 11 everything done!
Now I have my own passport ya'll
Tiket pun dah beli td online
Foc kan hahaa
Sukaaaaa ok sapa x suka
To where again?
Nanti la bgtau kalo dah dekat2 nak pg :)
Yg pastinya the trip will be on 29th july till 2nd august
Lamaaaaa kan
Owh I can't wait!
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Sunday, June 20, 2010
selamat betekol saiful rahimi n norfaizah
ok agak2 dah bosan tak cita pasal cinta2 ni hehe
oklah cita pasal lain la plak eh..
kebetulan dah pics kena tagged dlm fb so save jek dlm folder n semangatt terus nak update ;)
last thursday mlm, ada majlis betekol antara my younger brother;saiful rahimi n izah
betekol ni kira cam betunang tp xde hantaran
just ada:-
duit buka mulut
duit tanda tekol
sebentuk cincin
sekotak kek
we all buat simple2 jek
xde hantaran segala sbb kira nanti insyaAllah jodoh dorang pjg, kahwin jek terus
tp dengan syarat, kakaknya mesti kawen dulu.teeeeeeeeeeeeettttt just kidding eh! ;P
jom la layan pics
majlis ni buat kat umah izah.
kalo nak keta 5mins dah smpai hehe
after isyak kitorang gerak sama2
yg peginya pun all my siblings, SIL n their kids
tu sahaja pun dah dekat 20 org
seriously! haha
my uncle, my dad n abg as
sweetkan dorang ni
lupa snap pics hidangan dat nite
sedap2 belaka.
dgn mi goreng, sate, lemang, kari ayam, roti canai pehhhh
sedap seehhh
so b4 balik smpat snap lagi :)
oklah cita pasal lain la plak eh..
kebetulan dah pics kena tagged dlm fb so save jek dlm folder n semangatt terus nak update ;)
last thursday mlm, ada majlis betekol antara my younger brother;saiful rahimi n izah
betekol ni kira cam betunang tp xde hantaran
just ada:-
duit buka mulut
duit tanda tekol
sebentuk cincin
sekotak kek
we all buat simple2 jek
xde hantaran segala sbb kira nanti insyaAllah jodoh dorang pjg, kahwin jek terus
tp dengan syarat, kakaknya mesti kawen dulu.teeeeeeeeeeeeettttt just kidding eh! ;P
jom la layan pics
majlis ni buat kat umah izah.
kalo nak keta 5mins dah smpai hehe
after isyak kitorang gerak sama2
yg peginya pun all my siblings, SIL n their kids
tu sahaja pun dah dekat 20 org
seriously! haha

selepas few words, bacaaan watikah n doa tibalah masa menyarungkan cincin
masa ni kan aku plak yg nebes
apesalllll entah haha
masa ni kan aku plak yg nebes
apesalllll entah haha

masa ni i pun ada amik pics
terus upload dgn gigih kat fb n siap tag lagi sai n izah
siap letak status kat my wall
pastu kan dengan secepat kilat komen masok org tanya aku bila lagiiiii
sabaaaa je lah dgn soalan cliche n jwp pun standard "kalo ada jodoh adalaaa kan"
cecewaaaahh sedangkan bunga2 dlm hati semakin mekar dah ni
camnei tok sayang?
bila tek?hahaha sikda bah sayang.. ;P
terus upload dgn gigih kat fb n siap tag lagi sai n izah
siap letak status kat my wall
pastu kan dengan secepat kilat komen masok org tanya aku bila lagiiiii
sabaaaa je lah dgn soalan cliche n jwp pun standard "kalo ada jodoh adalaaa kan"
cecewaaaahh sedangkan bunga2 dlm hati semakin mekar dah ni
camnei tok sayang?
bila tek?hahaha sikda bah sayang.. ;P
sedap2 belaka.
dgn mi goreng, sate, lemang, kari ayam, roti canai pehhhh
sedap seehhh
so b4 balik smpat snap lagi :)
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Hye darling readersss
I'm updating frm my ofc.
Today keja sampai 8mlm laaa ahh bosan!
But its ok.
I nak cita pasal my jumaat yg mengujakan
So let's!
dat friday morning I was so damn excited cos my mr love is finally here in kch.
Syukurr selamat sampai
Tapi xkan nak kuwa awl pagikan
So biar la dia rest dlu frm d long journey
Meanwhile me n nieza went to d immigration ofc to renew our passports.
Dari kol 830am we all kat ctu
Everything done by 1045am.
