wah aktiviti mlm?lain nau bunyiknyaa
well since monday till present, me n nieza went to d gym non stop.
mmg mlm g gym je laa keja nya
kata member kan sayang la dah byr monthly tp x pegi kan
salunya i will run, rowing, leg press, cuci mata eh eh bkn bkn hihi
those yg baca blog ni lama mmg tau la.
tp kan malam ni ada kelainan sket
sbb i did some weight training
ni abg aku la yg ajar all the steps.
gila sakit okkk
i'd rather run for 6 laps
but weight training is good for those who wants to lose weights faster
n it burns more calories.
after rowing for 15mins, abg sarol asked me to do
- squats for 10x[4 sets]
- lunges for 15x[4 sets]
- weight lifting[arms] yg ni 10x for 2 sets jek
gilaaaaaaaaaaaa rasa nak pengsan okkkk
nmpak cam senang
eleh camtu jek eh haaa bila dah try amik kaauuuu
bergetar kepala lutut semua
peluh xyah ckpla.
basah lencun ok
n im going to do this everytime after i run.
no pain no gain!
i dont know exactly how much i lose
tp my waist dah lost 2 inches la
dat day g tailor, dia ckp eh eh dah kurang dah
hehe senyum jek laaa
xleh excited sangat.
baruuuuu 2inches ok
ok nak tdo dah
esok i wanna try not to drink flavoured water
green tea jek boleh
yg lain semua air masak.sahaja.
we'll see how it goes.
esok i update k cerita 'fieza cuba tdak minum air bergula langsong'
tp my waist dah lost 2 inches la
dat day g tailor, dia ckp eh eh dah kurang dah
hehe senyum jek laaa
xleh excited sangat.
baruuuuu 2inches ok
ok nak tdo dah
esok i wanna try not to drink flavoured water
green tea jek boleh
yg lain semua air masak.sahaja.
we'll see how it goes.
esok i update k cerita 'fieza cuba tdak minum air bergula langsong'
go go go fieza..kitak boleh kamek pun boleh!
Yea..yea...Fieza can do it...
nampak dah kurus kitak...
sama2 kita boleh ;)
ms tikot:
thanx sis.i know i can do this but it's sooo f*ck*ng hard.hahha
will power juak mok kuat.
eh lom dengggg..kurus ya lom eh maybe ada kurang dikit hasel kerja keras.mun xda kurang mek ngempas dirik.hehe
kelak mek nempek gambar tmpt gym mek juak k. ekekekek... tapi mek nak quit.. sebab mek jarang ilak dah pegi time tok...bz sigek. mala swmmg jak tapi. sayang juak.. mek pindah g rah tmpt ktk jak bole ? hahaha berapa sebulan sia?
good luck and caiyok..caiyok..
go fieza go!
kakak! dah nampak perubahan..keep it up! chaiyok2
camne nk molah gik mlm tok? kaki dh begegar2 mbak bejalan koatan sakit. haha..
60 sebln.
makseh kin semangat tok. ;)
thanx babe! appreciate dat :)
of kos dah nmpak sket.kalo x nmpak apa2 mmg laaaa something wrong somewhere ehee
alu sik pegi ta 2 mlm tok.rest bah ckupla 4 mlm berusaha keras.hehe
cne tempat gym tok??
d matang
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