dat u keep for so long u dont have the guts to put it away?
biarla simpan sampai tua
aaa kira camtu la
maybe sesetengah org nak simpan diari
maybe nak simpan frame kenangan
or nak simpan hp nokia 3310 sempena hp pertama
as for me i have one dat i will keep as long as i could.
this is my most treasured sentimental value item dat i still keep till now.
i lost its penutup botol
mana pegi ntah
i got this for my 19th birthday in 2002
n now its already 2010 n still ada baki lagi
sengaja xnak abiskan.
sayang wooooo
actually perfume ni my 1st boyfriend bagi
i still remember when he gave me the wrapped box i was like apekebendaaaa la ni pjg betol kotak
sekali tgk perfume rupanya
kenangan cinta pertama mmg paling indah kan
u can easily forget the second,third n forth but u will never forget the 1st love
for me, i wont
cos he's the sweetest man ive ever known n whatever he's doing now, i always pray for his success.
sweet! :)
mena ta ktk. 1st ya ktk ingat smpe bila2. adeh2.
Wasehhhh.. BEst ehhh... 1st love nang susah nak d lupak... Ambik masa... huhu...
Shiohhhh...nang tahan juak kitak njaga barang lamak nok kedak ya hoh. Sentimentel value ba hoh. Aaa boh lupak jaga fridge megnet berik mek ya memena juak hoh. Sentimentel value juak ya ehek..
ada gik perfume ya?? ingat mek ngn perfume ya..time kt cuti2 kat santubong resort ktk da embak nak..time ya ktk gk ngn nya.. ;p
it iss! :)
mr abs:
kan..emm sikhal kenangan manis bah hehe
kmk sampei kinektok xpat lupak koh..
harus! dah la dapat 3 igek terus.cgek mek berik ngan nieza.hehe
kau suka na nyuroh ku ngenang.mena ka mek ada mbak?haha masa ya mek 2 stil cinta mati oiiii jgn sik tauk.haha
hehe. the first cut is always always the deepest dear.
hoho tell me about it.sakit gilaaaaa oooo tp ya juak dkenang koh
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