Malas nak balik dulu we went to d spring to eat something
Singgah mbo tgk cita sex n city 2 dh ada
Pas mkn we all beli tiket tgk show kol 12noon
Emm so far cita tu biasa2 jek
Cam kalo x tgk pun xpe u know..
There goes my rm 12 haha
Pastu blk umah n called my mr love
Janji date kol 330pm.
Masa ni sangat mengujaaaaaakkaaann ok
Gila lamaaaa x jmpa hehe
Mndi,mekap2 n wangi off I went to d spring yeahhh again to meet him
Thanx to nieza for sending me there
Sampai2 dia dh tggu kat mph.
Aku cita balik ni pun nebes jugak okkk hahaha
There he was in a red polo shirt
N the rest was history cewaaaahhh
Terubaaattt rindu dendam segala!
Pas shopping a bit we went to bing for dinner
I had baked tuna pie n he had his fav beef bolognese.
Sembang pjg we all dat nite.
Dia pndang saya, saya pndang dia..
Hehe owh sangat in love! ;P
N now I'm missing him oredi
I only can go back at 8pm waaaaa
But takpe esok lusa ada lagi.
He only be back to sibu nxt tuesday
Sempat lagi nak spend time kan
I'm not putting any hopes or promises but I can't deny the feelings dat I have for him is so pure, so natural n dats the best feeling in d world
Being loved by him is such a bless
And thank God I finally met my man!
I love u baby
Deep.very deep
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone
I'm updating frm my ofc.
Today keja sampai 8mlm laaa ahh bosan!
But its ok.
I nak cita pasal my jumaat yg mengujakan
So let's!
dat friday morning I was so damn excited cos my mr love is finally here in kch.
Syukurr selamat sampai
Tapi xkan nak kuwa awl pagikan
So biar la dia rest dlu frm d long journey
Meanwhile me n nieza went to d immigration ofc to renew our passports.
Dari kol 830am we all kat ctu
Everything done by 1045am.
Malas nak balik dulu we went to d spring to eat something
Singgah mbo tgk cita sex n city 2 dh ada
Pas mkn we all beli tiket tgk show kol 12noon
Emm so far cita tu biasa2 jek
Cam kalo x tgk pun xpe u know..
There goes my rm 12 haha
Pastu blk umah n called my mr love
Janji date kol 330pm.
Masa ni sangat mengujaaaaaakkaaann ok
Gila lamaaaa x jmpa hehe
Mndi,mekap2 n wangi off I went to d spring yeahhh again to meet him
Thanx to nieza for sending me there
Sampai2 dia dh tggu kat mph.
Aku cita balik ni pun nebes jugak okkk hahaha
There he was in a red polo shirt
N the rest was history cewaaaahhh
Terubaaattt rindu dendam segala!
Pas shopping a bit we went to bing for dinner
I had baked tuna pie n he had his fav beef bolognese.
Sembang pjg we all dat nite.
Dia pndang saya, saya pndang dia..
Hehe owh sangat in love! ;P
N now I'm missing him oredi
I only can go back at 8pm waaaaa
But takpe esok lusa ada lagi.
He only be back to sibu nxt tuesday
Sempat lagi nak spend time kan
I'm not putting any hopes or promises but I can't deny the feelings dat I have for him is so pure, so natural n dats the best feeling in d world
Being loved by him is such a bless
And thank God I finally met my man!
I love u baby
Deep.very deep
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Friday, June 18, 2010
friday plans.
its finally friday yaaawwwwwwwwwwlll
im updating at 120 am now n i m so sleepy as hell
but m so excited so i just update sket la eh..
as u know my boyfie waaahh boyfie okkkk haha dia sampai kch kol 7pg soon
but xde la nak kuwa kan gila apa...
maybe kuwa ptg pas solat jumaat
gila i miss him soo mucho mucho!
pagi esok[still jumaat la] me n nieza will be heading to imigresen to renew our pasports
we'll go travel somewhere at d end of july for six straight days
hooo it'll be a long holiday for me
to where my dear?
well not gonna tell u guys yet la since we havent buy the airplane tickets yet
dats y kena renew pasport baru blh beli tiket kannn.
lagipun the best thing is, the tickets for us will be FOC yaawwwww
FOC! hahaha
ok mata dah stat lekat2 dah ngantok ni
i cant wait to see my cinta hati esok.
oh my.oh my
jgn igt kitorang x penah jmpa plak.
penah okkkkk..
bukan nak g blind date excuse me.
just dat we havent met for a while now.
dats y rasa nebes semacam
semoga my mr love akan selamat sampai pagi esok.
ok la nak tdo dah ni
esok i need to be at the imig ofc b4 8am.
ok lah nanite dearies
im updating at 120 am now n i m so sleepy as hell
but m so excited so i just update sket la eh..
as u know my boyfie waaahh boyfie okkkk haha dia sampai kch kol 7pg soon
but xde la nak kuwa kan gila apa...
maybe kuwa ptg pas solat jumaat
gila i miss him soo mucho mucho!
pagi esok[still jumaat la] me n nieza will be heading to imigresen to renew our pasports
we'll go travel somewhere at d end of july for six straight days
hooo it'll be a long holiday for me
to where my dear?
well not gonna tell u guys yet la since we havent buy the airplane tickets yet
dats y kena renew pasport baru blh beli tiket kannn.
lagipun the best thing is, the tickets for us will be FOC yaawwwww
FOC! hahaha
ok mata dah stat lekat2 dah ngantok ni
i cant wait to see my cinta hati esok.
oh my.oh my
jgn igt kitorang x penah jmpa plak.
penah okkkkk..
bukan nak g blind date excuse me.
just dat we havent met for a while now.
dats y rasa nebes semacam
semoga my mr love akan selamat sampai pagi esok.
ok la nak tdo dah ni
esok i need to be at the imig ofc b4 8am.
ok lah nanite dearies
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
yang terindah
last nite b4 i went to sleep me n mr love talked on d phone as usual.
he's in sibu right now working..
but he'll be back to kch for his bestfren's wedding this weekends
and we'll meet again this friday! yayyyy!
lgpun dia mmg org kch :)
n b4 i said gd nite mr love ckp dia bg lagu ni for me
yang terindah ost adamaya
i m sooo touched!
call me jwang karat pedulik!
im in love with him and the feeling is soooooooo beautiful n very pure!
to be loved by someone u're really in love is awesome.
to mr love,
kamek sayang ktk gilak2
its not dat pasal ktk berik this song ka apa
just dat u're the best thing dat ever happened to me
for ur effort, for ur time, for ur love..
and i cant wait to see u this friday!
n pls note dat yang terindah itu ada pada kamu! :)
love u long time,
he's in sibu right now working..
but he'll be back to kch for his bestfren's wedding this weekends
and we'll meet again this friday! yayyyy!
lgpun dia mmg org kch :)
n b4 i said gd nite mr love ckp dia bg lagu ni for me
yang terindah ost adamaya
i m sooo touched!
call me jwang karat pedulik!
im in love with him and the feeling is soooooooo beautiful n very pure!
to be loved by someone u're really in love is awesome.
to mr love,
kamek sayang ktk gilak2
its not dat pasal ktk berik this song ka apa
just dat u're the best thing dat ever happened to me
for ur effort, for ur time, for ur love..
and i cant wait to see u this friday!
n pls note dat yang terindah itu ada pada kamu! :)
love u long time,
Semenjak kau hadir dalam hidupku
Tiada lagi keresahan
Kau mengetuk pintu hatiku
Tanpa sedar hingga ku izinkan
Kau yang bernama cinta
Kau yang memberi rasa
Kau yang ilhamkan bahagia
Hingga aku terasa indah
Maaf jikaku tidak sempurna
Tika bahagia mula menjelma
Bila keyakinan datang merasa
Kasih disalut dengan kejujuran
Mencintai dirimu
Merindui dirimu
Memiliki dirimu
Hingga akhir hayat bersama kamu
Kau yang bernama cinta
Kau yang memberi rasa
Kau yang ilhamkan bahagia
Hingga aku terasa indah
Kau yang bernama cinta
Hingga aku rasa indah
Monday, June 14, 2010
How can I not love u?
Mlm td lepak depan tv w ukasyah tgk cita apa tah kat star movies.
Kemain sukaaaa dia tgk dinosaurs.
Hehe kiut okkk siap kalo nak tuka channel lain tu mmg dh x boleh la.hehe
Thn ni he turns 4 years old.
Time really flies kan
Kalo dia dh 14 mak sedara dia ni dh 37.
Kiutkan ukasyah ni
How can udak say no to kiss kiss u
No to hug hug u?
Ok mlm ni ada small gathering kat oldtown wif friends.
Malasnyaaaaa nak drive
Ok now I can smell the ice choc paling sedap
Ok later darlings!
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Kemain sukaaaa dia tgk dinosaurs.
Hehe kiut okkk siap kalo nak tuka channel lain tu mmg dh x boleh la.hehe
Thn ni he turns 4 years old.
Time really flies kan
Kalo dia dh 14 mak sedara dia ni dh 37.
Kiutkan ukasyah ni
How can udak say no to kiss kiss u
No to hug hug u?
Ok mlm ni ada small gathering kat oldtown wif friends.
Malasnyaaaaa nak drive
Ok now I can smell the ice choc paling sedap
Ok later darlings!
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Sunday, June 13, 2010
New FM collections
Last friday d newly weds juzz n ap invited me n d geng to their place at one residency.
They just came back frm their honeymoon few days back n tell u, I was so excited to meet juzz again hehe
Smpai2 jek terus tgk pics dorang kat HK.
Teringin jugak la nak honeymoon overseas wpun still in asia.
If u ask me where's my dream place to be lovey dovey it'll be bali of course!
Y bali? Cos I love beaches so much n having the ideas to enjoy the sunrise n sunsets together w d one u love is my ultimate dream :)
Pas tgk pics we all siap2 g pool
Tp me n nieza jek yg swim pun
Juzz n sue lepak main air
Skang kan juzz dh kawen lepak kat umah dia pun okla kalo xleh kuwa mall kan
Lagi best cos I can swim hehe
N dat nite I managed to swim about 4 laps
Gilaaaa best
Dh la malaaamm x de org tgk sy yg sexy ni hhhahaa konon la sexy ;P
Plus I can enjoy the starry skies
B4 we made our way home, juzz gave us some ole2
A fridge magnet dat is :)
Thanx a lot darling!
N thanx for having us dat day
Nxt time kita molah pot luck k
P tggu jong bln la ooo :)
N now I'm at d ofc working as usual on sundays
Lagi 4 hari to go yawwww
To what? Well itu rahsia la
But I'll update bout it ok
Ok doky darlingsss
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone
They just came back frm their honeymoon few days back n tell u, I was so excited to meet juzz again hehe
Smpai2 jek terus tgk pics dorang kat HK.
Teringin jugak la nak honeymoon overseas wpun still in asia.
If u ask me where's my dream place to be lovey dovey it'll be bali of course!
Y bali? Cos I love beaches so much n having the ideas to enjoy the sunrise n sunsets together w d one u love is my ultimate dream :)
Pas tgk pics we all siap2 g pool
Tp me n nieza jek yg swim pun
Juzz n sue lepak main air
Skang kan juzz dh kawen lepak kat umah dia pun okla kalo xleh kuwa mall kan
Lagi best cos I can swim hehe
N dat nite I managed to swim about 4 laps
Gilaaaa best
Dh la malaaamm x de org tgk sy yg sexy ni hhhahaa konon la sexy ;P
Plus I can enjoy the starry skies
B4 we made our way home, juzz gave us some ole2
A fridge magnet dat is :)
Thanx a lot darling!
N thanx for having us dat day
Nxt time kita molah pot luck k
P tggu jong bln la ooo :)
N now I'm at d ofc working as usual on sundays
Lagi 4 hari to go yawwww
To what? Well itu rahsia la
But I'll update bout it ok
Ok doky darlingsss
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Saturday, June 12, 2010
ost lagenda budak setan
hye my readers tersayang
i miss my blog
i miss to updates like usual
like wat i always do last time
sorry for the lack of updates ya
nxt time insyaAllah i'll try my best to update at least 2hari sekali ke hehe
to all the comments for the previous entry, i dah bejaya reply semuaaaa
thanx ya for the wishes, good words..i really appreciate them all.
saya rasa sungguh dsayangi :)
so now i nak share lagu faveret frm the latest movie
"lagenda budak setan"
ada yg ckp x best langsung
ada yg siap tgk berulang kali
biasala kan ada yg suka ada yg x suka
for me cita ni sedeh
dats all
very sad n i cant help myself frm crying.
hoho mmg hebat penangannya
n maybe pasal lagu ni la yg sedeh sangat
buat terbuai gitu
i salu on pc mesti layan lagu ni kat youtube
sungguh layannnnnn
bila cinta by gio
lagu sangat best!
i sukaaaaa bangat
tapi lagu ni xde kaitan ngan i pun
sbb now mood happy2 jek
now i want to go to bed dah.
i miss posting my pic here
later la eh..
nanite baybeh!
i miss my blog
i miss to updates like usual
like wat i always do last time
sorry for the lack of updates ya
nxt time insyaAllah i'll try my best to update at least 2hari sekali ke hehe
to all the comments for the previous entry, i dah bejaya reply semuaaaa
thanx ya for the wishes, good words..i really appreciate them all.
saya rasa sungguh dsayangi :)
so now i nak share lagu faveret frm the latest movie
"lagenda budak setan"
ada yg ckp x best langsung
ada yg siap tgk berulang kali
biasala kan ada yg suka ada yg x suka
for me cita ni sedeh
dats all
very sad n i cant help myself frm crying.
hoho mmg hebat penangannya
n maybe pasal lagu ni la yg sedeh sangat
buat terbuai gitu
i salu on pc mesti layan lagu ni kat youtube
sungguh layannnnnn
bila cinta by gio
lagu sangat best!
i sukaaaaa bangat
tapi lagu ni xde kaitan ngan i pun
sbb now mood happy2 jek
now i want to go to bed dah.
i miss posting my pic here
later la eh..
nanite baybeh!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
My tuesday n soal hati :)
Its my offday today.byk benda nak update but the pics dat I want to post about x bwk la plak.
I forgot the pendrive at the ofc so later ye gang.
Nanti nak cita pasal mkn2 w hathsey and celebrate bday sue :)
Today offday mmg utk bgn lmbat
Tp best sbb bila bgn ada yg msg 'good morning'
U really make my day baby
Ooppss siapaka itu?
Emm I won't tell till the rship is stable
But what I can say he's a special person
I like him.A LOT!
N d best is the feeling is mutual :)
Ok dah dah won't reveal his identity yet
I'm happy n content dats all hehe
Dh offday ni rajin2 sket masak
I made myself a fried spagetti
Alaaaa yg simple2 jek ckup
Janji sedap n kenyang!
Ok nak smbong tgk glee jap
Till nxt update
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone
I forgot the pendrive at the ofc so later ye gang.
Nanti nak cita pasal mkn2 w hathsey and celebrate bday sue :)
Today offday mmg utk bgn lmbat
Tp best sbb bila bgn ada yg msg 'good morning'
U really make my day baby
Ooppss siapaka itu?
Emm I won't tell till the rship is stable
But what I can say he's a special person
I like him.A LOT!
N d best is the feeling is mutual :)
Ok dah dah won't reveal his identity yet
I'm happy n content dats all hehe
Dh offday ni rajin2 sket masak
I made myself a fried spagetti
Alaaaa yg simple2 jek ckup
Janji sedap n kenyang!
Ok nak smbong tgk glee jap
Till nxt update
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Sunday, June 6, 2010
turquoise wedding
ok now nak update wedding juzz plak.
im gonna update on wedding belah juzz je k.
belah aieffie blh tgk kat my fb.
bkn apa tau.nak upload pics ni lamaaaaaaaa gila
wedding belah juzz dorang buat kat umah
tema kaler turqoise
tema besties: dark brown
my baju siap a week b4 wedding hehe
me, nieza, bobet n sue pg2 dah mintak jojo mekapkan
n the outcome: marvellous!
cantek ok jojo ni mekap
sangat natural n pipi blushing2 gitu :)
okla pendek cita jom tgk pics.
pas bersanding n potong kek, ada majlis mkn nasik temuan
yg ni mmg tradisi org swak
antara geng sm sains kch yg hadir
waaaaahhh me w the bouquet.
adakah saya bakal pengantin tdk lama lagi?
suka pic ni.
im gonna update on wedding belah juzz je k.
belah aieffie blh tgk kat my fb.
bkn apa tau.nak upload pics ni lamaaaaaaaa gila
wedding belah juzz dorang buat kat umah
tema kaler turqoise
tema besties: dark brown
my baju siap a week b4 wedding hehe
me, nieza, bobet n sue pg2 dah mintak jojo mekapkan
n the outcome: marvellous!
cantek ok jojo ni mekap
sangat natural n pipi blushing2 gitu :)
okla pendek cita jom tgk pics.
pas bersanding n potong kek, ada majlis mkn nasik temuan
yg ni mmg tradisi org swak
adakah saya bakal pengantin tdk lama lagi?
selepas selesai acara d umah, we all g outdoor shooting.
we all singgah ke rumah baru pengantin.
snap2 dlm bilik la.
bilik juzz n ap sangat simple but very nice :)
yg penting dok rumah sendiri ok.
nanti kalo me kawen pun nak dok umah sendiri jugak.
privacy pls ;P
we all singgah ke rumah baru pengantin.
snap2 dlm bilik la.
bilik juzz n ap sangat simple but very nice :)
yg penting dok rumah sendiri ok.
nanti kalo me kawen pun nak dok umah sendiri jugak.
privacy pls ;P

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